lunedì 8 febbraio 2016

Monsters, Inc. - 2001

It's so cute :-) I love that little child, her faces and her laughing :-) The only thing that annoys me is Mike, the green one-eye thing, because he never stops talking, he talks too much really, he makes me want to shout at the tv "shut up and try to think if you can"! I don't do it though .
Anyway, the story is nice and little Boo is so cute she makes Mike unimportant. Sully is cute too, in his own way. The story: this world populated my monsters (by our standards, but behaving like regular people do in our world) needs energy and the Monsters, Inc. provides it by scaring human children and get energy from their screams. They have special doors, and each door takes them to a specific child's room in our world (it's not known how doors get made, but once a door is destroyed nobody can ever go to that room again. These are the doors of the children's room's closets).
One night Sully is alone in there and finds that a door has been left there, not put away with all the others. The light's on so he doesn't take it away because there might be someone inside. He opens the door to check and a little girl comes out with him. Now, in their world they believe that human children are dangerous, their touch can kill you, their clothing or other stuff can contaminate the place, so Sully is scared, and Mike too when he's told about it. The child is having lots of fun with them, but they still think she's a danger to all. While trying to send her back home, they discover that Randall is plotting something bad for her. He built a machine to be attached to a child's mouth to extract their screams, poor things. The boss Waternoose is in on it, and they unmask him in front of the CDA (children detection agency or something like that) so he's arrested. Boo is sent back home and her door destroyed, but in time Mike put the pieces of wood back together to allow Sully to see her again. Now the Monsters, Inc has changed. Thanks to Boo they discovered that children's laughters make much more energy than their screams, so now monsters at night enter children's rooms to make them laugh :-)
My favourite things: 1. Boo, hands down. She's so cute and sweet, she totally seems a real child (twelve to eighteen months old, two years tops, what do you think?). 2.I like Sully's colors :-)  3.every scene with Boo, when she plays, cries, laughs, walks, just so cute.  4.Celia, Mike's girlfriend, and her snake-hair :lol: that changed attitude with her mood :-)
5. The detail that among her toys there are other Disney-Pixar's characters :-)
6. The ending, when Sully opens the door, we hear Boo's voice but don't see her, we only see him and his face breaking into a big, happy smile, and I smile with him :-)
The best way to end a movie, to leave the viewers with a smile on their faces :-D

In Italy: Monsters & Co.

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