lunedì 3 febbraio 2025

Columbo - Double shock

 Or “Murder times two”, I guess it can be called. A nice episode, that presents Colombo with a new problem and also puts him on the path of a very grumpy little old lady… well, grumpy is not the right term, it’s just that she’s in a sad situation and she takes it out on Colombo for everything he does.

She’s worked taking care of Mr Paris’ house for years, and raising his nephews Norman and Dexter, and now Mr Paris wanted to get married to a woman much much younger… which was already sad enough for her, but then Mr Paris is found dead in his in-house-gym. 

The first time she screams at Colombo is as soon as he’s called to the scene, he’s looking at everything as he always does, but also leaning heavily on stuff because he’s so very tired, and he doesn’t notice that his cigar’s ash went on the floor… and she screamed at him like a banshee, that he has no manners, she’s really hard and poor Colombo is very sorry, she humiliates him and he apologises, then goes to wash his face to hopefully wake himself up a bit more. 
Then again while their lawyer is cataloguing every pricy item in the house, and Colombo uses a silver thing for his cigar’s ash, thinking it was an ashtray, and once again she goes off like a banshee, and he apologises, but also tells her that she’s been a bit unfair to him, and indeed she is. Colombo is not the classy type, but she never asked him not to smoke in the house, and a bit of ash won’t ruin anything, and she just doesn’t like him, but since she tolerates well the lawyer’s presence and even is very fond of Dexter and Norman shows that she’s no good judgement of characters at all, doesn’t it? And also that she’s insufferable because she keeps going on about her television when she can’t watch her silly soap opera, when Colombo is actually working to find out who killed the man she was supposedly so fond of… 

So, details: 
Mr Paris is killed before he can get married. It’s supposed to look like a heart attack, and that’s what everyone says at first (and for once Colombo asks why should he go, and it seems that the fiancee raised suspicions on it or something. Non on any specific person or fact, though, only enough so that Colombo takes a look… and when he goes to wash his face, he notices that there’s a wet towel and therefore Mr Paris must have used it… the bar of soap is also wet, and it makes no sense that after a lot of exercise and then a bath, he would go back to the gym… no sense at all. Then he sees flat feet tracks or something, and wants to know if Dexter has too (by trying to compare their feet) and here Colombo is totally stunned when Norman arrives and he sees that they are twins, identical twins (so identical as to be played by the same actor :D ) . You can see on his face that he wonders how is he going to prove which one did it, or something :lol:

The brothers do not get along at all, to the point that they put suspicions on the other. At first Norman seems like the serious type with no problem and no motive, he is a bank’s vice president so he should be well off on his own, but then Dexter shows Colombo that he’s not that perfect, and that Norman has debts because he likes to gamble and he makes a trip to Las Vegas every week.

The lawyer tells Norman and Dexter that their uncle’s will leaves everything, all his money to the fiancee even if they didn’t get married, but he also suggests working their way around it, meaning that the only people knowing about it are them and the girl who has a copy of the will… but if they can take that will off her, they can destroy all evidence of it ever existing, and in exchange the lawyer wants a contract that he’ll keep his job of administering the money as he did before. They both agree, but when the lawyer goes to take the will at her house, she’s dead, ‘fallen’ out of her window… and the will is still there on the table…. I didn’t like this bit, it was unnecessary and frankly it makes no sense, and it’s sad that they don’t talk about it anymore, Colombo doesn’t even go and take a look (not that we know of ), and he never mentions it… but why was she murdered? By destroying the will they would have inherited all the money, no matter what she said… and if they killed her because of it, then why did they leave the will on the table like that, in plain view? 
It makes absolutely no sense at all.

Colombo finally arrests both brothers because none of them could have killed the uncle by himself, they had to do it together, because the light was only out for like 15 seconds, meaning one brother had to be already down in the basement to bring it back on, and also one man could not get the uncle out of the wet bathtub without help, but two men could have easily done it, and also brought the body down to the gym. 

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