This is a strange series because the main character is not just peculiar, she is some sort of immortal creature, not really good nor evil. She doesn’t seem to feel any pain or bother at all with mortal concerns (unless she wants to pretend she does for the people around her). She’s been hurt, beaten, killed, but she doesn’t care, doesn’t appear to feel it at all and is never scared.
At first I thought she would punish in her own way those who did bad things, taking the part of the victims, I’m sure I heard or read something like that somewhere, but that’s not really true. It can happen, but it’s not why she does things.
Sometimes she punishes bad people, quite often she tempts others to see what they’ll do. Also, she’s not overly concerned if someone gets hurt during her schemes, it sort of seems like she is just playing to see what will happen, how far will people go, what people will choose under certain circumstances and under temptation.
She is clearly immortal, and she can also be in more places at once.
Nanno attends many different high schools throughout the series. I can’t read the school names on their uniforms (only two of them were clearly different uniforms, one red and one with a short skirt, the others looked pretty much the same), so either she attended one school for more episodes, or some actors were in more episodes.
1 - Ugly truth
A school nominated Purest School of the Year, they make videos on meditation and stuff like that.
When a young female teacher, Mali, proposes teaching the students about safe sex, she is rejected with the usual thing that by talking about it you encourage teenagers to think of sex…
Nanno is a new student. She volunteers, along with another girl, to take part in Mr Win’s yoga video. He has a wife and a daughter, Vaew.
A girl, Mei, looked pretty uncomfortable with the idea of doing another video with him.
Nanno sends home the other girl and goes alone to shoot the video, and while filming the professor starts kissing her and has sex with her. He calls her again later to do it again; she acts cold so he shows her the video he made of them doing it and tells her he would release it, as blackmail. When he goes home, his wife tells him that Nanno returned his phone and is now upstairs with his daughter. She stays for dinner and makes her a sort of permanent presence in her daughter’s life. She also recorded her conversation with Win.
Mei is pregnant and Nanno offers to take her to abort , like the father of the baby wants her to. I guess they talk a bit, and apparently she changes her mind, keeps the baby and leaves school.
Nanno leaves Vaew alone with her boyfriend in an empty room with a bed. She’s filming her, and she shows it to Win. He has to give her the password of his computer to know where she is, so he rushes there to hit the boy and take her home. He’s all angry at her, but she just saw videos on the boy’s phone of Win’s ‘activities’. She runs away from him and is hit by a car. Poor Vaew, he was her role model.
Not really sure about the end, what happened, is he the only one arrested or those other two as well? I’m not sure, there was a video that showed a guy and a woman having sex… well, it was the two that were opposed to teaching safe sex in school, so the scandal may be explained by that…
2 - Apologies
An ep about people apologising and then committing the same mistake over and over, and keeping apologising, instead of stopping making the same mistake.
It starts with a girl being secretly buried in her school uniform.
Two girls, Taew and I-Tim, are constantly approached by three guys that want to get to Nanno. It hurts. They are good friends, Taew and ITim, but they had enough. They refused at first, but now they accept concert tickets in exchange for bringing Nanno to a party where the guys want to get her drunk.
But Nanno doesn’t get drunk, so the girls put pills in her glass. Nanno passes out and the guys want to have sex with her one after the other, but she wakes up. The others keep the door locked until he’s done and he forces himself on her, but she mocks him and laughs at him so he strangles her while raping her. They bury her somewhere, all together. She comes to while they shoving dirt on her, so they finish her off and cover her entirely.
Saying ‘I’m sorry Nanno’ afterwards does not make it right!!!!!
Next day, though, Nanno comes to class like nothing happened.
They discuss the situation at Hok’s house, where they had the ‘party’ the night before, and Nanno shows up. She recorded everyone on her phone so they suffocate her all together and go to bury her again. She laughs in their faces so Hok smashes her face with the shovel. While he’s doing it, a second Nanno walks up to them. They try to kill this one too and another one appears.
The episode ends with Nanno going to school like nothing ever happened, and the others looking freaked out... which is quite a light punishment for what they did.
3 - Trophy
In the world there’s only place for the geniuses, not normal people.
Nanno is the genius of the school (in Physics and Buddism…). Pui just won a literary prize, thus is their latest genius. Her friend Mew is upset, they were losers together…
Nanno tells Mew that both her and Pui won by copying things on Google and altering it a little to make it theirs, so she does the same for the art assignment. She prints a flower she liked and thre some paint at it, and the teacher entered it in an art competition and she won.
Now everyone appreciates her; her parents were ignoring her or comparing her to her more successful sister, now they praise her, so she keeps doing it. And again and again, posting lots of stuff online, then for the oncoming open house event at her school she’s asked to do one live on stage that will be broadcast live.
She tries at home (and here it goes, a line done wrong in a big white piece of paper and it gets thrown away, what a waste…)
Mew begs and cries and begs Pui to hit her arm with a hammer that she brought. Pui refuses and she does it herself, but then screams and yells that Pui did it to her.
(Why does her mom feed her? She could eat with her left hand)
Nanno reminds everyone that she posted online that she made one with her left hand, so they still expect her to do it. Everyone does their bit (musicians, dancers etc) then it’s her turn to go on stage.
A girl jumps on stage saying Mew stole her friend’s work (the first flower) but the principal accuses her of lying. They all urge Mew to draw something to prove what it true and who’s lying.
Mew can’t create something like that, of course, and what she draws looks nothing like the one she copied, but the people of the school insist that it is the same and that she is a genius, and that the other girl is just jealous because she comes from the school that is always second to them.
Well, Nanno didn’t really uncover anything here, and the liars came out on top… What is the meaning of this?
4 - Hi-So
What can money buy?
On her first day, among many other things apparently, Nanno bought an entire room at school, and put her name outside the door. She says it’s her own new company, and she starts when a boy doesn’t get a good enough grade, not enough to earn him a new bike courtesy of his dad, that is, so he wants her to changes it for him in exchange of money. Everyone says it’s cheap enough, so he accepts and it goes so well that many other people start asking for things. She says she can do anything, so they ask her lots of different stuff: a gay boy asks her for a cute girl to introduce to his parents, a guy whose girlfriend cheated on him wants revenge so the guy is beaten up while he was out with the girl…
When a group of friends start talking about going on a trip - she should write a letter to their parents to justify the trip - it’s Nanno that suggests to go all together to party at Dino’s house.
All these kids apparently have wealthy parents, but they tell legends about how much money Dino has. He doesn’t want to but they insist. Problem is, Dino’s family is not rich at all, they are poor people. Loving, but poor. He doesn’t want to admit the truth to anyone, not even Nanno, so he asks her to find another house for him. To pay her, he steals 200.000 baht from his parents.
He keeps playing the part of the super rich kid, and when Nanno tells him to call the servants to bring them whisky, his parents arrive.
The farse goes on, he pretends to be rich and they wait on him; still, they try to interfere when the guys want to drink and smoke, but Dino yields and tells them to comply. When they try a stupid game with a gun, a sort of Russian Roulette game but pointing it at their arm, not their head, Dino’s dad stops it and yells at them ‘what the f.. are they doing?’
Believing them servants, all the guys are annoyed and very rude to them, but now one of them, Pop I think, loses it and beats them up badly.
Still, Nanno puts things right by making the kids pay up: they put together 350.000 baht and give the money to the ‘servants’ for their silence in the matter.
They take it. Of course, what could they do? But once home, Dino and his parents don’t talk about it.
5 - Social Love
Hann and Nanno don’t know each other but are put together on a social media by someone who took a picture of them (I don’t know, it was someone at school, there was a little bit of dancing and then they posed for a picture). The school loves the new couple, called Hanno for short, and they start buying things with their faces on, and the likes on Facebook grow by the minute, it becomes very very popular, and Yui of course is upset because she’s Hann’s secret girlfriend.
Sort of forced by the situation, Hann tells everyone and Nanno that he is single and asks her to date him. Yui wants to break up, can’t stand it anymore, but Hann doesn’t want to. They are caught talking together in private and Nanno runs away crying, but when Hann tells her the truth, she laughs in his face saying she knew all along, but also that he can’t leave her or she’ll play the part of the heartbroken and everyone will turn on him.
Yui tries putting compromising photo of Nanno up but is caught and everyone hates her now.
A group of kids with Hanno masks on their faces beats her up. At this point, Hann thinks that if Nanno died, he could play sad and then it would be over. Yui attacks her and everyone sees Nanno falling off the roof. Nanno laughed in Yui’s face then let herself fall off. They take her away as if se was dead, but it turns out that she was reanimated. She will be in a vegetative state forever, and Hann will have to look after her.
It was her voice at the beginning of the episode saying they’ll stay together forever.
6 - Wonderwall part 1
What is the force that drives humans?
This is ep theorise that it might be hatred… we’ll see the conclusion.
Bam is the manager of the school football team - well, manager is the word in the subtitles; here it seems to mean the person that washes the players’ stuff, gives them water, takes care of everything practical. She really cares only of one player, though. She likes O and fusses over him a lot, but not the others. Nanno is the new manager and Bam is extremely jealous of the attention all the boys have for her.
Bam is so angry she writes on the bathroom wall that Nanno is a shitface, and Nanno sees it. The next day, Nanno’s face stinks, and Bam tries to write that O is crazy about her, but this one doesn’t work. Another player, Teng, is rude to her and she writes that he is a dog, and he starts acting like one.
Bam sees a girl being bullied and tells her that if you hate someone and write something on the wall, it will become true. She doesn’t believe her.
Bam also learns that the effect goes away if the wall gets cleaned. She tries to stop the cleaning lady (why, I wonder, since both Nanno and Teng were already back to normal so there was nothing else she could erase by cleaning). Bam insists, tells her of the enchanted wall, but the woman doesn’t believe her and reports her to the couch.
Bam is so angry she writes that she hopes she suffocates and die, and the woman is found hanged.
7 - Wonderwall part 2
The force that drives humans the most is fear.
Scared, Bam wipes the wall and the cleaning lady is not dead at all anymore.
Bam writes that Nanno’s face is ruined by acne.
The bully, Fon, kills herself because the bullied girl wrote it on the wall.
News get around, and things go wild: A girl, Fah goes mad, the principal has a heart attack… bam loses it when she finds out that someone wrote about O hurting himself. She finally thinks of cleaning it all, but someone wrote that whoever will clean the wall will die. So she doesn’t. More people go in to write stuff.
Bam tells Nanno she’s sorry and Nanno laughs at her telling her she started it all and liked it when she had the power, but she does not have the strength to finish it.
Bam goes to do it and Nanno yells that she’s going to clean the wall, so lots and lots of people try to stop her. She’s scared so she writes she wishes everyone would vanish. They do. Everyone. At the end, she looks in the mirror and can’t see herself anymore. She screams but she has no voice.
Everyone, indeed.
8 - Lost & found
This was a strange episode, it doesn’t feel in line with the others.
TK is a cleptomaniac, and was expelled from his last school for it, and his dad gave a lot of money for this school to accept him. Although he sent a man to do it, since he’s never around.
New girl Nanno is intrigued; she steals too and challenges him, but she seems to be better at it than him. They spend a lot of time together, and it feels like a love story.
He never had friends before, and is now really attached to her.
She tells him she can bring his father back.
She plans to steal from the principal, but he’s afraid for her. He does it all and is caught, and it turns out she is on the school’s side, so he spends, I don’t know how long, in a prison for underage kids, but when he comes out his father is there.
Nanno and Tk meet again, she says she had to separate them so that his father would come back. He tells her he doesn’t want to lose her.
9 - Trap
It’s Nanno’s first day at a new school when a prisoner apparently escapes and comes here dressed as a student and starts attacking people.
In a class, a boy and two girls are in detention and the prof won’t let them go until Koh finishes his homework, but he doesn’t want to do it. The prof’s daughter Tang joins them.
A girl runs in saying there’s a murderer outside and to close the door, then a boy Suer and his girlfriend Sa, and then Nanno. They close the door and wait, all really scared. Nanno is not.
They keep arguing with each other, blaming each other. When a girl yells to be let in, the prof won’t let it, scared for his daughter. After a while, they all insist Koh should go out and get help, even if he doesn’t want to go alone. They insist (well, Sa didn’t but her boyfriend did and was very pissed that she defended him) so he pushes a girl Kaew out instead. Then they insist so much he does go out. Nanno tells the prof that if Koh does get help, he’ll be a hero, and the prof will come out really badly when people will listen to what he’ll say the prof did. So the prof goes out telling Tang to stay in with the other girls.
Since Nanno is so different, smiling, not scared at all like the others, the remaining girls accuse her of being the murderer, and only Tang defends her (stating what she thinks to be true, that a girl was attacked while Nanno was with them). So they all go out together. Sa wants to find Koh, the others want to stay away, so they argue some more and a girl loses her phone.
They meet Kaew who is in shock, and brings them to Koh. He’s dead, murdered. They suddenly reunite there, even the girl they thought had been killed outside their door but simply had an attack and fainted. They hear on the news that the murderer only injured three people before falling to her death, so now Nanno wonders who killed Koh… and asks Tang to retrieve the lost phone for her, since the girl who owns it recorded what happened in the class. Tang can get to it, but when she hears Nanno say that it will be a proof against her father, she lets it go and tells her she can’t get to it. Nanno laughs saying she’s just like the others and will fit perfectly in the school.
10 - Thank you, teacher
Prof Pim always smiles and the students like her because she chats all the time so they don’t have lesson. Prof Aum is more strict, she doesn’t chat and always looks severe.
One prof will retire at the end of term, and the students should vote their favourite teacher. Aum only gets one vote. She’s told she’s too stubborn and too hard on the kids, while she’s the one who tries to teach and doesn’t make it too easy on them. She has a child and an ex-husband who went away after he got a student he was tutoring pregnant. The man went with the girl, I think, so now Aum is very bitter, not only about their educational system, but also about students (oh God, another woman who blames the girl when the husband cheats and leaves… I hate this)
Prof Aum appears really stressed but refuses to take time off. When the story of her ex husband being fired and going away with a student becomes news the students see on their phones, she collapses. Later, she has an episode, she sees and hears things and she stabs a student not quite knowing what she was doing. Her episodes continue, and we finally learn why she’s so out of her mind. We see that when her husband left (and she kept badmouthing the girl) her little son cried out for his father, wanting to go with him, so Aum took him inside the house yelling that he should not want to be with his bad father, and to shut up, and to make him shut up she suffocated him. She let go of him only when he lay motionless, dead. We thought he was living with her, but it was her hallucinating all along. She’s fired, of course, after she stabbed a student, and the rich one at that, Chin. At the school ceremony, when they would reveal who won best professor, she appears with a shotgun and kills everyone but Nanno. They talk and Aum tells her that she doesn’t like her because she looks like the (badmouthing again) girl that stole her husband…
Then Aum says that she did it for everyone, to make schools better… but instead of killing Nanno she shoots herself and Nanno leaves.
11 - The rank
At this school for girls, they teach how important beauty is for girls and actively encourage them to take care of it and strive to make themselves beautiful, and they hold a special list of most beautiful girls: the girls in the top ten get to use a beautiful house with a beautiful garden, special food and everything, living like princesses, while all the others must make do with what the school offers to the common people.
Ying is number ten, and when Nanno joins the school she starts worrying since Nanno is pretty. Nanno starts immediately at number 11, then takes her place and Ying is horrified to have to eat the same food ordinary girls eat and even more at using the school toilets. Very soon, after talking with Nanno, she starts planning on taking out all the girls that are above her in the list: she makes Nanno fall, and then does little tricks to the others to ruin their beauty, and yet at the end she is not elected number one. The Shining Star is ChomPoo, a girl that was fat at the beginning of the episode but is no more now.
12 - BFF part 1
A class of high school students acts like they are best friends forever, and at the end of their last year they bury a box where each one of them put something in.
At a class reunion, some ten or twelve years later, they meet and chat and smile like they are still best friends forever.
When they open the box, they find in there a phone that doesn’t belong to any of them, and slowly they start remembering that for a few months there was a girl with them, a psycho that didn’t make friends. Slowly they remember and now they recognise Nanno, the girl that was serving them drinks - she still looks like a 16yo though, that’s why nobody paid her much attention before. They recall that she was always on the phone talking to her boyfriend Tan and never had time to spend with her classmates; the girls wanted to go out with her so they told her to bring Tan so that they might meet him too, but every time they wait in vain and he never shows up, so Fong checked her phone and there was no Tan in there, Nanno talked to herself, so people started avoiding her and eventually someone hurt her for being a freak, until she left school.
Now they see her and remember her, and she starts uncovering some of their secrets:
Meng the photographer likes young girls, probably forces them;
Chai the bodybuilder had to give back the medals because of steroid use;
Wit builds buildings, one collapsed but someone else went to prison in his place;
Kai is a doctor with no patients, and his hospital is used to recycle money for corrupted politicians;
Bell sells skin products but also sells fake ones;
Shorty’s wife wants a divorce because he’s aggressive and hurts her, an abusive man;
Fong the angel has depression and used to self harm and drink…
and Thap… he turns out to be Tan.
13 - BFF part 2
The truth comes out, the girls actually discovered that Tan was Thap so Fong and her two friends wanted revenge (on her) and made the rumour that she spoke to nobody, that she was a psycho,
and everybody started avoiding her, calling her names, and Tan stopped answering her calls, vanished… until someone used his phone to send her a message, she went and the class ganged up to beat her up with sticks. When Thap saw her, he didn’t help her but ran away, saw Fong and told her he wanted to leave her (as in, it was already over with Nanno, but he wanted to leave Fong as well), and that’s when she cut her wrist for the first time, to keep him with her. He’s still with her now so not to feel guilty (and her arm showed many more cuts scars, not just one), but there’s a romance between him and Proud, Fong’s friend: she’s a flight assistant and he’s a pilot and they’re often together.
Fong attacks her, and has the guts to be the injured party here. Now she starts drinking again.
Fong was pregnant, but from the blood between her legs, it seems she lost it.
Nanno tells them all that she spiked their drinks and they’ll die but she has one dose of the antidote, so they start hitting and stabbing each other quite badly, it’s a bloodbath, until Chai manages to use it on himself.
Now Nanno says that the antidote is in his blood so they gang up on him to kill him to drink his blood, and they do it.
Nanno now tells them that she was joking, she didn’t poison anyone, she just did it because she was a psycho and wanted them to remember her.
It’s not her fault, she says, it’s them who hurt and killed each other after saying that they were friends forever… one of the guys wants to kill her, but then they all fall down, dead. The poison was in the syringe they fought for…
and yet, some time later, they all wake up, the place is spotless and their clothes are clean, and there’s a syringe there still intact. They go away, I’m not sure they’ll be friends anymore though…
Nanno says it was fun going to high school, where teachers are role models (first ep), people say sorry so they can do it again, where people do anything to be better, where beauty is everything, where when people worship money it’ll become more important than people, where even the weak can be evil if given enough power, and where karma is the consequence of an action…
And we have a short recap of all the episodes…
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