The story: Miss Judy owns a sanitarium but she’s having financial trouble, and risks losing it. Her only rich client/patient is Mrs Upjohn but she wants to leave in a rage because the doctor says she’s perfectly fine. When she says she wants to go to Dr Hackenbush, Tony says that he’s the new sanitarium’s doctor so she stays and he sends a telegram to Hackenbush telling him to come and take care of Mrs Upjohn. He’s actually a vet but Mrs Upjohn doesn’t know - “she’s so in love with me she doesn’t know anything. That’s why she’s in love with me”. He puts on his jacket and prepares to leave and there’s a puppy hidden inside one of his sleeves :-p
His funny walk reminds me of Govi sometimes, and it’s funny how two different actors so far away may have developed similar techniques.
Hackenbush arrives at the sanitarium and tries everything he can to avoid answering questions about his profession. He knows he’s a fraud because he’s not a people-doctor, but he needs money too.
He looks at a portrait and tells Judy that he had met the woman and “I proposed to your mother” - “but that’s my father” - “no wonder he turned me down” :lol:
Gil Stewart, Judy’s boyfriend, is a tenor and there’s a long long scene when he sings a song, then Vivien Fay dances, then a bit of fun with Hackenbush dancing with two women: Mrs Upjohn and the sexy one he wants to dance with; then there are Chico and Harpo playing the piano and directing the orchestra, then they smash the piano and Harpo uses it as an harp :-p
A rich man, Morgan, wants to buy the sanitarium to build a casino, so he set the femme fatal onto him to get him into trouble. Stuffy hears it all and ‘explains it’ to Tony, and they try to save the situation. Hackenbush has invited her to his room, where he was supposed to be found by Mrs Upjohn and ruined. Tony and Stuffy do all they can to stop their evening together: at one point they dress up as Sherlock : “if you’re looking for my fingerprints you’re a little early”, when they look at her. Then they come in as workmen to put new wallpapers on the walls, and they cover everything, girl included, so when Mrs Upjohn comes in she’s nowhere to be seen.
Whitman, who works at the sanitarium but secretly for Morgan, brings in another doctor to put Hackenbush to the test, and Hackenbush tries to leave in a hurry but Tony stops him. “Are you a man or a mouse?” - “You put a piece of cheese down there and you’ll find out” :-p
At this point there’s a long comic scene where the two doctors are supposed to examine Mrs Upjohn: a lot of madness that ends with a horse in the room.
Now there’s another song to cheer Judy up because she thinks she’s lost. Then there’s a long song/dance scene with a lot of little black kids and their families and some musicians and singers. The three Marx blacken up to blend in when she sheriff arrives, trying to avoid those chasing them. When they see the sheriff, all the people disappear, and Stuffy escapes with Gil’s horse, who turns out to be a jumper, not a runner. They all plan to make the horse compete, and succeed even if the bad guys are all trying to stop them. Stuffy is their jockey of course, and every time the horse has to jump they make him see Morgan’s face or hear his voice, until at some point both him and Morgan’s jockey fall down in the mud. The other jockey gets up first and wins the race, but when the horse reacts badly to Morgan’s presence Stuffy realizes that that’s his horse! And since it’s the horse that matters, not the jockey, they won! They all walk away into a long celebrating procession, and Hackenbush says to Mrs Upjohn: “Emily I have a little confession to make, I really am a horse doctor but marry me and I’ll never look at any other horse” :lol:
Hackenbush-Groucho Marx
Judy-Maureen O’Sullivan
Tony-Chico Marx
Stuffy-Harpo Marx
Gil-Allan Jones
Mrs Upjohn-Margaret Dupont
Vivien Fay as herself
Dancing femme fatal - Esther Muir
ITA un giorno alle corse
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