in progress. still to add: episodes 5--22
The saddest season.
I liked this one very much, despite the sadness, because it was the more psychological and complex regarding characters emotions. I love it because there are no cheap tricks, the characters are cared about and made real. The only thing I didn't much liked was the trio of villains, of course :-/ but from now one there's no getting rid of them.
eps 1-2 - Bargaining parts 1 - 2
There's a long recap to reminds us where we left at the end of the last season, which is with Buffy dead... we see her grave: "Buffy Ann Summers, 1981 2001, beloved sister, devoted friend, she saved the world, a lot". It starts with Giles, Spike and Tara chasing a vampire together, while Willow guides them telepathically; Xander and Anya are involved too, although there seems to be less action on their part. 'Buffy' gets knocked out and Spike saves Giles: "oh poor watcher, has your life passed before your eyes? Cup of tea, cup of tea, almost hot shagged, cup of tea.." :lol:
Of course it's not the real Buffy but the Buffy-bot, that they're trying to pass for the real one.
As Giles says "we need the world and the underworld to believe that Buffy is alive and well". Buffy-bot even goes to parent-teacher-day with Dawn..
Giles is about to leave for England and Anya will be left in charge of the shop. Seeing them bickering, Xander says "when I'm marvelling at the immaturity: be scared!" :lol: and then he insists on keeping his engagement to Anya a secret.
Spike babysits Dawn, and even if she says that he doesn't have to, he insists "no, I'm not leaving you to get hurt, again" (feeling guilty about Buffy's death, feeling that had he not failed them she wouldn't have had to jump and die).
Buffy-bot goes on patrol alone but gets broken by a bottle to the head. The vampire she was fighting understands that she's a robot and spreads the news.
Willow, Tara, Anya and Xander finally have all they need to bring Buffy back. They all say that it feels wrong, but Willow's the boss and she's convinced, because Buffy didn't die a natural death. Willow is worried that she might be suffering in hell and wants to save her.
A large group of demons learn about the slayer being a robot, so now that there's no real slayer anymore but just a replacement, they immediately ride towards Sunnydale.
Willow kills a bambi with a knife because she needed its blood for the spell, and she did it alone because the others didn't know about that detail (such a scene, a pretty field, Willow like a fair maiden, a beautiful creature approaching... and then she kills it... )
Giles goes away leaving a note behind, so they rush to the airport to say goodbye.
At midnight the four of them go stand over Buffy's grave and perform the spell. "Here lies the warrior of the people, let her cross over"...
The demons invade the town, and when Buffy-bot shows up they damage her so she runs back to Willow because programmed to do so, and they storm the cemetery interrupting the spell so they run away unsure if it worked or not.
Buffy comes back to life, still in her grave, and has to fight her way out to come out to hell let loose.
The bot is torn to pieces, and Buffy sees that and runs away in confusion. She finds the gang and looking at her bleeding hands Xander finally understands that they left her in the coffin...
Buffy fights some demons. Dawn finds the bot and it says that "the other Buffy" was here and ran away, so Dawn runs off alone. Tara saves Willow because "nobody messes with my girl" :-)
Dawn finds Buffy where she died, and Buffy's first words are "Is this hell?". She's confused but when Dawn is in danger she saves her, then the tower falls down. Dawn hugs her, saying "you're alive and you're home"...
3 - After life
Dawn takes Buffy home, changes her clothes, washes her, and Buffy barely speaks at all. Spike comes home looking for Dawn, and learns about Buffy being back and is speechless. He understands right away why her hands are bloody, he had to do it himself. As the other four arrive, Spike goes out without a word.
He cries, and he's also angry that they didn't tell him, and he says to Xander that he knows why Willow didn't want him to know, because she knew that there was a chance that Buffy came back wrong and that he wouldn't have let her get rid of wrong-Buffy anyway.
Willow says that Giles will come back now that he knows, now that she told him. When alone with Tara in their room, Willow confesses that she expected Buffy to be happier and thankful, which she doesn't seem to be.
Some strange things happen in Buffy's house and then at Xander and Anya's, and Anya says "I bet it's a hitchhiker", that when Buffy came back something else hitchhiked a ride.
They try to figure out what, Buffy says "I miss Giles", and then goes out alone to patrol, and she goes to see Spike..
Willow says that they actually created this demon, as a price for the spell. It's a temporary thing, but it'll become permanent if it kills Buffy. She can't fight it because it has no body, so Anya and Willow make a spell to make it 'kickable', then Willow's eyes change, she says "solid" and Buffy can cut off its head.
The episode ends with Buffy saying "I was in hell"; she thanks them and then she meets Spike outside and tells him the truth: when he asks if he can do anything for her because "I know a thing or two about torment", she says "I was happy, wherever I was I was happy, at peace, I knew that everyone I cared about was alright, I knew it" and "I was warm and I was loved and I was finished" and "I think I was in Heaven, and now I'm not" and "this is hell".
Also "just getting through the next moment, and the one after that, knowing what I've lost".. then she seems to suddenly realise what she's done, what she's said out loud, and says "they can never know, never" and walks away.
4 - Flooded
Buffy tries to repair the pipes, and floods the basement, and they have already money problems. She discovers that she's broke, another one of the many things she has to take care of.
Anya is still upset because they haven't told anyone about the engagement.
Buffy tries to get a loan but doesn't get it because she has no job, when a monster attacks the band and she says "no job? I wish". She battles the demon while robbers take all the money, and she still doesn't get the loan :-p
Dawn is 15 and not allowed to do research... (which is understandable, right? she's only 15, and not 16 like Buffy was when she met all the gang... )
Giles comes back and it's the most touching moment. He looks at her almost speechless: "you're..." - "a miracle?" and he smiles and says "yes, but then I always thought so" and it's so so sweet!
The demon has been hired by three guys, the ones who robbed the bank and have now all the money:
Jonathan, who was with Buffy since high school and I always remember him well; Warren (I think the jerk who created the Buffy-bot, right?) and Andrew (I didn't remember him, so they say that he's Tucker's brother, he's the one with the flying monkeys..). The demon wants Buffy dead, but Jonathan and Andrew don't much like the idea of killing her, so Warren gives the demon her address and sends him on his way.
Buffy and Giles talk and when she says "I'm glad you're back", he replies that he's glad that she's back too, and this should have been a nice hug-moment, but she just walked away leaving him behind feeling a bit uneasy.
Later he asks Willow about the spell and she's all proud of it and he says "you're a very stupid girl" and when he also said that she got lucky she said "I wasn't lucky, I was amazing". He calls her an arrogant amateur, and she replies "I'm very powerful, maybe it's not such a good idea for you to piss me off" ...
Buffy tries so hard to be ok so they won't worry that she always looks exhausted.
The demon breaks into her house to kill her and she takes him into the flooded basement so not to tear the whole house down.
We hear that Angel learned about her being back and called her, and she leaves to meet him, 'somewhere' between here and LA... and it ends...
5 - Life serial
6 - All the way
7 - Once more, with feeling
8 - Tabula rasa
9 - Smashed
10 - Wrecked
11 - Gone
12 - Doublemeat palace
13 - Dead things
14 - Older and far away
15 - As you were
16 - Hell's bells
17 - Normal again
18 - Entropy
19 - Seeing red
20 - Villains
21 - Two to go
22 - Grave
Buffy - Sarah Michelle Gellar
Giles - Anthony Stewart Head
Willow - Alyson Hannigan
Xander - Nicholas Brendon
Spike - James Marsters
Tara - Amber Benson
Anya - Emma Caufield
Dawn - Michelle Trachtenberg
Jonathan - Danny Strong
Andrew - Tom Lenk
Warren - Adam Busch
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