I've always been a Star Trek fan. Of DS9 I liked that it was set on a space station, with a dynamics very different from a starship's. The characters take time to evolve, but already from this first season I like the friendship growing between Kira and Dax and between Dax and Quark. Among the characters of this first season I like Gul Dukat and Garak, always thought he deserved more screentime; I was never fond of Nog and Rom and Odo, sorry, and I never liked Zek and Winn.
I like that they are already hinting at the changelings and at the Dominion, slowly adding a piece of the puzzle at a time. I don't like Odo, but I understand his purpose in the story, they needed another character to explore and learn things that are normal to us. There was Spock, then Data, now Odo, then we'll have Seven of Nine. Every series has one :-)
ep 1 -
Emissary - 721 on my dvd. A double episode. It starts remembering when Picard was a Borg and attacked the Federation and Sisko was Commander of a ship that was destroyed. He could save his son Jake but he could do nothing for his wife Jennifer. He didn't want to leave her but his men dragged him away kicking and screaming. Three years later Sisko and his son move to Deep Space Nine.
A date mentioned is 46388.2
The station is in ruin because the occupation of Bajor has just finished, the Cardassians just left. It is all Cardassian architecture.
Chief says:"when my wife Keiko saw our quarters, she started talking about visiting her mother in Kumamoto". We see O'Brien leaving the Enterprise definitely, and Picard coming to transporter room 3 to say goodbye. He simply says that he doesn't know what to say, and "permission granted" to leave :-) Picard always was a man of few words :-)
Sisko still hates Picard for it, and clearly shows it now when the two meet. "we met in battle. I was in the Saratoga at Wolf 359" so at first he asks to be reassigned, but after a while he takes it back "I've come to know the Bajorans". I so don't like how Sisko spits his words every time he's being aggressive or angry.
Kira thinks the Federation has no business there, she disagrees with Bajor's Provisional Government. She thinks that 'the Federation is here to help? Yeah, that's what the Cardassians said 60 years ago'.
Yet, "if the Government falls, then the Federation goes away and it's civil war on Bajor. The only one that can prevent it is Opaka. Our spiritual leader. She's known as the Kai. Our religion is the only thing that holds my people together". The pagh is the life force and the path or the person. Sisko looks inside one Tear of the Prophets and relives the day he met Jennifer on the beach. There were nine orbs, kept by the Cardassians, and now Sisko must find the Temple of the Prophets. Opaka gives him this orb. Sisko puts Dax to look for the other 8 orbs and for the Temple. She looks into it and we see when they operated to move Dax from Curzon to her. She finds notes leading to the Denorios Belt, could the tempe be there? Sisko and Dax take the RioGrande. They enter a wormhole and exits in the Gamma Quadrant. The first stable wormhole known to exist. They go back and inside it the ship lands on a place they see differently. He sees grey rock and a storm, she sees green fields and a warm sun. She's taken into the flying orb, and the orb takes her back to the station. Sisko speaks with the Prophets. "Linguistic communication. what is time? he's aggressive, corporeal, to destroy. what is experience? what is past? what is linear time? what is lost? what is pleasure? linear procreation." Sisko tries to explain them about him and about humans. "what is baseball?"-"it's linear!". You exist here!" in all the memories, places he's been. "what is die? the termination of their linear existence" and while explaining and learning they can't understand why he doesn't want to remember Jennifer's death "I exist here, I never left, I see her like this every time I close my eyes"- "So you choose to exist here? It is not linear" - "no it's not" this was the best part of the whole Prophets thing. That's true, sticking to the past is not linear.
Odo was chief of security then as he is now, and he won't allow weapons on the Promenade. Kira calls him constable. He was found in the Denorious Belt. As a shapeshifter, he transforms into a sack the Cardassians put their winnings into, to enter their ship and sabotage it, so they could not follow Sisko on his mission to find the temple.Kira wants to move the station near the wormhole to reclaim it for Bajor. When the Cardassians finally go, Dukat's ship disappears into the wormhole before the wormhole itself disappears, then another Cardassian ship comes looking for it. Gul Jasad. He threatens the station; Kira says "shields up" and O'Brian "what shields?" :lol: The Cardassians attack, after Kira's "I've fought against a hopeless case all my life. If you want a war I'll give you one". There are 13 injured, but no deaths.
The wormhole opens and Sisko brings Dukat back. The life forms inside it have agreed to allow free passage.
Quarks nephew Nog is arrested for stealing. Now that Sisko wants to rebuild the station he needs people to stay and shops to reopen, so he wants Quark's bar to stay open, doesn't want him to go away. To achieve this, he blackmails him: only if he stays Sisko will release Nog.
Morn is already at the bar, drinking and playing.
Jadzia Dax is 28 years old, although the Dax inside her is 328. Sisko calls her 'old man' because he was friend with Curzon.
Bashir is 27. He's excited to be here, he calls it "real frontier medicine, this is where adventure is, where heroes are made"- "this wilderness is my home" replies Kira.
Old Cardassian Prefect Gul Dukat comes to greet Sisko. "this was my office only two weeks ago. I miss this office".
At the end Sisko meets Picard again, and now he wants to stay.
ep 2 -
A man alone - 403. Julian keeps asking Jadzia out. She plays an "Altonian brainteaser", a puzzle that looks like a big ball of mixed liquid colors. O'Brian and wife fight because she doesn't like it here. Keiko is unhappy because there is nothing here for her to do, she's a botanist. Miles says he'll ask to be transferred, but she doesn't want to because that would mean for him to lose his promotion. Keiko talks to Sisko about opening a school and he agrees to everything she asks.
Keiko speaks to Rom, Nog's father, asking him to send Nog to the new school. Miles gives her a bell as a gift for her new project :-) Molly is adorably pretty.
Keiko starts her school with Jake, Nog (turns out his father doesn't want him near Jake either) and two other children.
Odo makes a horrid speech about the horror of coupling, with the usual theme of the poor man "compromizing" and the selfish woman always having it her way, which is typical of a certain type of men. Somehow most of men who can't get a date always brag about how women wants to change them or command them, to make it look like it's actually the men themselves that don't want their relationship, prefering freedom. Just like men who are dumped and always blame it on the money, following the usual theme that they are perfect but the bad woman left them for someone rich. Yeah, right. We'll see later how Odo changes his mind about compromises when the love of his life finally falls in love with him!
Quark likes Jadzia; Sisko spends a lot of time with her, and hates the steamed azna Dax always eats.
Later Sisko asks Jadzia to lunch, and Bashir accepts instead :-p and they talk about her.
Odo spends time in the bar, fights with Ibudan and is in contrast with Sisko because now he must obey the rules. Later Ibudan is found killed. A Bajoran man, Zayra, says Ibudan was afraid Odo might kill him, but Kira defends Odo saying there isn't a more honourable man than him. All evidence leads to Odo. (It appears Odo has to return to his natural state every
18 hours to regenerate). Bajorans on the station are quick in turning against Odo because he was chief of security during the occupation too, but Quark defends him, calling himself the closest thing Odo has to a friend :-) Still, Sisko is forced to temporarily relieve Odo of duty. At the bar, everyone goes away when Odo enters, even Morn. A mob is against Odo, most of them Bajorans. Just in time Julian discovers that Ibudan created a clone, and that the clone was killed, not him. The real Ibudan is arrested for the murder of his own clone (he was walking around with a mask) and the new clone in Bashir's lab is free.
Jake meets Nog, and they make pranks together. Sisko wants Jake to stop hanging around with Nog.
Kira has a better haircut, good:-) 46421.5
ep 3 -
Past prologue - 404. It starts with Garak introducing himself to Bashir :-) Julian is not comfortable, Garak has a clothing shop but is said to be a spy :-p "Mr Garak.." -"oh it's just Garak. Plain simple Garak" :lol: yeah.
Julian runs to say everything to Miles and everyone in ops. Bashir feels himself inside a spy story, looking like a silly kid though :lol:
A Bajoran request political asylum after the Cardassians were shooting at his vessel in Bajoran space: Tahna Los. He knows Kira because they thought together. The Cardassians want him back: "he is Kohn-Ma!Not even the Bajorans would grant his kind asylum. He has committed heinous crimes against the Cardassian people". Kohn-ma is a terrorist group, and Kira knows it and...doesn't totally oppose it, she understands them although of course she knows they must stop now that the war is over. Kira calls Federation Admiral Rollman about Sisko to talk about it. Sisko to Kira: "go over my head again and I'll have yours on a platter"
Sisko grants him asylum, believing Tanah is no more a terrorist now, that he is finished with the Kohn-ma. Tahna doesn't want even the Federation there, claiming true freedom for Bajor. Miles has fought the Cardassians: "you wouldn't turn a man, any man, to their tender care". Kira wants the Bajoran Provisional Government to give amnesty to ex-Kohn-ma. Lursa and B'Etor, the Klingon sisters of the House of Duras, come to the station. They are now renegades from Klingon. Odo turns into a rat to spy on their meeting with Tahna Los. They want payment from Tahna for something, and they also try to sell him to Garak. Garak goes to Bashir, telling him to come for a new suit at exactly 20.55. Julian runs to Sisko who advices him to go get a new suit, because Sisko understands how this works. Bashir is late, really didn't understand, did he? Garak has him hide, so he hears about the thing that the Klingon are trying to sell Tahna to Cardassia.
Tahna has admitted he has a plan, a non violent one, and wants Kira's help. Kira is confused and talks to Odo. "it sounds like you're trying to talk yourself into something, or out of something" - "either way I have to betray someone" - "the only important thing is not to betray yourself" Good one, Odo.
Combined with a thing he stole from the Cardassians, an anti-matter converter, Tahna can build a powerful bomb. Kira doesn't want to help him but goes with Tahna to find out what his plans are; he threatens to explode the bomb killing the Bajoran colonies nearby, shocking Kira. Tahna wants to blow up the wormhole entrance, collapse it, stupidly thinking the Federation would leave, probably forgetting they came before it's discovery...
Kira stops him and Tahna lets himself be arrested, considering it better than being taken by the Cardassians.
ep 4 -
Babel - 405. Chief O'Brien has way too much work repairing the station, where nothing seems to work. He orders a coffee to test the replicators. Meanwhile Quark's bar is empty because his replicators are broken, so he plans to use the repaired ones. Quark simply goes there with a cart, would you believe it? Odo busts him posing as the cart. "there's an old Ferengi saying: never ask when you can take. How did you figure it out?" - "you claimed Rom fixed your replicators. Rom's an idiot. He couldn't fix a straw if it was bent". That's unfair, Rom will become quite good at it with time!
O'Brien is the first to show problems: he says random words. It's a form of aphasia, he thinks clearly but can't express it correctly. Jadzia is next, then other people.
Replicators at command level are contaminated. Quark used one in a vacant crew quarter. The virus is now airborne. The whole station is infected. 46423.7 All station is in quarantine. There was a Cardassian device, activated by mistake. Jake got it too, along with many others. Bashir finds out the Bajorans make it, 18 years ago, during construction. At last Bashir got it too, so Kira goes finding the Bajoran genetist that helped creating it. He doesn't want to hear her story, so she goes near him with a runabout and abducts him, transporting him inside and taking him to the station. He doesn't think he can help, but thing is, everyone on the station is infected including Kira, so now he is too.
A ship tries to leave the station, even it it's locked. Its captain is too scared, so he puts his ship in danger. The ship's on fire.
Eventually Sisko gets it too, so Odo is alone in ops, he must help but he's alone, and Quark comes to help. He served in a Ferengi freighter for 8 years. Odo goes to help the ship's captain, so now Quark is the only one left at ops, and the one to welcome back Kira when she arrives with that doctor. Kira too, now, shows the signs. 46425.8 log: Dr Surmak found an antidote using dr Bashir's notes. All are cured and things go back to normal, which means to the replicators not working and Sisko shouting at O'Brien, after trying to get a black coffee.
Odo never learned the dabo game.
ep 5 -
Captive pursuit - 406. A dabo girl protests with Sisko because she just arrived to work at Quark's and he immediately couldn't keep his hands to himself, and told her it was part of the job, and what do you know, he actually put a line in her contract that states just that! Ferengi are unbelievable!
A little ship comes through the wormhole. It's badly damaged, so they help him, bringing the whole ship in so O'Brien can fix it. The alien says "I am Tosk", that's all he says about himself, "I live the greatest adventure one could ever desire", he says, but he can't discuss it; he's the first alien to come from the Gamma Quadrant. Tosk tries to access some weapons, he's caught and arrested. "allow me to die with honor" he says, then another ship arrives. Three aliens transports in and sort of attack. They fight, Odo never uses weapons. They try to get to Tosk and they get to him, then they stop. "what a disappointment" to find him confined in a cell. It turn out Tosk's race entertains this other race. Tosk is the prey and they hunt him, until they succeed in killing him. The oath of silence prevented Tosk to talk about it. "he is sentient only because we have made him sentient. He's been bred for the hunt. His entire reason to exist is the hunt. To make it as exciting, as interesting, as he can. We honour Tosk. They are the symbol of all that is noble and courageous. They train and condition themselves all their lives for this event. They're proud of their role in our culture". Sisko can't think of it as he does, so they say "in the future, passage through the anomaly will be considered out of bounds for the hunt".
Of course now Sisko has to release Tosk to them, to be taken home in shame. O'Brien would want him to request asylum and stay there, but "I am Tosk, the hunted. I live to outwit the hunters for another day. To survive until I die with honour." At this point O'Brien acts on his own and frees Tosk. Sisko feels there is "no hurry" to capture them. O'Brien takes Tosk to his ship and he goes away, the hunt goes on.
ep 6 -
Q-less - 407. Bashir is chatting up a girl with the story of his Starfleet finals when Dax comes back from the Gamma Quadrant with Vash (Jennifer Hetrick): she was there two years; Miles recognizes her immediately, from the Enterprise, and tells Sisko about Vash and Picard's 'friendship'. Vash asks Miles "how's Jean-Luc?" :-) then Q (John DeLancie) comes to her. He wants her back; he calls Quark "disgusting troll" :lol: Quark offers to arrange an auction for her 'trinkets', and she gets a good deal after some oo-mox he can't resist. Bashir asks her to dinner, but Q puts him to sleep :lol: Miles sees Q and reports to Sisko: Vash and Q know each other "from the Enterprise?" and O'Brien: "I believe they actually met in Sherwood forest" :lol: true. Sisko meets Q. Q tells Vash "at least your beloved Jean-Luc knew how to turn a phrase". Sisko is supposed to know about Q but all he can do is act rough at his face, as if this could work with Q! "You hit me. Picard never hit me" :lol: "I'm not Picard" - "Indeed not. You're much easier to provoke. How fortunate for me." 46531.2 Q calls Sisko Benji :-) The station is suffering power drains. It is now being pulled towards the wormhole and its destruction, and it turns out the cause is an object brought by Vash: it was actually a living creature of some sort, an embryonic life-form that wanted to go back to the Gamma Quadrant. Vash keeps refusing Q, but is interested in an offer from Quark's :-)
ep 7 -
Dax - 408. 46910.something. Miles and Keiko are goine to Earth for her mother's 100th birthday. While following Dax, Bashir sees some people abducting her. They are catched but the man in charge claims to be "Ilon Tandro, special envoy from Klaestron IV", here with an arrest warrant for Dax, charged with treason and the murder of his father, thirty years ago, so when Dax was Curzon! Sisko is sure he knew the man well and Curzon was not a murderer or a traitor. Surprisingly, Dax refuses to defend herself. Sisko was friend with Curzon for twenty years, more or less. Klaestron IV has a treaty with the Federation, but not with Bajor, and that's why Tandro tried to get her out of there with abduction. Because of this, there will be a hearing on the station. The 'madam arbiter' is a woman of 100 years old :-) Sisko raises the point that Jadzia is not Curzon, so he buys some time. Odo is on Klaestron IV investigating; he speaks with general Tandro's widow, who is totally on Dax's side. She's sorry to hear that Curzon died two years ago. At the hearing, they explain well what being a Trill is, how any joined host is unique, different from the precedent hosts. Odo finds out the affair Curzon had with the general's wife. Sisko begs Dax to defend herself, but she won't. The widow comes to the hearing to prove that Curzon did not commit those crimes. He was with her. Jadzia wanted to keep Curzon's promise , to never say that it was the General who tried to betray his people.
ep 8 -
The passenger - 409. Kira is coming back with Julian. Apparently he did something great, curing a woman that seemed already dead, and Kira was "very impressed", and Julian is very satisfied with himself. They pick up a signal, a ship is on fire. A prisoner on it started a fire to get free. Apparently he died, and they can only save Ty Kajada of the Kobliad security. She won't believe that Vantika is really dead. He was responsible for many horrors. Apparently he's faked his death so many times she just can't believe he's really dead. There's an important shipment, very important for Kobliad's lives. Vantika wanted to steal it, and Kajada is sure that somehow he survived and still wants it.
Lieutenant George Primmin of Starfleet security questions Odo's methods, but after talking to Sisko he tries to cooperate. Odo overreacts, he wants to resign and doesn't only after Sisko reassures him that he is in charge. He should have told him to stop acting like a baby, but he was more diplomatic.
Dax suspects Vantika might be hidden in someone else's brain, and they suspect Kajada. Everyone, Quark for one, is surprised to see that Vantika is Bashir. Well, not me of course, and I guess none of the viewers as well, because we know about this, we've seen it before, and we got it at once when Vantika touched Bashir saying 'make me live'.
They manage to catch him, and take Vantika out of Julian's brain. Good, I didn't like how he played Vantika at all.
At the end, Vantika is dead for real and Bashir feels a bit humiliated, which might do him some good, actually.
ep 9 -
Move along home - 410. Jake starts being interested in girls, and what he knows about girls he learned from Nog :-/ Sisko and Dax are in dress uniform for the first contact with the Wadi species, while Bashir couldn't find his. Kira is there too, but the Wadi are only interested in games, and want to go to Quark's. They win a lot, so Quark rigs the game. The Wadi get angry and offer Quark to play a new one, Chula, with four pieces to move. When Odo finds that Sisko, Kira, Dax and Bashir are not on the station anymore, Quark realizes they are in the game :-D Our four pass the Allamaraine game with the little girl and the rhyme, then the room where drinking is the antidote from the gas; at the fourth shap they lose Bashir, then Quark takes the shortcut and it's Thialo, he has to sacrifice one to save the other two. Quark can't and begs forgiveness for his cheating, so the game takes one out at random: Dax, but Sisko and Kira would not leave her, so they all fall, finding themselves back on the station, losing the game. They were never in real danger: "it's only a game" says Falow :-D
The best line of the episode was Quark's: "oh yes, you were here for the groveling" :lol:
ep 10 -
The Nagus - 411. Sisko wants to visit Bajor for the gratitude festival with Jake, but he prefers to stay and wait for the Andorian freighter with Nog (although we never see any Andorian, ever).
First Rule of Acquisition: "Once you have their money, you never give it back". Morn laughs. Krax comes with his father Grand Nagus Zek. Miles is doing school because Keiko is on Earth, and Jake has to lie to cover Nog. Sisko says to Miles he can't separate the two friends because against Nog he'd probably lose. Miles doesn't believe that : "that's because your daughter's three. Wait till she's fourteen" :lol: Ferengi eat with sticks like oriental people: how cool :-)
Sixth rule of Acquisition: "Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity". Many Ferengi arrive for a big meeting with the Nagus, important Ferengi at his table, and Quark has to send Morn away :lol: The Nagus has an announcement: Quark is the new Nagus. When Zek dies, Krax sells pieces of his body, in Ferengi tradition. Quark's life is threatened now. He luckily escapes a bomb set by his brother Rom and Krax. Sisko finds out that Jake is secretly teaching Nog how to read. Rom and Krax are about to kill Quark when the Nagus comes with Odo, alive, safe and sound. It was a test, to see if his son was ready to take his place, but he failed, he should have taken the bar, gaining information. Quark, when it's all over, is not angry at Rom, instead he buys him a drink :lol: Sisko is no more angry at Jake hanging out with Nog.
ep 11 -
Vortex - 412. Two twinned Miradorn try to sell stolen objects to Quark when Croden of the Rakhar world comes in to steal it, and one of the twin is killed in the fight. Croden has a key made of shapeshifting stuff, and calls Odo a "changeling" : "haven't they come through the wormhole yet?" he says, implying there are changelings in the Gamma Quadrant. Odo and Quark call Morn by name: is this the first time? I'm not sure, maybe.
Changelings on Rakhar were persecuted and driven out centuries ago. Sisko and Dax find Rakhar and learn that Croden is considered an enemy there, and they want him back. Croden says the Vortex is where he found the stone-key. It's a nebula called the Chamra Vortex, and there are millions of asteroids in it. He says there's a colony of changelings on one of them. Odo is ordered by Sisko to take Croden back to his world. Odo goes, alone with Croden. They are followed, attacked by the Miradorn ship, seeking revenge for his brother, so to save themselves Odo gives the helm to Croden and he heads for the Vortex and lands, hoping to lose the Miradorn. He finally reveals the truth, he had never seen a changeling before, they were just a legend to him. The stone is a key to "his only reason for living": they find a stasis chamber with his daughter, the only member of his family he could save when the guards killed his two wives. Croden wants Odo to protect his daughter Yareth. Rock falls and Odo is hurt, and Croden saves him. Odo has an idea to get rid of the Miradorn, letting them kill themselves, firing in an area full of gas. Because of the explosion, they are approached by a Vulcan ship offering help: Odo tells them he has two survivors from a ship that was destroyed, and they agree to take them to Vulcan. Croden gives Odo his stone, and Odo prepares to tell whoever asks him that they were killed in the explosion, then he goes back to the station.
ep 12 -
Battle lines - 413. Kai Opaka comes to the station: she's never left Bajor before. She gives her necklace to Miles for his daughter. Sisko and Kira take her through the wormhole, and Bashir, well, he invited himself :-p She wants to take a look around; they are attacked by some satellite, and crash somewhere. Opaka doesn't survive the crash, and Kira cries and prays. On the planet there are people fighting. The Ennis and the Nol-Ennis are at war. This moon is a sort of prison colony, they can't escape. And they can't die. They have been at war for generations, long before they were sent here as punishment. Sisko arranges a peace meeting, to talk about a cease-fire, but it was a trap. Neither of the two factions was sincere, and they fight again. Bashir finds out that the microbes that changes the people, bringing them back to life, bind them to the moon. If they leave, they die. Kai Opaka wants to stay, to help these people. That's good, since she actually
has to stay :-) Dax and O'Brien find them and transport the three of them, leaving Opaka there. She tells Sisko their path will cross again. Will it?
ep 13 -
The storyteller - 414. Bajor asks Sisko to mediate between the Paqu and the Navot, they argue because of a land dispute that might cause a civil war. The tetrarch of the Paqu is a young girl, Varis Sul. Varis is helped by Nog and Jake. Ninth rule of Acquisition: Opportunity plus instinct equals profit. Thanks to Nog's help, Varis finds a compromise, something to ask in exchange for what she gives back.
Bashir and O'Brien goes on a medical mission for Bajor. Bashir asks him "do I annoy you?" and, well, O'Brien doesn't give a direct response. O'Brien always calls him "sir" and he asks to be called Julian. The village seems fine, but a man is dying: their storyteller, the Sirah, and if he dies they believe the whole village will die. The Dal'Rok is a terrible creature that lives in the woods, and without the Sirah the village will be destroyed. The Sirah names O'Brien his successor. The Sirah's apprentice is jealous and tries to stab Miles. Once the village was divided by hate and distrust, and the first Sirah found a way to unite the people. He used an orb fragment as a catalyst to give their fear a physical form. This apprentice tried once already, and failed, and now the people don't trust him. Miles tries to tell the story, but he's not doing well, until he comes forward to help. O'Brien and Bashir come back to DS9 and Bashir says "on second thoughts, you don't really have to call me Julian", which is good because O'Brien said it in a very annoying tone.
ep 14 -
Progress - 415. While playing cards with Jake, Nog hears that Quark has
a lot of Cardassian Yamok sauce he doesn't want, now that there are no more cardassians on the station, and Nog takes this as an opportunity. 46844.3 There's a Bajoran man on DS9, they help him with some important thing concerning Bajor, a moon and heat. Dax chats with Kira and tells her Morn invited her to dinner; she said she was busy but also that he's kind of cute. They are checking an area that should have been evacuated, and find there is still someone, a stubborn old man refusing to leave.
Nog trades his sauce with a Lissepian cargo ship captain: since he has no latinum he gives them 100 gross of self-sealing stem bolts that he had brought for a Bajoran man that can't pay. Quark just wants to get rid of the yamok sauce, and Jake and Nog trade the bolts with land. It turns out Bajor wants it, so Nog sells it to Quark for latinum :-)
Mullibok has lived there for forty years: "if I leave here I'll die so I'd rather die here". Kira likes the man a lot, but he really can't stay, so at the end she destroys his house and beams him out of there, to save his life.
ep 15 -
If wishes were horses - 416. Julian hits on Dax, but she's not interested. Jake uses Quark's holosuite to play baseball, and Miles reads Rumpelstiltskin's tale to Molly. How cute is little Molly! Then, surprise, Rumpelstiltskin actually appears in her room! A basesball player appears to Jake, and a rather submissive Jadzia appears in Bashir's room. People's imagination creates things. It's snowing on the Promenade :-) There's some kind of disruption, and every time they suspect it might be something they discover it's exactly that. 46853.2 This 'creatures' talk among themselves, unable to understand why people would 'create' them if they don't like them or don't want them or are scared of them. Eventually, before the station and the whole system is destroyed, Sisko realizes they created it with their imagination, so he 'orders' the to believe there is nothing out there, and just like that it goes away. At the end, Bokai the player reveals to Sisko they are on a mission to understand other cultures. Honestly, they did nothing dangerous, the trouble was created by the crew itself, not by them directly.
ep 16 -
The forsaken - 417. 46925.1 A group of Ambassadors is on the station, and Bashir has to take care of them. A female Arbazan, a male vulcan, one other and what do you know? Ambassador Troi! Luaxana!! (Majel Barrett) yeahyyyy :-) :"you are dealing with the Daughter of the Fifth house, Holder of the sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed! I know where it hurts most, you little troll" she says to Quark :lol: She has lost a hair brooch: "I never use this hair without it", and Odo comes to help: "Dopterians are distant relatives of the Ferengi. It made sense that since you couldn't read Quark you wouldn't be able to read this charming fellow either", and now Luaxana is fascinated by Odo! :lol: Luaxana is beautiful and amazing, but Odo goes to Sisko to complain about her, because he doesn't know what to do with her, but of course Sisko can't help him :lol: Odo tells Luaxana he turns into a liquid every
16 hours (they were 18 when this series started) and she replies: "I can swim" :lol: now that things stop working, he's stuck with her on a turbolift, no escape :lol: The other ambassadors are driving Bashir crazy too. :lol: Luaxana can stay silent, so they talk. Oko says he imitated the hairstyle of the Bajoran man that was assigned to him, to study him at the research centre. He tells her of how he tried to fit in: "Odo be a chair, Odo be a razorcat.." poor Odo.
Bashir takes his ambassadors to the habitat ring, when there's an explosion and Bashir helps them.
Odo must regenerate but doesn't want anyone to see him like that, so to help him Lwaxana takes off her blonde hair-wig: "no one's ever seen me like this. It looks ordinary. I never cared to be ordinary. So you see, Odo, even we non-shape-shifters have to change who we are once in a while" - "you are not at all what I expected" - "no one's ever paid me a greater compliment" *sweet* so he turns liquid and she holds him on her dress-skirt.
Miles has a problem with the cardassian computer :-p A probe comes out of the wormhole and they download its data. Something gets into the computer and starts creating problems. Miles believes the computer's voice personality has changed. There's something in the computer, somehow it breaks down every time Miles goes away, to bring him back. Miles creates a 'doghouse' for the 'creature' that's been downloaded from the probe, so now everything works as usual. The ambassadors are fine, Bashir had them hide and now they praise him.
ep 17 -
Dramatis personae - 418. Kira is alarmed because a Valerian transport has arrived and they "ran weapons-grade dolamite to the cardassian forces during the occupation of Bajor. I believe they're continuing shipping weapons to the cardassians..", she wants to search that ship but this dolamite is also used for power generators and reactors and stuff, so Sisko tells her to come back with proof, and then he'll do something about it. Keiko has taken eleven school children to Bajor. A ship comes through the wormjhole, it explodes but a klingon's able to transport to the station: time to say "victory" and he dies. 46922.3 Odo feels bad and when he wakes up in the infirmary Bashir is weird, talking of 'unstable alliance on the station' ,and hinting at a possible mutiny. Dax giggles and forgets herself, and O'Brien too talks weird: "anyone who's against Sisko is against me". Kira looks for Odo's 'cooperation', and Sisko is careless about things. Kira flirts with Jadzia to get her on her side. At 22:48 in the show, Odo shows why he's the head of security, how quick he is: "doesn't Kira's behavious seem a little out of the ordinary?" yeah, a little indeed.
O'Brien is in Sisko's office, saying Sisko is "in his quarters, where he's safe". Odo learns the klingon ship analized some telepatic energy spheres on a world in the Gamma Quadrant, and first them and now the people on the station are re-inacting the fight that destroyed that people. Odo tricks Bashir into finding a cure, then leads the five of them into a cargo bay, activate the resonance, the energy comes out of their heads, he opens the door and the energy is sucked out. Apparently only Sisko, Kira, Dax, O'Brien and Bashir were affected. The end, and all about the Valerian ship is forgotten...
That Modela Aperitif at Quark's looks funny :-) also funny that Dax sided with Kira ... :-s
ep 18 -
Duet - 419. Dax and Kira talking about their childhood :-) A patient comes to the station, he suffers from Kalla-Nohra, and Kira says "the only cases of kalla-nohra I know of were the result of a mining accident at a Bajoran forced labour camp that I helped liberate. The survivors have always been a symbol to us of strength and courage" so she goes to meet this patient and surprise! He's a cardassian, so she has him locked up as a war-criminal. Kira speaks of atrocities, at that camp that she freed twelve years ago. This Marritza says he was a file clerk, somewhere else, but they immediately find out that's a lie, he
was there. He keeps saying he was a filing clerk he talks of leader Gul Darhe'el as a brilliant, extraordinary man; Odo finds that Marritza was really a filing clerk, but they find a picture where his face is traced back to Gul Darhe'el himself. Kira's found "the Butcher of Gallitep", and now he speaks of being a magnificent leader: "I admit everything, I was the best at what I did". Odo is troubled by the detail that that man knew Kira was with the Shakaar resistance cell. Gul Dukat tells Odo Gul Darhe'el is dead, he is very sure of that. The man in prison doesn't change his story: "what you call genocide, I call a day's work". Odo tells her "the man in there wanted to be caught" and that Gul Darhe'el was away on Cardassia the day of the mining accident, so he never contracted the disease. Bashir reveals that the man has cosmetic alterations done to him, to appear like Darhe'el. "I'm beginning to understand a lot about you" says Kira to him, and "why do you pretend to be Gul Darhe'el?" but he insists on his foul speaking. "You're Marritza, aren't you?" but has a hard time getting him to admit it. "Marritza was good for nothing but cowering under his bunk and weeping like a woman, who every night covered his hears because he couldn't bear the endless screaming for mercy of the Bajorans" and then he cries, and then he goes on, no more pretences "covered my ears every night, but I couldn't bear to hear those horrible screams. You have no idea what it's like to be a coward, to see these horrors and do nothing. Marritza is dead, he deserves to be dead" and Kira opens the door (well, metaphorically speaking I mean, she actually lowers the force field), letting him go, but he wants to be punished "my trial will force Cardassia to acknowledge its guilt. My death is necessary" but Kira says "enough good people have already died, I won't help kill another" thus calling him a good man. "If Cardassia is going to change, it's gonna need people like you", but a Bajoran man on the station stabs him to death. In a way, though, it's quite absurd that they couldn't save him. He was hit once with a knife, in Bashir's time this should not be enough to die. It's a sad but necessary ending, because Kira asks why, the man says "he's a Cardassian, it's reason enough" and Kira surprises herself by saying "no, it's not". A day before she might have felt the same way, but now she's seen how there can be good Cardassians too, after all. This was a great, intense episode. Marritza was played by Harris Yulin. It was a great episode, full of depth.
ep 19 -
In the hands of the prophets - 420. Keiko is on the station now, and keeping her teaching classes, but also teaching about "the entities that live in the wormhole", but Vedek Winn opposes her, calling what she teaches blasphemy. She has Kira's support on this matter, too! Unbelievable. I mean, unbelievable to see her on Winn's side. Vedek Winn calls Sisko "the Emissary to the Prophets". She says:"the prophets have spoken to me", but I don't believe it at all, knowing her she simply wants to feel important, to have power. She also says:"I cannot be responsible for the consequences". O'Brien has lost a tool, although he never misplaces his tools, and Ensign Aquino is missing. The find the tool melted, and probably Aquino too. The man who sells Jumja sticks refuses to sell them to Miles and Keiko, telling them to "seek the prophets". Keiko is firmly decided to not allow the prophets in the school, so Winn asks that she teaches nothing at all about the wormhole, to find other thing to teach. She refuses, maybe a bit too quickly. She's not religious, she doesn't understand how important it is for Bajorans, and all this "I'm a teacher" talk seems really arrogant for a botanist who's been teaching only for a few months! For over fifty years the prophets were Bajorans' only source of hope and courage, and I like what Sisko says here to Jake: "it may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong". Excellent line! So true!
O'Brien is troubled by Aquino's death because it looks like he took one of his tools, and as a Starfleet engineer "you don't take a chief's tool without asking, it's unheard of".
Sisko goes to Bajor to find help and meets Vedek Bareil, and he's immediately likable, but at first he can't be of help.
Seventh rule of Acquisition: Keep your ears open.
The school is blown up by an explosion. It's funny how people came with their Trek-version of a fire-extinguisher. Not very futuristic :-/
Winn says it's an act of the prophets, as she always does. She says Sisko is without a soul, that he wants to destroy Bajor. I so don't like how he speaks when he wants to sound intense. Bareil comes to the station to help. It turns out that O'Brien's Bajoran assistant helped Winn with the sabotage. It was all Winn's plan to get Bareil here and have Neela kill him. Fortunately she fails; well, she's stopped by Sisko in a comic way that's supposed to look heroic. Of course they'll never be able to prove Winn's involvement. I never liked Winn, even before she plotted a murder! I never liked her, at all.
End of season 1. In my dvds there are also some little 'hidden files', or so they are called but they are not very hidden, they're just not listed. From one to two minutes long, they are 1-Sisko 2-O'Brien 3-Odo 4-Odo 5-Dax 6-Dax 7-Bashir 8-Kira 9-Jake 10-Vash
The actors in the opening titles are:
Avery Brooks - Cmdr Benjamin Sisko
Rene Auberjonois - Odo
Siddig El Fadil - Doctor Julian Bashir
Terry Farrell - Lieutenant Jadzia Dax
Cirroc Lofton - Jake Sisko
Colm Meaney - Chief Miles O'Brien
Armin Shimerman - Quark
Nana Visitor - Major Kira Nerys
Actors not in the opening titles, playing recurrent characters.
Aron Eisenberg - Nog
Max Grodénchik - Rom, but he was listed as 'Ferengi pit boss' at first.
Rosalind Chao - Keiko
Hana Hatae - Molly
Louise Fletcher - Vedek Winn
Philip Anglim - Vedek Bareil
Wallace Shawn - Zek
Andrew Robinson - Garak
Marc Alaimo - Gul Dukat
Actors or characters worth a mention, or that simply I know of.
John Hertzler - Vulcan Captain
Frank Owen Smith - Curzon