venerdì 25 agosto 2017

Doctor Who Time crash

There is another little special, in the  season 4 Dvd. It's called Time Crash, written by Moffat, and is a lovely little piece in which our Ten meets Five, played by Peter Davison, and it's very funny and nice. Ten of course knows immediately who the other is, but Five can't know him. Ten is having fun, and making fun of the other eccentricities, and then he says: "You know, I loved being you. Back when I first started, at the very beginning, I was always trying to be old and grumpy and important—like you do, when you're young. And then I was you, and it was all dashing about and playing cricket and my voice going all squeaky when I shouted. I still do that, the voice thing, I got that from you. Oh, and the trainers. And... [putting his glasses on] snap! 'Cos you know what, Doctor? You were my Doctor" and I love this speech so much. I love it because those last words will always be my words for David, because he will always be My Doctor, but also because he discribed the First Doctor that way, because the first was older than all the others, which might look strange, and here we have a perfect explanation, or description. "trying to be old and grumpy, like you do when you're young" : brilliant!!!

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