giovedì 27 febbraio 2025
The avenger by Edgar Wallace
mercoledì 19 febbraio 2025
How to lose a guy in ten days - 2003
Not bad, it was kinda fun to watch, but not realy romantic, just a funny comedy. She has to write a column on how to lose a guy in ten days, while he bets that he can make any woman fall in love with him in ten days, so basically she has to do all the work, trying to get him to break up, but since he wants to win the bet he bears it all pretending to love it, since it’s just for a few days. Of course they’re made for each other, they like the same things, so he doesn’t have to work hard to make her fall in love. And he likes her when she’s herself, he just thinks she’s crazy, with multiple personalities or something, like amazing-Andie and crazy-Andie.
He doesn’t even do anything at the end, because she’s the one to admit that she loves him (twice, first in the paper and then to him), he’s just there. Yes, he runs after her before she flies away, but she had no idea he’d come. That’s all he does, really.
martedì 18 febbraio 2025
Parthenope - 2024
I don’t even know what to say… it’s not bad, it’s well done, but I don’t like it. There’s a thing like too much realism, for me, and that’s the main thing here, and I don’t approve of the character and I generally find everything just… too much… everything, just too much. Watching the crude sexual act of two youngsters basically forced to do it, or looking at Parthenope’s crying face without her using any handkerchief…
But… I’m not from Napoli, and I’ve never been there. And maybe that’s the point, why I can’t feel this film, why everything feels to me like alien, why I could never connect. This film represents the many faces or souls of Napoli, fake or real, rich or poor, honest or camorra, etc.
Parthenope is the name of this girl, and we follow her life from the moment she’s born till her retirement, but mostly we follow her youth, of course. She’s lived a spoiled life, rich and beautiful, she had everything, and got used to have everything and everyone after her. Even her brother Raimondo. How could nobody say anything when it first started, why was it let go that far… it may be good to be fond of your brother or sister, but it’s not normal to be so ‘attached’ as to act as if you’re boyfriend and girlfriend… that’s not right and the adults should have acted when they were younger, when it started to not let it go so far that Raimondo could not imagine being with another woman and could not live with the idea of Parthenope with another man. Not acceptable.
sabato 15 febbraio 2025
Wednesday - season 1
She has no remorse after she causes a boy injuries, but he was her brother’s bully. We do not actually see her hurting good guys, ever.
Wednesday strong points is that she really has her own identity and doesn’t care to conform to the others, that she’s confident and independent…
But she also has negative points! She’s not only impulsive and impatient, as Weems says, she’s also reckless, insensitive, manipulative, but also she accuses people as soon as she’s just a small suspicions without waiting for real proof, she puts people in danger, she acts as if she was in charge of the whole investigation and everyone should do as she wants, as if they had to tell her everything, when really, think about it, she was just a 15 year-old girl who had no right to ask questions and who certainly shouldn’t be playing cop! Plus let’s face it, we like her and we love her, but she made a mess from the start, she caused more harm than good. Nobody will care because at the end she’ll win, but she caused more troubles than she has any idea of!
I did not like their choice for Gomez, sorry but he was not right for the role. Not too keen on Morticia either, though, she’s too modern and cold. I like both actors, but this is not the Gomez I know, he was full of energy, an athlete, always moving and doing things, and a bit of a genius too.
1 - Wednesday’s child is full of woe.
It was nice, much more than a simple introduction as it often happens. We know Wednesday of course, who gets expelled (again) from a high school. It happened because after she found her brother Pugsley locked inside her locker, she went to the guys’ swimming pool where they were practicing water polo and threw piranhas in the water. A guy lost a testicle, and she was accused of attempted murder. This is what his mother was waiting for, and she’s soon brought to the Nevermore Academy, for special kids, we might say. There’s a bit of everything, they all have something different from normal humans. Her roommate Ened is very colorful and very joyful, but also sometimes sad because she’s a werewolves who can’t transform.
Wednesday does not get along with her parents, especially her mother. She feels like they want her to become like them, and she hates the very idea. Nevermore is the school where Morticia and Gomez met and fell in love, they were stars when they attended it. Wednesday is sure she’ll hate it and plans to escape as soon as possible.
We’re told she’s allergic to colours, which explains her black and white clothes and why the school gave her a special uniform (all the others are blu and black, but hers has no blue). We also see that she has a gift, or something, sometimes when she touches people she can see things, past or future. I mean, she foreesees a man’s death, but with Pugsley she saw the faces of the kids that bullied him.
She’s told the queen of the school is a girl named Bianca, a siren, so she challenges her to a duel (well, sort of) and Bianca wins. Wednesday feels really bad about it.Rowan thanks her (although I’m not see why they think she did it to defend him, after Bianca sort of humiliated him, I think she just didn’t like Bianca’s attitude).
The principal Larissa Weems was Morticia’s roommate and feels now in charge of making sure she does not escape. Wednesday also has weekly visits with a therapist, court orders, and the therapist even seems like a good one. She read Wednesday’s books (who gave her her books? They’ve not been published, who has them?) and she read them and it’s really obvious that she wrote about herself, in a way, and her conflicting relationship with her mother. Still, they don’t talk a lot because Wednesday tries to escape, from the second floor window. She does get out, then she enters a cafe to order a coffee with ice… I’m not really sure why, actually, she was so set on having her order, how is that relevant to her being able to escape? She even fixed Tyler’s coffee machine (simply using a screwdriver, and a normal one at that; I might understand if it was a sonic one…), and then she beat up three thugs that didn’t want her there because they don’t like the freaks from Nevermore. Tyler promised he’d drive her out of town if she waited, but then Weems finds her and Tyler’s father the sheriff tells her that her father killed someone and therefore he’ll keep his eyes on her… Wait, what? Gomez wasn’t a murderer! It’s pretty obvious that the sheriff doesn’t like Nevermore with everything going on, even now there’s been three murders that were very gruesome, and it makes him think no normal human could do that, and no normal animal either.
Xavier saves her life when a stone gargoyle almost lends on her head, to repay her from saving his life when he was ten and playing hide and seek he thought it was a smart thing to hide inside a casket moments before it was cremated…
Towards the end, while she’s again trying to escape, again with the help of Tyler, she bumps into Rowan and sees his death, and this time she runs after him to warn him that he’s in danger, but he says it’s the other way around, she’s the one in danger because he has to kill her, because he found her image in a book: basically her mother was a seer, and she saw that that girl would destroy Nevermore, and told him he had to stop her, and now he’s obsessed about it, it was him who pushed the gargoyle on her.
Wednesday can’t really free herself from his power, but then a beast of some kind, a monster attacks him and kills him, but it just looks at her without attacking her.
At the end, her parents call her (it’s the end of the first week, I think) through their crystal ball, since Wednesday doesn’t own a phone. Thinking of everything that happened, she realises that at Nevermore things are really more interesting, and she might like it here for a little longer.
The scene when she played the cello outside her window, it was visually beautiful. The colours, the window, the weather, it was really good.
I really like the woman that came to welcome Wednesday to their dormitory, and brought her a black dahlia as a welcome gift, said she felt it was the right flower for her. I thought it was pretty well done, and Wednesday even said thank you.
2. Woe is the loneliest number.
Wednesday told Bianca about the attack before she fainted. Now there’s been searching all around, but Rowan’s body has not been found. She insists she saw a beast kill him, but then Rowan appears and all the school can see him. Still, he stays for a very short time, because the next day he leaves and refuses to talk to her. Wednesday has Thing follow him, which it does, but when ‘Rowan’ enters a restroom and a different-looking man exits, Thing does not follow by nose, it follows by eyes (it doesn’t have neither, but it always acts like it can see, doesn’t it? Otherwise how could it help Wednesday in anything?), and therefore loses him. We as the audience are the only one that can see that man changing into Weems. Now it’s clear. Bianca has no problem telling Wednesday thatshe did not call the ‘normal’ police first, no, she doesn’t trust normal people, she called Weems instead and had her deal with it, so we can guess that Weems took away the body to cover it up.
Wednesday overhears Bianca telling Xavier that Wednesday is not right for him, that she thinks she’s better than everyone, stuff like that. Bianca is competitive and manipulative, Xavier insists on the latter point, and is so sure she’ll win again the Poe tournament that Wednesday decides she’ll join and help Enid win just to beat her. And she does. She also has a vision of something…
In botany class, taught by adorable Ms Thornhill, Wednesday knows everything about it, much like Bianca, which irritates Bianca no end.
Later, Thornhill sees Wednesday in the library searching for something, and Wednesday does not hide what, and instead asks her about Belladonna, but the book she’s looking for is not there. Ms Thornhill tells her she has a gift of being always herself, and to never change. She feels sad that after almost two years at the academy, some teacher still don’t even say hello to her because she’s different, she’s one of the ‘normals’, which sucks because she can never fit in, too normal for the outcasts and too weird for the normals. I love her, she’s my favourite so far from the first moment I saw her.
Wednesday finds a symbol in the book page that Rowan gave her, the one where a drawing of herself depitcts her as the one who will destroy the school. It’s the symbol of an old students society called Belladonna, she starts investigating and finds a secret entrance behind Edgar Allan Poe’s statue that leads to a hidden library where she finds the book she was looking for, the one Rowan took the page from, and puts it in her bag, but she’s immediately captured.
3. Friend or woe.
5. You reap what you woe.
We hear that Eugene is not dead, just in a coma. When Wednesday will go see him at the hospital, she’ll meet his two moms. They say he was really happy to have her as a friend.
6. Quid pro woe.
Enid lures Wednesday out at Crackston’s cript, where she finds a surprise party for her birthday!! There’s a cake with Death on it, and there’s Xavier and Ajax… and who knows who else.
7. If you don’t woe me by now.
8. A murder of woes.
It starts with Wednesday meeting Tyler at the cript, he came because apparently Thing delivered a message from her. Now Wednesday tells him that she knows it’s him, that he’s the hyde, but he keeps denying it. She didn’t come alone, though. She has Bianca, Ajax, Kent, Divina? And one other girl I don’t know, as back up, and also because Bianca can use her siren power to make him obey, so she chains him inside Xavier’s studio. She’s very sure that he’s the Hyde because she saw him in that vision, but the other kids think they’ll just have to wait for him to transform… Wednesday though has other ideas, she wants to force him to transform, with ‘light torture’, she calls it: a taser (that she uses) plus a saw and a hammer, and those she’s not allowed to use, the kids are horrified and leave her alone and go to Weems who calls the sheriff. She’s not locked up on one condition: she’s explelled.
And once again Wednesday is unbelievable, or well, maybe just acting as what she is, a kid: when Weems tells her that she should have come to her and they would have handled it together, Wednesday is resentful that Weems was never cooperative with her and didn’t always tell her the truth…
Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates is Christina Ricci
Wednesday is Jenna Ortega
Larissa Weems is Gwendoline Christie
Dr Kinbott is Riki Lindhome
The sheriff Galpin is Jamie McShane
Tyler is Hunter Doohan
Xavier is Percy Hynes White
Enid Sinclair is Emma Myers
Bianca is Joy Sunday
Morticia is Catherine Zeta-Jones
Gomez is Luis Guzmàn (the other accent on the a)
mercoledì 12 febbraio 2025
Poirot - The mysterious affair at Styles
Absolutely one of the best, for how they wrote both the story and the characters, this is one of the most faithfuls. I liked it ^_^
It’s set in June 1917, lieutenant Hastings meets old friend John Cavendish and accepts his invitation home. There he meets again John’s mother Emily and his brother Lawrence. Mary is John’s wife. Plus there’s Evie the personal maid, and Cynthia. Emily took her in and she lives there now. There’s also the old servant Dorcas and Emily’s new husband Alfred, that nobody likes. So much that Evie quarrells with Emily about him and then decides to leave the house.
Hastings tells them all that his great aspiration is to become an investigator, that he once met a funny man, a real investigator, a real dandy, and he uses the same investigative methods, only improved…
Evie comes back of course, and immediately starts telling everyone that for sure Alfred did it, and what is everybody waiting for, just arrest him!
Poirot accepts to help, of course, and promises confidentiality. Alfred offers no alibis whatsoever, but he was seen going to buy the poison (I think it was strichnine, I’m not sure I remember right, but it’s a good guess, it was a favourite of Agatha’s :D ). He denies it, of course, but won’t say anything more.
Hastings doesn’t know Japp yet, but Poirot does, and approaches him as soon as he sees him. Japp has total confidence in Poirot’s ability, but his boss doesn’t know him and is more inclined to go on with what they have and know. Poirot insists they should not arrest Alfred, and when it looks like they’re going to do it anyway, he reveals Alfred’s alibi, or something like that, and that he did not buy the strichnine.
Then they try another route and arrest John… so Poirot hurries to find the missing piece to the whole thing, and he gets it through a comment made by Hastings: Poirot was making a cards castle, but he doesn’t go far this time because he’s not totally calm, and Hastings says that the only other time he saw his hands tremble was when he was arranging the things on the fireplace in Emily’s room (he likes everything in order, symmetrical, tidy…)
The solution is as it should be: Alfred did it, with Evie’s help, because they’re in love and planned it from the start to get Emily’s money. Evie bought the strichnine wearing a false beard to implicate Alfred and insisted he get arrested right away so that they could easily free him revealing he could not have bought it, and by the English law he could never be retried later for the same crime… had the police arrested him before Poirot had a chance to intervene , he would have been free forever.
Lawrence insisted Emily must have died of natural causes because he saw the door to Cynthia’s room was open, and he also remembered that the last person to see Emily alive had been Cynthia when she brought her a coffee, and he wanted to protect her, that’s why he smashed the coffee cup into dust.
lunedì 10 febbraio 2025
Columbo - A friend in deed
I liked this episode. I so did not like the Haplering character, but I guess that was the point, he’s not a good character, but I quite enjoyed the rest, and especially seeing Colombo in a different setting, like when he talks to a reknown thief, and suddenly Colombo seemed more at ease, on his own ground, with no need to affect anything or to feel uncomfortable.
Columbo - Double exposure
It wasn’t bad, but it’s not one of my favourites, for the simple reason that it’s all based on the theory of subliminal messages. Sure, they admit that it wouldn’t be enough by itself, there has to be something more, so that those messages are just the last push you needed, but I still found it rather forced.
Still, Robert Culp was good.
domenica 9 febbraio 2025
Columbo - Candidate for a crime
I liked it, more than I usually would have with such a character, but I liked all the investigation bits, and also the expressions of the wife, it was a nice episode.
The male lead is Nelson Hayward, candidate for the Senate I think, saying that the judges granted him a police escort that he was forced to accept, but that nothing and nobody will stop him in his war against crime… he uses his own words, but that’s the spirit, and back then there were men who actually believed that when they said it, but then they were killed and the others got the message…
giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
Columbo - Requiem for a falling star
A nice episode, quite interesting, I liked it.
Plot details first:
We meet famous actress Nora Chandler. Her assistant of many years, Jean Davis, is in a relationship with Jerry Parks. Nora doesn’t like that, because she thinks it’s all just pretending on Jerry’s part, because he’s a journalist, one of those that know people’s secrets and when it’s just little gossip they write it down, when it’s something more interesting they blackmail. Jean insists that they love each other, and that she’d never talk to him about Nora. As soon as she’s out of sight, Jerry blackmails Nora for something that happened years before, and that cost that company making that money two million dollars.
Now we see Nora giving her a list of things to do for her, like picking up her clothes at the dry cleaners and stuff. Jean is a little annoyed, but drives away. We see Nora following her and looking at her while she meets Jerry at the book shop, and then Nora is outside Jerry’s house, pouring two tins of gasoline on the floor and creating a trail. As soon as the car stops there, she lights it up and the car goes up in flames, killing the driver.
lunedì 3 febbraio 2025
Columbo - Any old port in a storm