The three evangelists! So happy to see them again! I don't care much for Louis Kehlweiler, but I like Marthe and I love the Evangelists, all three of them. :-)
The story: two women dead, murdered. A young man walks through Paris frantically looking for Marthe. When he was a little boy, she took care of him, the only person that showed him affection. He's a bit slow in the head and he needs her help. Finally he asks Marthe's "ex-collegues" Line and Giséle and he finds her. He tells her everything: he has watched those two girls for a few days because a man 'hired' him to do so, and now the police have his description and is looking for him. Marthe does the only thing she can: she calls for Kehlweiler's help. Everything is against this Clément Vauguer, but Marthe loves him so Louis helps her, and hides him in the evangelists' house. Marc, Lucien, Matthias and the old Vandoosler make turns to keep an eye on him. Louis investigates with the help of Marc, who in these days is working as a 'cleaning-lady'-guy.
He finds another victim of the same guy, and the first one who was assaulted and raped and then killed. Lucien finds a connection between the names of the streets in which the last two girls lived: a poem, so they start guarding three streets every night hoping to prevent the next murder, until Marc realizes who the murderer is and leaves his post to go and follow him, and succeeds in stopping him.
First time I 'saw' that man I thought of him as the murderer, but then I let Vargas take me to the wrong path and I followed Louis' suspicions on those other two disgusting individuals. This book was full of shit men. After the police arrest Merlin, Clément's position is cleared, and yet he's still at the evangelists' house, working with Matthias in the basement. It's not said how long he'll stay there, I really hope there will be more books with the evangelists, I love them :-) They're so adorable and good :-)
ITA: Io sono il tenebroso
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