sabato 11 maggio 2019

The congress - 2013

What a chance wasted, what’s up with all this cartoon nonsense? This was a real waste of time, it was awful. Yes, there was a message behind, no doubt, but the movie was awful nonetheless. It started intriguing, I admit that, but as soon as the cartoon started it was ruined. First I didn’t like the cartoons, and second, it stopped making real sense.
It starts with Robin Wright, I like her so that was good. She’s an actress and her agent is calling her Robin and talking about her ‘last chance’ at a job. You soon realise that the name is not a coincidence, she’s playing herself; they say she blew her career because she was always too emotional and made all the worst career choices, and offer her to sell the rights to her digital image, so that she won’t work herself but they’ll make all the movies they want using her image; a lawyer handles the contract, to set a few rules (I understand the no-porn-rule, but why no fantasy?? )and the contract is valid for twenty years. She accepts because they say the world is changing and there will be no more roles for her and she has a daughter and a son that needs treatment because he has a syndrome and he’s slowly becoming deaf and blind. 
After twenty years she’s ask to ne-new the contract - she has ‘starred’ in the series “Rebel Robot Robin” (the trailer seemed ok but the one scene showed looked rather embarrassing, when she was dropped from an airplane riding a bomb like a cowgirl..) and also given ‘interviews’ and everything.
She’s to speak at a congress, as the symbol of the new era or something, but to reach said congress she has to inhale something... and then it starts: one second a beautiful Robin Wright is driving a fancy car, the next moment a fake-looking-cartoon is on a boat, through a too-colourful landscape full of smiling-octopus and other strange things. She reaches a hotel full of people - everything is a cartoon now - and some people inhale something and change their appearance, but only for a second so I don’t see the point, really. 
The lights go off in her room and she asks a robot-servant: is it really dark or is it all in my mind? And the answer is that everything is in her mind, if she sees the dark it’s because she chose the dark.
Now she’s told that they don’t want just her digital image as before, but they want to make lots of chemical products of her, so that people could become her or something. The future is chemical, apparently. At the congress, Robin is presented as the symbol of the new era, digital and chemical, but when she steps on the stage she starts speaking of her son and children in need, and they don’t like it, but at that moment the guy who was talking gets shot by the rebels and she flees when the rebels attack in number. She’s helped by a guy, Dylan, who says that he’s the one who cured the ‘animation’ of her digital self for the past twenty years. They go downstairs to a strange place flooded place where they need air-bubbles around their heads and also to sit on a couch (and Dylan shoves away rudely a rude guy with two girls.. well, in the back there were many other empty seats so... was it really necessary? ) . There are many more strange images then she falls asleep and is kidnapped by the local police and executed... but she wakes up again, still a cartoon. Doctors says that she’s been heavily poisoned by chemicals and there’s no cure so she’ll be hibernated, waiting for a cure. She dreams of meeting again her son Aaron, and then she wakes up again, who knows how much time has passed. Dylan appears again saying that he waited for her, and now she can be cured. They walk around; apparently now people use chemicals to be whatever they want, and everything appears wonderful and a real utopia - or at least they say that, that they can have whatever they want, with the right chemicals. She keeps thinking of her son Aaron. Dylan tells her that her daughter Sarah is happy now, a naturalist, but she wouldn’t recognise her so they don’t go to her. He says that he loves her and there’s an animated-sex-scene, then in a restaurant (where they are served by someone looking like Michael Jackson in his red-outfit) she asks if she could get out of that chemical place, and he tells her that there’s a way but he thinks that there’s no way of coming back afterwards. He gives her a pill that’s supposed to wipe out all the chemicals in her so she’s be in the real world again. Much like Matrix, you know. There’s only one pill, and he gives it to her. 
She takes the pill and after a moment she sees a lot of poor people in a sort of post-apocaliptic world, everyone is just standing there, spacing-out, on drugs. 
There are still ‘normal’ people, and they are all on airships-zeppelins. She enters one wearing her dirty-homeless-clothes, looking for Doctor Barker, the one who treated Aaron. They are happy to see each other, but he tells her that Aaron waited a long time for her and eventually took the drugs to escape and not being alone, six months before. In those years he had become almost completely blind, and the doctors asked him to take the drugs, to escape. 
Now she has nothing in this world, so she hopes she can go back to where she came from, but he tells her that that place doesn’t really exist, it was created by her mind, so now she would go somewhere else, where her mind takes her. 
She inhales something again and she’s back in an animated world, where she relives Aaron’s life through his eyes, since birth to the day he took the drugs. She looks like him now, and at the end she finds Aaron, and the movie ends. 
So what, after taking the drugs their real bodies were just standing there, while their minds went to an animated world that only them can see? So everything Dylan told her was actually only in her mind? Nothing of it really happened? What about the rebellion, and her daughter? Is that simply what she wanted to think? Who takes care of their bodies, then? By looking at her and the other people, it looks like they didn’t change or shower, but what about food? 
And if she could choose in her mind where to go, then why couldn’t she go back, find Dylan again and also her son and daughter? Imagining a happy life where they are all together?
Bleah, I didn’t like it at all, once the cartoon started it was all almost unbearable to watch. I’ll never watch this thing again!

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