martedì 9 settembre 2014

Elementary season 1

Sherlock Holmes in America, just out of rehab with a female Watson to look after him. This is the American version of Sherlock. Joan Watson is Lucy Liu, which is always a good thing. Ex-surgeon, now helps people out of rehab.
Funny that Sherlock googled her to know about her dad having an affair, because you can not deduce everything :-p
Watson : "You can solve a person just by looking at them. You don't have mirrors. It means you know a lost cause when you see one"
Watson : "Do you close yourself off to people and deny yourself things that might bring you pleasure not because it makes you a better investigator, but because it's some sort of penance?"
Holmes : "Penance?"
Watson : "For what happened in London. Being addicted. I don't know. It just occurred to me that it might be something that someone might do and not even know it."
Holmes : "Well, you always know it Watson, if you didn't it wouldn't be penance"
Watson : "Are you okay?"
Holmes : "My dear Watson, when ever am I not?"  - yeah sure, always alright, like the Doctor says.
about Irene Adler : " she died. I didn't take her passing well" - "She was, to me, THE woman. She eclipsed and predominated the whole of her gender."
Holmes : "The thing that's different about me, empirically speaking, is you"
Watson : "That is one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me"
 ... please, don't make them a couple, never ever, it's not right, please don't mess things up like always, it is possible for two people to work together and be fond of each other without necessarily having to sleep together! I hope they'll never do such a thing.
Watson : "You named a bee after me" aww.
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep" - by R.Frost.
Now, the finale... I didn't like it very much. Not because of Irene's identity, no problem with that, as soon as I saw her I thought she had to be on the wrong side, but still I had not thought of her being Moriarty, wasn't expecting that, but after all why not? I mean, here Watson is a woman, so why shouldn't Moriarty be a woman? No problem with that at all. What I didn't like is that they presented like genius the fact that Watson could tell that Moriarty loved Sherlock... oh really, come on, where's the surprise? Of course she did, that could be the only reason for putting off his murder, and always insisting that he shouldn't be killed, and even revealing herself in order to protect him : 'she would never kill him, not in a million years' , and he's surprised? Had she not saved him, nobody would still know who she was!

Things in common with 'Sherlock' ? Well, he writes sms to the detectives, but not so often. He wrote an sms to the murderer "I know you killed her" .  When he said "if I was a sociopath.." but he is not, so ...
Of course there's the "Watson, you know, some people, without possessing genius, have a remarkable knack for stimulating it" - Not much after all, because this is much American.

I liked it anyway, I'll wait for the new season.

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