How boring. It was really boring: no fun, no mystery, no thrill, no action. It's supposed to be a spy-story full of intrigue and love and danger.. the love part I could see: former countess Lucille has been recruited to come to London and end the career of a socialist politician so she's forced to leave her house without a note and her husband the Duke of Souspennier (aka Victor) is determined to get her back, his great love and only reason for living.
The intrigue: the yellow crayon is the name of a secret society that unites the aristocracy of Europe and works to defend their privileges against the socialists. The Prince of Saxe Leinitzer called for her and she 'could not refuse' because both her and Victor are members. Her task is to have Mr Brott fall in love with her so much he'll choose her over his political career, and it works! His career is ruined but then a crazy man shoots him for betraying the people. I don't think they cared enough about it, there are people that think they are in every way superior, they only count and others are nothing! Just like Victor's valet, who died and nobody cares.
The danger: a few time Victor or Lucille are threatened with arrest, and of course there is the valet episode. He's found dead: he committed suicide because he had been ordered to kill Victor and he saw no other way out of it. That's it basically.
The Prince says to Lucille 'you can't go' and she doesn't. I mean, there's really nothing to it.
It was boring, and most annoying with that attitude of superiority they all possess. It felt like it was a right thing to do, you know, give your life for someone who is your superior, stuff like that, how sick it was, very annoying.
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