lunedì 1 settembre 2014

Doctor Who series 4

 -Doctor Who Partners in crime 13 April 2014

The episodes of this series:
1-Partners in crime - I already talked about this episode, and I like it because it explains clearly how Donna is not at all attracted by him, as crazy as that might sound. She "bloody loves him", as she'll say in episode 2, but not romantically, and that is a relief for someone like Ten: everybody he met tended to fall in love with him, so Donna is restful, is the perfect companion right now. At the end we see Rose for a moment, still not knowing why. That's the common theme of this series, alongside the planet of the adipose people that went missing, and how can a planet just disappear???
2- The fires of Pompeii - again the Doctor wanted to go to one place, and the Tardis brought him somewhere else. He still doesn't know how to read well the data and everything, or the Tardis does what she wants with no warning, before or after? Anyway, they are in Pompeii and they meet Peter Capaldi, future Doctor n. 12!!! Who bought the Tardis thinking it was a piece of art!!! Well, now you can have it, you had to wait a bit, but now it's yours :-D
The Doctor tells Donna that they can't change history to save those people, because it's a fixed point in time, something they can't change, and it's very difficult for her, she can't accept it, and keeps fighting with him because of it, right to the point where he finds out that he's the one causing the destruction of Pompeii. He finds aliens, and he has to choose between a city or the world, and it's intense, but he has Donna next to him, not leaving him, understanding now. Before going away, it's Donna that convinces him to save at least someone, so he saves Capaldi's character's family.
3 - Planet of the Ood. The Ood again, and the way humans are treating them, disgusting but unfortunately very easy to believe. They save them, and here too they say something that will be remembered later in the series and in the later specials.
4-5 The Sontaran stratagem - The  poison sky - They are called back to Earth by Martha, because people are disappearing, and the Sontaran are planning an invasion using cars. We learn that Martha is no longer a doctor, but she's a sort of soldier now, which I didn't like at all. Best line of the two-part episode is when the doctor puts on a gas-mask and says "are you my mummy?" which reminds us of an episode with Nine.
6 The Doctor's daughter - The Doctor with Donna and Martha go to a planet where there is a war that looks like it's being going on for ages, but Donna finds out that it's not. The Doctor cells are used against his will to create a human being to replace those that died in battle, because that's what they do instead of stopping the fight. They make new people already grown and throw them into war. A girl comes out, and it's her the doctor's daughter. He has difficulties accepting this, but the most difficult thing for him will be to tell her goodbye, when he thinks she's dying. He's angry to the man that killed her, and takes a gun and points it to him, and I feared one of those moments "don't do it, it's not worth it" and stuff like this, that we've already seen millions of times. But this is the Doctor, so nobody says anything to him, they just look and wait, and then he does NOT shoot, instead he says that he "would never", and that's the most important bit of the episode. That he "would never".
7 The unicorn and the wasp - The Doctor and Donna are alone again, and he takes her to meet Agatha Christie, and they get involved in a mistery, because a body has just been found in the library!! I love this episode, when the two of them meet A C is fantastic, when the doctor is happy to meet her saying that she always fools him in his books, only to go gradually down to "weeell, once, but it was a good one", Fantastic, the way he says that. And funny is the way he cures himself when he's been poisoned, very funny, as it is Donna when she notices that meeting Agatha Christie while there is a murder would be like meeting Dickens at Christmas with ghosts, which actually happened to Nine and Rose. :-D
8-9 Silence in the library - Forest of the dead - This is when the Doctor meets professor River song, that seems to know a lot about him, although he has never seen her. She knows his name, which leads him to help her because he knows he never tells his name to anyone, and says that there is only one reason why he would have told her his name, but doesn't say which one.
Both parts written by Steven Moffat.

10 Midnight
11 Turn left
12 The stolen Earth
13 Journey's end

Russell T. Davies wrote the special and episodes 1, 10, 11, 12, 13.

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