About this blog

Basically is all written on the top of the page. Every time I watch a film, a television series, or any television show, and every time I read a book or a comic book maybe, I come here and I talk about it. Because I like it :-D  Also, since my memory really sucks, I won't talk about stuff I saw years ago, because I simply wouldn't remember it well enough. I'm going to talk only about things I've just watched or just read. Anything. And if I'll have to rewatch all the films I've ever seen or reread all the books I've ever read in my life so be it!
At least, that's the plan, now let's see how it works out. :-)

One more thing: as I've watched/read it, I write about it on a paper, because I also like pen and paper and because I could be out of home, so from time to time I take all those pages  and I upload them here, in order, so you'll probably see no entries for days or weeks, then maybe four-five things on the same day, or things like that. I upload them when I can, but it takes time to copy them.

Everything written in this blog is just a personal opinion written for fun and for myself; if anyone finds this blog and doesn't want spoilers, please stop reading then. I often write quite in detail the endings or the important bits of a movie/book, so if with time I forget it I'll be able to remember it all.

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