domenica 7 luglio 2019
Longmire season 5
1 - A fog that won't lift
Cady finds Walt all bloddy and Donna's missing. Matthias blackmails Henry into helping him, as Hector. Vic kisses Walt while he's in the hospital. He doesn't know who did it but Walt walks out.
Browning was released on sheriff Wilkins' orders.
Vic helps him get dressed :p Vic thinks Donna was the primary target, Walt insists he was trying to hurt him.
Vic has a hard time getting him to take care of himself, he even spits his pill, and she has to force him to take it, then Vic takes him to Henry's house to rest, because his house is a crime scene.
At Donna's house, they meet her son and he's a jerk and I despise him.
Cady tells Walt that she's working for Jacob. Walt has Henry drive him, but then Matthias calls him and he has to go :(
Walt never asks him about anything, how he's doing or stuff like that, he never notices when he's troubled :-( poor Henry, he seems so alone.
2 - One good memory
Poor Henry, he's sent to retrieve something at a thief's house and is caught again and has to run; turns out Matthias set him up to give him a legally excuse to search the place.
Walt confronts Browning but he doesn't have Donna. Amos gets fired.
Duncan takes a man hostage at the Red Pony, saying that he took Donna. Henry follows him but also calls the police. Henry stops Duncan while Vic jumps on the other guy's back :p
Duncan set Donna's van on fire. Tamar took Donna (the troubled ex-soldier, rape-victim, protecting her)
Finally Henry backs out on his deal with Matthias and tells him "I will not be manipulated or exploited anymore, I'd rather be back in prison. And I am sorry, I realise this puts you in a difficult position. You told me you were having a tough time getting people on the res to trust you. I imagine that will become even more difficult when they learn that you were the one that arrested Hector. You think people will thank you for getting their folk-hero to the white man's prison?" and "I would like to re-negotiate the terms of our arrangement" :-)
Walt saves Donna, Tamar calms down, has him cuff her, then asks for a moment alone and they let her, and just talk to themselves! How stupid was that! I was sure she'd jump in the lake! Still, Walt finds her and takes her out... alive. Good. Come on, suicidal, traumatised, and they left her alone!
3 - Chrysalis
Cady finds a white ten-year-old girl alone outside the casino and calls Walt. The Indian community resents the money Jacob gave Cady instead of them.
Henry helps Cady find an 'office' on the res, an empty house. She understands that Henry loves her like a father, but also "underestimates her like a father".
Vic is still too interested in Walt's romantic life, and is openly hostile to Donna: "I have no idea what makes you worthy of him, I really don't" OMG when will she stop?!?
Olivia's dad was run over and killed. Olivia's mom is addicted to painkillers because her husband beat her. Olivia ran over her dad to help her mother.
Jacob gives Cady a rifle as a symbol of trust.
4 - The Judas wolf
Cady can't represent Walt in the civil suit and he says that she chose Nighthorse over him :-/
Henry asks Cady's help to become foster parent to an orphan Cheyenne boy, then hugs her :-) so sweet :-) but then the boy is found hanged (suicide?) and Henry and Matthias cry their heart out together. It was the most moving scene, heartbreaking, never seen either of them so desperate :-(
Cady sends Walt a lawyer. Everybody knows about Walt's civil suit case.
A guy kidnaps hunter Dan to take his kidney for his dad. Henry steals and burns the dealer's drugs that killed the boy's father.
5 - Pure Peckinpah
Vic buys a 'house', a sort of camper, however she called it.
Bob's son Billie is on heroine and needs help, so they bring him to rehab. Henry finds the dealer dead in front of the Red Pony. He calls Matthias and then Walt. He thinks the body was left there because of him, because he's Hector, but it doesn't occur to him that Malachi's there too!
Ferg kisses the cute nurse that gave him Tamar's name :-)
Walt looks at the dead dealer's house and sees Hector lives written there, so he looks at Hector as his prime suspect!
I was right, it was a message to Malachi :-/
Looking for the new Hector, Vic feels like not-ruling-out Zach.
Ferg: "Zach just wanted to help people" - Vic:"I'm sure that's what the new Hector thinks he's doing too, I just feel like we shouldn't discount people because we feel like we know them, especially if they're feeling powerless" and !!! that so applies to Henry.
Walt goes to ask Henry is Matthias is Hector! I laughed out loud! Henry has some very logial and true replies :-) I loved that scene lol and the next one, when Henry tells Matthias about it lol
Matthias "oh shit" - Henry "well put" lol
Travis fixes Vic's camper :-) then catches the girl Vic was looking for :p
He talks about a red-headed guy.
Matthias is in Walt's office when they get a call that Hector did something :-p He burned the pizza guy pot, so Walt is now ok believing that Hector only burned the drugs :-)
Matthias "Like I said, Hector doesn't kill" :-)
Vic helps Jul and her granny who calls her "her precious Juliet" :-)
Vic takes Billy to another clinic and Ferg takes the red-headed dealer to the Feds but on the road a lot of armed men show up to free the guy. We hear gunshots! Ferg!!!
6 - Objection
Walt missed the deposition for his case and his lawyer's pissed, of course.
Walt finds Ferg's empty police car but no Ferg! Well, it's good, no body...
A terrified girl takes refuge in Cady's office. Walt finds Ferg alive but very shaken up. A Fed guy says that they are the Irish mob.
Jacob is right you know, Walt really goes after him every chance he gets :-/
Ferg: "I don't deserve to be here, I screwed up" and "should I resign" but Vic supports him :)
At the deposition, Walt does his best to ruin himself, I say, because honestly Jacob didn't say anything bad, Walt got up and started shouting!
He's a good man, I know, but sometimes (oftentimes) he's a real idiot! :-/
Ferg is called Archie :) I didn't know that. His girlfriend is proud of him and I'm glad he has her :)
The scene between Henry and Jacob was good too :D
The lawyer saying "you're pulling a Columbo" :lol:
Mandy (the girl escaping) asks Cady's help. JP's wife is in bad condition, badly beaten up. Asha thinks there's nothing she can do and both girls want to be free of JP, and Cady helps.
Ferg retrieves his badge that Eddie touched, providing proof :)
Browning makes a deposition against Walt :-/ and he just leaves :-/
Henry asks Walt what's going on, never the other way around :-/
Henry tries to help and Walt brings trouble :-/
Walt is truly obsessed with Jacob :-/ I'm rather tired of this, no, very tired of this :-/ he needs to move on too, like Vic :-/
Walt tells Cady to quit :-/
Walt wants to settle but now they refuse to settle.
I tell you, I love scenes between Henry and Matthias, or Henry and Jacob... but I'm getting really tired of Walt and Vic's obsessions!!!
7 - From this day forward
Walt can't relax in his home after what happened with Tamar so he takes her in the middle of nowhere in his car like when he was a teenager... can't decide if that's more funny or embarrassing...
Asha slept in front of Cady's office, not knowing where to go, still scared even after Cady gave her husband a restraining order.
Two men find a corpse in a hollow tree while looking for a treasure: Tony. His wife and mother-in-law thought he abandoned her two years ago.
Asha's staying at Cady's office but one night JP comes to tell her that he's getting sober and she was about to forgive him but Cady outs his lies and she stays.
Walt sent Ferg to Colorado to check an address, and he brings his girlfriend along.
Cady asks Henry to take Asha in for a few days, to keep her safe. She means good, I like what she's doing, but they all go to Henry wanting something... still, I'm not complaining about her, at least she really cares and helped him when he needed her, when he was in prison...
Tony's mother-in-law hired a man to kill him because he wanted to divorce his wife for her money.
JP bursts in with a gun, and Cady shoots him with Jacob's rifle.
8 - Stand your ground
Jacob calls Walt because the Irish mob left him a warning threat, and he insists they're not his partners, in fact he cancelled all reservation for their 'manifest destinations' and he wants protection.
Henry goes to pick Asha up, but Cady's at Matthias office.
Walt goes to Vic's place to tell her he hired Amon as security for Jacob, and that he could be responsible for it because he "may have threatened the head of the Irish mob to his face".... :p
"I do realise in retrospective I may have gone a bit too far" so they may have put a hit on Walt... he doesn't call the FBI because there's a leak there.
Instead of backing up her story, Asha accuses her of murdering her husband, because JP died, during surgery. Cady thought she saved her life, but she still say she loved him.
With her phone call, Cady called Jacob, not Walt, and Jacob sent a lawyer.
Henry called Walt, when he thought she'd been shot. Once again Walt is blaming it on Jacob, but Cady had asked Walt's help and he had turned her down, told her to quit.
Henry finds Malachi's secret book :-) and brings it to Jacob.
Walt talks to the Irish boss.
Cady has more clients now, but she's not happy to have it this way.
Walt goes back to accuse Jacob, but then they got shot at. Amon gets shot in the leg and Vic tells Walt that she's not dating Amon; There's a 20.000$ bounty on Hector: Matthias"I might start thinking about killing you" - Henry "that is not funny" - Matthias "sure it is" :lol these two.
No charges against Cady.
Finally Walt goes after Malachi but of course, knowing him, Malachi puts it all on Jacob.
Cady cries in Henry's arms, then Jacob comes to see how she's doing. Henry told her she's his family and a true Cheyenne warrior, and asked Matthias a favour to give her her rifle back, then Jacob tells her he knew she had the strength to handle the job and that he's proud of her.
Vic took a pregnancy test.
Jacob banishes Malachi, taking Henry with him so he can get him to sign the document that gives him back his Red Pony :) He signed! Finally!
9 - Continual soiree
Henry has his bar back, and has changed all the locks already by morning, and fires Darius and also takes his picture to add it to the no-serve-board .
Vic must go testify against Chance Gilbert and he will be representing himself, poor girl. Gilbert talks about her "romantic obsession" : the whole trial is difficult to bear :-/
Travis finds out she's pregnant and thinks he's the father.
Walt is angry with Henry because he gave the book to Jason. It was a glorious day for Henry but Walt can only think of busting Jacob, even wonders if Henry or Jacob or both killed Malachi, and if that wasn't enough already he says that he and Henry used to be on the same side, before Jacob turned Henry and Cady against him :-/ I mean, he's gone, he totally lost it...
Jacob asks Cady to hire some Indian help and gives her names of people with relatives in the council, because of politics .
Walt asks Matthias help to look for Malachi. Walt then goes to accuse Jacob of murdering Malachi, and his smile is almost maniacal. He also wants to bring down Hector :-/ Walt goes to Cady to ask if either Jacob or Henry (!!!) asked her to assist Hector... she tells him that Henry and Jacob are not perfect but they are good men; he says that Cady and Henry are falling for Jacob's act regardless of what he (Walt) says, and Cady calls it "irrational Nighthorse obsession", that his judgement is biased and he should consider retiring, and before he goes "ehi dad, I'm totally over shooting and killing that man so, thanks for asking" because he didn't, of course, not once.
Cady tells Walt of the kid that killed himself, and Walt finally starts thinking of Henry as Hector. He goes in and accuses Henry of dishonesty and disloyalty and then they fight!!
10 - The stuff dreams are made of
Walt talks to his lawyer while Henry talks to Matthias.
He was the one man that always had his back, and he attacked him :-/
Gilbert was found guilty on all charges, good.
Henry and Jacob talk about Malachi, civilly :)
Gilbert asks Walt to be put in death-row, instead of jail for twenty years. Of course, he was all freedom-talk (his own freedom, that is) so jail is worse than death. Well, good.
The mayor suspends Walt until his trial's over. Cady hires Mandy officially, so she puts back the money she had taken...
Donna questions their relationship and they talk and I guess they broke up.
A fanatic of Gilbert's tries to drown Vic and Travis wants to take care of her, if she only let him. He insists and takes her to a doctor.
Cady is about to get adopted in the Cheyenne tribe.
Henry sent Walt his soldier-Indian figurines with a note "always remember the asymptote".
The mayor offers Jacob to solve his biggest problem: Walt. He can take him down.
A woman asks for help at the Red Pony and of course Henry offers to help, and he falls into Malachi's trap and gets tortured.
Somebody save him, my Henry!!
Malachi, Darius and their men leave him tied up to the ground in Crow territory, under the sun, and Malachi used the stakes Jacob uses for his warrior rituals. I guess he figured that Walt will be happy to suspect Jacob of Henry's murder, after finding his body. Well, I know he won't die, for two reasons: first, that would be unacceptable because Henry's the best character of the show, and second, because LDP tweeted me (can you believe that? how nice!) that he'll have many scenes in season 6 so I'm really looking forward to it :-)
Cady goes through the ritual and becomes part of the Cheyenne tribe. It ends with Cady having a vision, strange to describe: Henry hanged (sob) but still answering his phone; her dad gone, blood in her office, Jacob dressed as a warrior, then Walt too...
Walt finds out the truth behind his lawsuit: they want his land, and if he's sentenced to pay them all the money they're asking for he'll have no choice but to sell his place!
finally got around to copy this :-p
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