A collection of short stories featuring this Mr Quin. Some are nice, some are really bitter, but all are very peculiar, and every one of them has Mr Satterthwaite as the main lead. Quin is often there, or sometimes appears just for a little while. It’s like at first he taught Satterthwaite how to look at things, so that later he can do it himself.
Quin is rather a supernatural figure, like a messenger from the dead.
1. The coming of Mr Quin (è arrivato il signor Quin).
New year’s eve. A few guests at the Royston. Mr Satterthwaite likes to watch people. Mr Portal, who is a bundle of nerves, and his Australian wife, interest him a lot. The owner of the place, Evesham, knew Derek Capel who took his own life in his room right there, ten years before. Nobody knew why. All of a sudden there’s a knock at the door. Harley Quin says it’ll take his driver a half hour to fix the car, so he’ll wait insideee. It’s Quin himself who brings up Capel in the conversation. He adds that it is not impossible to find out why he did it. Everybody says what they can remember: Capel said he was engaged but could not name her yet. It happened a short time before Mrs Appleton went on trial, accused of murdering her husband, but there was no proof against her. Also, a few months after Mr Appleton’s death. They remember two more things: there was some news in the newspaper, about an order to dig up Appleton’s bodyto check for poison, and they didn’t have to call the police because the local policeman was already in, just arrived to bring news of a beloved dog found half-buried in the snow. Still, the people there are no more close to the solution than they were before. Mr Portal is more and more nervous, and Mrs Portal eavesdrop from the shadows, with her natural-blond hair died black. Quin points out that they have all the facts right there. Capel engaged to a woman whose name could not yet be revealed, a murder case, and then the newspaper. Capel reads that three days before Appleton’s body had been exhumed then from his room’s window he sees a policeman. So he kills himself. Poor Mrs Appleton was left with all the suspicions on her. She went away, moved to Australia, changed her hair color and tried to start a new life, but suspicions were always on her. Now Mr Portal apologises to his wife for the doubts that had kept on plaguing him, and she confesses she would have killed herself if things hadn’t changed because she couldn’t take it anymore.
2. The shadow on the glass (l’ombra sul vetro)
Ten sheets of paper and we have the whole story, before during and after the tragedy. We meet again Mr Satterthwaite among the guests of the Scotts in a house said to be haunted, in the way that there’s always the shadow of a man on a window glass, no matter how many times it gets changed, sooner or later the image reappears. The guests important to the story are Richard Scott the adventurer (that’s what they called an Englishman who went to Africa to shoot animals for sport), his wife Moira that he met at Cairo, Major John Porter, great friend and companion of Scott in his ‘adventures’, Iris Staverton and Captain Jimmy Allenson. It’s not clear what happened with Iris, it’s apparently awkward for her to be invited with the Scotts, I only understand that there was something once between her and Richard but it’s been over for a long time. I guess this might be reason enough for some people. The captain was in Egypt last winter and is a young man all smiles. Moira is only 20, and beautiful. It’s not long beore things get tragic. Two shots are heard, Moira and Allenson are found dead, Iris has the gun in her hand, says she just picked it up. The police is all for arresting her when mr Quin arrives. He had some business appointment, but when Mr Satterthwaite hears his name, he’s eager for him to be let in and consulted. He says that Quin has the power to show you what you yourself saw and make you understand it. Indeed, he hears what they say and also asks what’s on their minds. Satterthwaite is thinking of poor Moira with a bloody ear, but the earring was so small it could not have caused it, it’s more like a gunshot caused that injury. That makes them think they died of just one shot. If they were hugging each other, it would work alright. Then they learn the ‘haunted’ window glass had been changed in the early morning, but they saw the ghost-man: there’s a secret passage in that room, and Richard used it. He saw the couple, got insanely jealous, put a hat at the window, went down and shot them. Iris was never jealous of Scott, she is in love with Porter, very much requited.
3. At the Bells and Motley (all’insegna del giullare)
By coincidence, Mr Satterthwaite’s car breaks down in the village where Mr Quin is, just for the night, and also where three months ago a man disappeared. They talk about it together at the local Inn and come to the conclusion that it was all a scam done by a family of robbers, a mother with a son and daughter. The girl played the rich art lover who bought a house and filled it with art. The boy played the guy that marries her. But he also played the old gardener who had terrible pains, as his wife (played by the mother) could testify. So at some point, right after the quick marriage, the man disappeared, the last one to see him was ‘the gardener’. The heartbroken wife sold the house and everything in it to an American and disappeared. The gardener and his wife found job in another town somewhere. Now Mr Satterthwaite wants to give this theory to the police to prove it, so that there will be no more suspicions on a local young man who had been fired, and he will finally be able to marry the Innkeeper’s daughter.
4. The sign in the sky (la nube fatale)
Young Martitn has been found guilty of murdering Mrs Barnaby, but Mr Satterthwaite is not convinced. He finds Quin at his usul table at the restaurant. He tells everything he knows. Young and passionate Vivien married sir George, old and boring. Martin had a farm not too far from their house. She seduced him, but then after a while he fell in love with Sylvia and wanted to put a stop to their affair. Vivien wrote to him, set a date at her house to talk it out. That night she was found dead, shot. Everything accused Martin, everyone else had an alibi for the time of death. Everyone testified, but one gilr. Louisa left for Canada, and now Satterthwaite wonders why. So he sails for Canada to talk to her. One thing is for sure, sir George wanted her out of England, he even arranged for her a very good salary so she would leave immediately. There must be a reason. To get that, Satterthwaite needs to talk to Quin. Louise saw the train arrive shortly before she heard the shot, which means it could not have happened when they said it happened - because that line is rather precise, apparently, and is impossible that the train arrived ten minutes early. So, if she heard the 18:28 train, then when the butler said it was 18:20 it’s because the clocks were all on the wrong time, because sir George set them so. At this point it’s obvious George did it, having found out about her obsession with Martin. Quin suggests talking to Martin’s girlfriend, Sylvia. Sylvia goes to talk to sir George and manages to get a signed confession out of him.
5. The soul of the croupier (anche i croupier amano)
Satterthwaite is in Monaco, France. He is unsettled because of the stories around him, he doesn’tl ike what he sees but can’t do anything about it, until he meets Quin again. Quin puts together a little group of people that will sort it out. There are young Americans Franklin and Elizabeth. She loves him, but he’s fascinated by countess Czarnova with her adventourous life. Then there is Pierre the croupier, that that same night gave to the countess what was rightfully Satterthwaite’s win. At some point, he tells his story, of how he had a big future and an arranged marriage, until one day he met a starving girl. He married her; his family was angry. He wanted her to be grateful though, so she became distant and they argued until she left. She came back some time later with rich clothes and jewels, but he played it cold, not wanting to give her the satisfaction. She got angry, told him she hated him and left. Years later, he found work as a croupier until he met her again. He could tell her jewels were fake, she sold them because she was broke. That night she had lost the last money she had, so he gave the win to her. When she asks why, he says pity, so she burns the money and walks away. Pierre admires her fire, calls her magnificent, and runs after her. Franklin stays with Elizabeth, happy to see an American face. Someone he can understand. Satterthwaite is glad the two couples have settled themselves. Sort of.
6. The world’s end (alla fine del mondo)
Satterthwaite goes to Corsica because a duchess wants him to go along, and Corsica is cheaper than France, apparently. There they meet Naomi, a talented artist but a depressed girl. They go on a trip, and after a rather bumpy ride, Naomi leads them to a place she calls ‘the end of the world’. They meet Harley Quin there. When it starts snowing, they all move inside the local Inn, or whatever, and meet theatre producer Vyse and also Rosina Nunn the famous actress with her husband. It was her that accused Alec of theft, the year before, because he stole her beloved opal. He’s been in prison all this time. Now an Indian doctor who joined them for the trip, shows them the secret of the Indian box she has with her. With a little manipulation, it makes things disappear. She didn’t know that. When he shows them how to make them reappear, there they see her opal! So they understand that Alec didn’t steal anything after all. Alec was Naomi’s boyfriedn. She was so desperate without him, she had planned a car ‘accident’ to end it, but now she’s happy. Quin leaves.
7. The voice in the dark (una voce nel buio)
Satterthwaite is given a ‘mission’ by lady Stranleigh, to help her daughter. Margery, daughter of one of her four ex-husbands. Margery hears a voice at night, demanding she gives back what she stole, and Margery is sure it’s real, she has even a small injury to prove it. Satterthwaite meets Quin on the train and talks to him, telling him of how Barbara Starleigh became rich. She and her sister Beatrice were poor, but then there were three sudden deaths, then the ship she was on sank and Beatrice drowned. So when old Starleigh died, there was nobody else and she got it all, title and money. Things become more serious when Barbara goes to visit her daughter and is found dead in her bathtub, drowned. Satterthwaite comes to see Margery writing her will, sure she’ll be next. But now he can see the full name of her maid, Alice Clayton.While remembering those days for Mr Quin, he had recalled the young maid he once kissed, and she looked nothing like the Clayton in the house. So he understands. Alice drowned, but Beatrice only got a bad concussion and couldn’t remember who she was. Barbara took her chance, told her she was the maid, so she could inherit. Beatrice was the older sister, it would have all gone to her. Still, things end there because they find Beatrice/Clayton dead in her room by a heart attack.
8. The face of Helen (il volto di Elena)
The title means that this girl, Gillian, has a face so beautiful that is can cause tragedies. It already got her troubles in the past. Now it could do it again. Satterthwaite meets Quin at the Opera, but they part ways before anything happens. Satterthwaite saw a beautiful girl, Gillian, with a face so beautiful he never thought he’d see one like her, like Elena or Cleopatra. He drives her home, when her ‘friend’ Philip starts a fist fight with another friend of hers, Charlie. When she later tells Philip she got engaged to Charlie, he seems to take it well, but Satterthwaite can’t believe it. It doesn’t seem Philip’s nature at all. After he has a talk with Philip, he understands the plan and hurries to Gillian’s house. She was home alone listening to the radio. When the tenor singing will reach a particularly high note, a very fragile glass that he gave to her will break and what’s inside will kill whoever breathes it. He arrives on time and pulls her out of the house. The cat that sneaked inside will die there. Not sure how long they waited, or how could they know when it’d be safe to go in, we’re not told any of that, but we see Satterthwaite meeting Philip again, telling him everything. A few minutes later, a noise is heard, like someone throwing himself in the river, suicide.
9. The dead Harlequin (L’Arlecchino morto)
Everything starts with a painting with that title, the dead Harlequin; Satterthwaite buys it because the man in the painting looking in the room with the dead body, he looks a lot like Mr Quin. Later on, two women express their desire to buy it from him. He had been discussing the death that happened in that house, so easily recognizable in the painting. The two women now are both in his house, and so is Mr Quin, all of a sudden. Satterthwaite recalls what happens, lady Alix Charnley says her husband shot himself because he got a maid pregnant and the girl Monica Ford would have told his wife and maybe others. But Satterthwaite is fixed on the painting, with the man seeing everything and looking like Mr Quin; so he doesn’t believe that story. The painting shows a big room with the body and a small carpet. Everybody thought Reggie Charnley shot himself in the small room where the carpet had always been before. Satterthwaite deduces/guesses the truth: Reggie was killed earlier, in the big room, then two people moved the body to the other room and covered the blood with the rug. Then one put on wig and costume and pretended to be Reggie while Monica Ford called him iwth that name to make everyone believe it. Once locked inside the small room, the man shot at a wall or something. It is said many duels happened in that room, so it would not be noticed. The man hid so people entering only saw the dead body. The other woman in the room is actress Aspasia Glen, who 14 years before was Monica Ford. The man she helped as Hugo Charnley, the next male heir who hoped to inherit everything, but he didn’t know lady Charnley was pregnant, and the baby was born a boy, so Hugo got nothing after all. Now Aspasia blames Quin, says he saw it all, but they won’t ever catch her, she’s a great actress and will never be found.
10. The bird with the broken wing (L’uccello con l’ala spezzata)
Satterthwaite refused an invitation from Madge Keeley, but then some guys doing a seance receive a message: it’s for Satterthwaite, and it’s one word only, the place where he was invited to : Laidell. He immediately changes his mind and goes. Madge is a nice girl who just gott secretly engaged to Roger Graham. Her father David had a brilliant mind, but he always got unnoticed. Doris and Mrs Graham plus Mabelle Annesley and her husband Gerard. Mabelle strucks Satterthwaite as enchanting, unreal, makes him think of a bird with a broken wing. Mabelle has a sad family history: a brother died of suicide, another during an earthquake and a sister drowned. Mabelle met a man in the woods before coming here, the twilight making him look like a Arlecchino. Satterthwaite thinks of Quin. Then he thinks of her walking or singing alone, and thinks she’s sad and looking for solitude, but she says she’s happy. After they dine all together, Mabelle is asked to play her ukulele and sing, then they retire for the night. Madge reminds her of taking her ukulele with her now or she’ll forget it when she’ll leave in the early morning. So she does. The next morning, Madge enters Satterthwaite room still trembling, with the news of her suicide. By hanging. He tells the police she was murdered, but they already know, the doctor told them. Satterthwaite easily finds out that Mabelle was in love with Roger, it was easy to guess, but he had decided to end it because it was wild and unreal and it scared him. His mother took their letters and burnt them. Satterthwaite doesn’t like Doris, and when she gives him a judgementl look for touching Mabelle’s ukulele, he challenges her to tune it right. She tries, and a string breaks. She says it was the wrong one, shouldn’t have been there, and he gets it. He takes it and goes to David Keeley. He accuses David of killing her, and he admits it with a crazy laugh. Nobody ever noticed him, so he decided to have some fun at their expenses. On the train back, Satterthwaite meets Quin and expresses his regret for not saving her, but Quin asks him if death is really the worst thing that could happen, and he agrees that no, for Mabelle it probably wasn’t. And she’s probably a whole bird now, with no broken wings anymore.
11. The man from the sea (L’uomo venuto dal mare)
Satterthwaite saves two lives, maybe three, in this. He’s on vacation on an island. He takes a walk around an old, beautiful house. He meets Anthony, who came there hoping to be alone so he could kill himself. The doctors gave him only six months of life left, so he wants to end it now. The night before he was stopped by a man that we know was Quin. He regrets now being so alone, and would like to have a son to leave behind something of himself. Then he wanders out of curiosity, and tries to open the window of the house, to take a look inside, but comes face to face with a woman. She tells him her story. She married at 18, she loved him until he became violent and cruel. When he drowned she was happy; it was his fault if she lost her baby too and after a while she became lonely and her desire for a baby grew. She had a fling with a man, he left soon later and she never told him, didn’t even know who he was. She raised her son John, loving him and learning to love his father through him. Now, John has a girl and wants to know everything about his father, but he’s so proud he won’t be able to accept being illegitimate, so she plans on killing herself before his arrival. Satterthwaite manages his words so that she’ll be at that window when Anthony will try to open it… and indeed that happens, and he was John’s father, and now they will get married and with all her will to live she has no intention of simply waiting for him to die, she’ll do anything to have him live. When Satterthwaite meets Quin he’s not surprised, he was waiting for him. Quin says that the other night he came here because he had a task to do. Given to him by who? Quin says that the man who died there 22 years before actually loved his wife, in some irrational way he was cruel because he loved her but couldn’t relate to her as he wanted. So maybe the dead man felt regret, wanted to make amends, and if that desire was strong enough he might be able to find a messenger… when Satterthwaite makes to leave, Quin says he’ll go back the way he came, and he moves towards the cliff, towards the sea…
12. Harlequin’s lane (il sentiero di Arlecchino)
Satterthwaite is invited at the Denham’s house. They’re not ‘his people’ but he goes anyway because intrigued by a Chinese screen in an otherwise boring room. It’s precious, worthy of a museum, in a room filled with solid, classic English furniture. Both John and Anna seem without fire. A Claude Wickham wrote some beautiful music, and a play is about to take place, with dancing and singing. When two professional dancers get injured, Anna and Quin will dance the parts fo Colombina and Arlecchino. Anna was once a great dancer, but she gave it up for her husband, because he wanted her for himself. Now, unseen, she hears him profess his love for young Molly. The dance is beautiful, she has found the perfect, real Arlecchino. John is enchanted, but she knows it wouldn’t last. Oranoff has always loved her, the great dancer, although he hasn’t seen her in years. Instead of going with one of them, she walks what people call ‘the lover’s lane’, but is actually called Harlequin’s lane, with Quin. Only Satterthwaite can see he’s with her, so he’s the only one to understand when they found her dead in a beautiful pose. It was always said that Satterthwaite sees things others don’t see, so only him saw Quin with her. This Arlecchino, this messenger from death that this time came to take someone instead of saving him like last time.