I never really liked Logan, but at least there are a few Goren-episodes, and the new Wheeler character is nice, I liked her enough.
1 - Blind spot
1 - Blind spot
The new captain tells Eames to keep an eye on Goren :p
A girl is killed, and her roommate knows Goren since she was little. When Goren was a sergeant he met Declan Gage, first profiler, and Gage mentored Goren before and after his meltdown.
Gage comes and immediately tries to take over the investigation. Goren hasn’t seen him in ten years, and now Gage thinks that he’s looking for Sebastian, the same man he looked for fifteen years ago.
Eames is attacked at her home. Goren receives a sms “I’ve been with your partner. All night. We’re having a great time. Sebastian”. Goren tells everybody and they go to her house full force. The captain agrees to bring in Declan Gage. They find Eames’ cellphone in Gage’s bag and a girl’s body in Eames car. She’s being held prisoner but manages to free herself, but unfortunately she can’t get out (I’m sorry, but once again I see that she’s wearing high heels. I understand that she’s an actress and not exactly a tall one at that, but she plays a cop, maybe more practical shoes would be more suitable wouldn’t you think? She’s a woman even without heels you know!)
Eames reaches a little window, and a man and his dog find her! While the captain talks to Gage, he says that he always asks the killer he interviews about their lives, and he listens to them. His daughter thinks that “he doesn’t care about me, only about his reputation, about Sebastian”, because he could only talk about serial killers with her, and she grew up with him after her mother committed suicide. Bringing back Sebastian gave them something to talk about, but then Goren was there and Gage had no more interest in her, so she decided to frame him. Now she confesses to Goren and tells him to tell everything to her dad, so he’ll finally talk to her, he’ll be there... how sad, how disturbed. I don’t like Gage, didn’t from the start.
It was a good, intense scene though, she was just talking to someone who could understand her, not confessing to a cop, and yet she knew what she was doing and was okay with it.
2 - Tru love
Anton Yelchin plays 16-year-old Keith
Logan has a new partner, Wheeler; I like her short hairstyle.
Dr Tyler, an ER plastic surgeon, is killed. He was a real jerk, videotaping all his sexual encounters without them knowing it. Keith is his son, and is having an affair with his teacher, who had a fling with the doctor too. Both Keith and Danielle say that they are in love. Dr Tyler found out about it and blackmailed her into sleeping with him. Danielle’s husband is the jealous type.
Danielle says that he bravely stepped up as a man, Keith says that he did something to the bike not thinking that he might get killed. They convince her that he’ll go to jail, so she pleads guilty to rape3, and has to tell Keith that her baby is his father’s baby. The end.. so, who was the real father of the baby? and more importantly, who gets arrested for the murder, nobody?
3 - Siren call
Goren and Eames
She’s in therapy but still wants to work. Ashley, a cop’s stepdaughter, is killed. They suspect the man she worked with. His wife (Brooke Shields) , a model, knew that they had an affair.
Ashley took her younger stepsister to a party and then left her with her drunk ex-boyfriend to take her home - she didn’t look 13 at all, I’d have thought 10 or eleven at most..
The cop has PTSD. Ashley’s behaviour was making her mother, who has cancer, even worse. So he killed her and now he’s afraid his beloved wife will never forgive him. He holds Goren hostage “I wanna kill you, and then me”. Goren”who’s gonna clean up the mess? Your daughter? Her mother?”. Ray gives him a phone: “call your mother, say goodbye” but Goren throws it away. Goren finally grabs his gun and stops him, and arrests him. His young daughter is calling him from outside and Goren says “she needs you”. All the police there, Ray grabs a gun and shoots himself. This was a great scene for Goren, a great performance for the actor , I really like him, he’s good!
4 - Maltese cross
Logan gets beaten up by firefighters. There's a hearing to establish what happened. Wheeler's flashback: a week before, a firefighter was stabbed to death. The guy was a good one, a hero. He had just stopped three kids beating up a drag queen, so they track down the kids, but they didn't stab him. They find out that he was gay, although married to a woman, pregnant. He had an affair and to know more Logan and Wheeler go talk to them and they don't react well. Back to the present, they think that a guy killed him when he broke up with him, like he did before. Logan asks for the biggest firefighter, Charlie, to help them by making the killer believe that Ian and Charlie were in love. He snaps and confesses. No hard feelings between NYPD and FDNY anymore.
5 - Bedfellows
Goren and Eames
The dead man is Adley Copeland. His wife Charlene has an affair with her gardener, but she’s not his only rich woman. Her husband knew and forgave her. After learning of her lover’s other women (well, one for sure) she takes pills to kill herself but is saved. Ted was embezzling money but his brother paid back. Ted is killed too and they suspect Ted’s wife Lina.
Goren watering Charlene’s plants :-)
Lina killed Charlene’s husband and wanted her to kill her own, like in the movie “strangers on a train” but Charlene couldn’t so Lina killed Ted too.
I hated the grandfather, who said “I lost my son”, never caring about Ted, and now favouring one grandchild over the other. Despicable man.
6 - Masquerade
Goren and Eames fly a man back to New York. 14 years ago a young girl was killed, and he's believed to be the killer.
(Her neighbour Royce is played by the same actor as SVU Benson's therapist)
They investigate to make sure he really did it. He claims that she was his girlfriend (wasn't she ten years old?!?!?!?)
The cop that was there at the time thinks that the mother did it but got away with it. Goren goes to her house and she treats it like a date :-p The little girl was an actress in commercials but she wanted to stop.
Nate Royce's son Jaimie confesses to accidentally killing her when he was 12. They put them all together and the truth comes out. Amberleigh was still alive when Jaimie left, then his dad Naate went there and found her and killed her.
7 - Country crossover
Logan and Wheeler
Music producer Curtis is dead. People throw suspicions on Goro, the “big threatening black guy, you’ll need backup” but then he’s all “welcome” :-) Goro then confesses to old murders, because they were drug dealers and were disrespectful to the dancers, and Goro did it for justice, but he did not kill Curtis. A wanna-be-singer who had an affair with Curtis for career confesses to the murder, but so does her husband Zach. She had her husband kill the guy, knowing Curtis was sick and telling Zach where to hit him.
8 - The war at home
Fran Drescher plays Amanda's mom.
Deputy commissioner's daughter, so they are all called in even if they were all off duty.
Goren was with his mother, but there was nobody else available so he had to go.
The girl won a brown star. They find Amanda's clothes scattered all over the woods next to a parking lot. Goren has to go quickly to his mom for an exam, then back on duty, then she calls him crying that she was alone.. They find the girl's body, then Goren's mom calls him again "If you don't come soon I'm walking out". Later Goren loses his patience and throws everything on his desk on the floor. Eames: "what the hell was that?" - Goren:"back off" and walks out, but later comes back.
A soldier killed her because she wasn't happy about a lie of the team during the war. Iraqi soldiers were executed and the report said "insurgents".
Eames' husband died eight years ago.
It ends with the captain talking about paperwork and Goren saying "save it, I'm leaving. If you wanna fire me, fire me" and then he walks out...
9 - Blasters
Logan and Wheeler
The victim is a young actor who played Skater in a child sitcom. Logan and Wheeler think that they can handle it, that it’ll be a ‘piece of cake’, until a car with four men comes shooting - but killing nobody.
Logan says “Goren would have knows” but I have no idea what he was talking about.
Pirate dvds of films not out yet, a fortune for the moment, until they come out. The Albanian mob lost their exclusive because of Skater and took it as betrayal.
Skater’s fellow actor has a bad complex, too attached to his fame and his sitcom character, he was painful to watch, but at the end he’ll go into witness protection, and he says that he’s relieved to let it all go, so maybe there’s still hope for him...
10 - Weeping Willow
Michelle Trachtenberg plays Lisa Willow Tyler.
Two bloggers are transmitting when they are abducted by someone who asks to download certain videos. Nobody knows if it’s real or a hoax, so the kidnappers post a video of them cutting Holden’s ear. It’s an hoax gone bad, that he used a fake gun and hired some guys to make a video about a kidnapping, but one guy took it seriously and shot the other guy and took Willow.
Holden scripted it all. The guy was an actor, he has the script, and Todd was killed by blanks.
The end: Willow leaves Holden and starts her career, probably after taking all the money that they got out of it.
Logan holding a baby :-p
11 - World's fair
A girl is making a documentary on racism, and is killed. She filmed Jewish kids harassing Mexican guys. The girl had an Italian boyfriend, Rudy, but she was supposed to marry a man chosen by her family and move to Pakistan. When Rudy goes to talk to the family, he gets killed.
The guy she was supposed to marry is disgusting, but the truth didn’t surprise me at all. Nothing here was a surprise; her father confessed to killing his daughter but of course he says he did it to protect his son, it was so obvious from the beginning, he says he killed her because he said she was a dishonour to him and his family, the shit.
12 - Privilege
Lady Harrington grand-daughter is killed. Isabel had a little daughter. The lady's son and wife are taking advantage of her bad health. Goren barges in to see her and calls for an ambulance "this is how you treat your mother?" but they blamed everything on her nurse and fired her.
The previous nurse said it all to Isabel and she wanted to go public with it. Lady Harrington is quite well now. Her son Grant says that his first wife committed suicide, but his half-brother killed her and Isabel too.
13 - Albatross
While reinacting a duel, a man dies, shot from far away by a sniper, a pro, with a special weapon. The intended victim was the embezzling husband of a politician. The sniper is found killed too. Eames admires her very much, and her driver likes her too, and confesses that he wanted to free her from a bad marriage. She listened to the tapes, she had her husband under surveillance, so she knew about it but did nothing to stop it.
14 - Flipped
Logan and Wheeler
A famous rapper comes back to his old neighbourhood and gets shot. He sang about stopping the 'omertà', and sure enough now nobody wants to talk to the police. Luckily there's an undercover cop, Williams, who helps them as he can. Everyone's afraid of talking and end up dead.
(I liked that actor playing Gman or Mr Thomas or whatever, the cop-killer one, he did good)
Logan wants to interrogate Carmen but Williams took her to his grandma to keep her safe. He won't tell where she is but Logan guesses and they pick her up. Grandma tells them to protect her because if anything happens to her "her blood is in your hands". Carmen finally speaks to them. Gman killed him, and he accepts a deal: only manslaughter and his word that nothing will happen to Carmen. The end: Williams kills him in prison
15 - Brother's keeper
Goren and Eames
A reverend's wife, Marjorie, is found dead. At a conference she received an envelop and a dvd with "your husband is evil" written on it.
We see again Goren with his mother, it is very hard for him :( she hates chemio, understandably, and also how doctors treat her because she's schizophrenic. While with Eames, Bobby sees his brother who says that he's clean now and the church gives him food. Goren gives him some money and his coat and arranges to go together to their mom on Sunday. The day comes but Frank doesn't show up, and mom keeps talking about him. Her cancer is advanced and Bobby wants her on experimental meds but it'd cost lots of money.
The reverend had been seeing a male prostitute for three years, and Diego taped it and gave the dvd to her but it disappeared. The reverend's tour debate are with a doctor who secretly has a a seventeen-year-old mentally disabled son, Jimmy, who says that there is no God. He had a story with Marjorie but she married reverend Riggins instead of him, and she told her husband about Jimmy to make him understand, and the doctor was so angry that he shook her and threw her down the stairs, and she died. When Eames met Jimmy, he said "I like friends, superfriends, you like them?" and she replied "very much, sometimes I work with Batman" :-)
It ends with Goren being called downstairs because there's a body with his coat and card, but it's not his brother. He probably sold the coat: "everybody needs money right?" he says. Poor Bobby.
16 - 30
A man runs away from the hospital, to the police station: "I want to report a murder: my own"; Radiation poison, polonium. He's a journalist working on a pipeline story, that might involve the US government and the Russian mob. Maybe his friend Rebecca was the real target. Josh helps them track down Rebecca and talk to her. Sarah was killed by Israeli army but there's more to the story. Major case is called off the case...
Sarah was a Israeli mole, shot by Israeli because she was set up and is now a Palestine martyr. A writer dies too, who served Josh. A International hitman is poisoned too, no clear responsible.
17 - Players
Jacob, the youngest son of a judge, is murdered. Eames' dad disappeared when she was ten.
The federal prosecutor's dad is in jail for kidnapping and murder; he also has a son who liked his grandfather more than his father, and liked to play gangster. Wheeler's been looking for news on his father, and it turns out he might have been killed by the mob.
End: a mob disposal field is found, but not his father, so far.
The federal prosecutor's dad is in jail for kidnapping and murder; he also has a son who liked his grandfather more than his father, and liked to play gangster. Wheeler's been looking for news on his father, and it turns out he might have been killed by the mob.
End: a mob disposal field is found, but not his father, so far.
18 - Silencer
A doctor is killed, after he testified against another doctor, who's hated because of implants to restore hearing, and sued for malpractice. The deaf community is involved. A deaf woman is shot too, but not killed. Malia was Mallory's patient, and playing in Larry's play. Goren knows a bit of sign language, but not well.
Larry comes in, but he demands to speak to a deaf cop, to have a deaf judge.. Malia could still alibi him, but he rejects it. Malia wanted a hearing implant, but her boyfriend Tom didn't want it, because she was perfect deaf and didn't want the doctor to ruin her, afraid he'd left him like his sister did.
How selfish of him :-/ When they arrest him, Goren says "cuff him in the front so he can talk", so Goren-like to think of this :-)
A doctor is killed, after he testified against another doctor, who's hated because of implants to restore hearing, and sued for malpractice. The deaf community is involved. A deaf woman is shot too, but not killed. Malia was Mallory's patient, and playing in Larry's play. Goren knows a bit of sign language, but not well.
Larry comes in, but he demands to speak to a deaf cop, to have a deaf judge.. Malia could still alibi him, but he rejects it. Malia wanted a hearing implant, but her boyfriend Tom didn't want it, because she was perfect deaf and didn't want the doctor to ruin her, afraid he'd left him like his sister did.
How selfish of him :-/ When they arrest him, Goren says "cuff him in the front so he can talk", so Goren-like to think of this :-)
19 - Rocket man
Lt Jessica Hart gets murdered, she was to be an astronaut. The suspect Craig is a major whose life dream was to go to space but Jessica was chosen over him. Married commander Luke Nelson had an affair with her, and Sandy was jealous of her and killed her, saying that Luke loves her and sent her emails and gave her earrings and a special lotion which turns out to be full of steroids. Luke denies having given her any of that. His wife Edie knew he had an affair with Jessica, and that Sandy was in love with him, so she drugged her and used her, to get rid of them both.
Lt Jessica Hart gets murdered, she was to be an astronaut. The suspect Craig is a major whose life dream was to go to space but Jessica was chosen over him. Married commander Luke Nelson had an affair with her, and Sandy was jealous of her and killed her, saying that Luke loves her and sent her emails and gave her earrings and a special lotion which turns out to be full of steroids. Luke denies having given her any of that. His wife Edie knew he had an affair with Jessica, and that Sandy was in love with him, so she drugged her and used her, to get rid of them both.
20 - Bombshell
Justin dies, the son of Lorelei Mailer who was a men's magazine's girl-of-the-year before she married a millionaire. He used some drugs sometimes but he died of a bad mix of a lot of drugs. Two women claimed their father, Lorelei's husband, was not Justin's father (two cat-ladies, there are cats around Logan, one even licks him :p), but a test proves that he was. Lorelei dies too. Her sister Jolene worked as her assistant, and now takes care of Lorelei's just born baby Eva. Ronnie is Lorelei's new man, but Eva was conceived using Lorelei's dead rich husband dnd, so she's rich. Jolene always lived in Lorelei's shadow. Jolene holds Eva hostage until Ronnie confesses of killing Justin who was trying to separate them. Lorelei was destroyed after that so Jolene killed her to take care of Eva.
Justin dies, the son of Lorelei Mailer who was a men's magazine's girl-of-the-year before she married a millionaire. He used some drugs sometimes but he died of a bad mix of a lot of drugs. Two women claimed their father, Lorelei's husband, was not Justin's father (two cat-ladies, there are cats around Logan, one even licks him :p), but a test proves that he was. Lorelei dies too. Her sister Jolene worked as her assistant, and now takes care of Lorelei's just born baby Eva. Ronnie is Lorelei's new man, but Eva was conceived using Lorelei's dead rich husband dnd, so she's rich. Jolene always lived in Lorelei's shadow. Jolene holds Eva hostage until Ronnie confesses of killing Justin who was trying to separate them. Lorelei was destroyed after that so Jolene killed her to take care of Eva.
21 - Endgame
Goren's mom doesn't want any more meds.
A man convicted for seven rapes and murders leads Goren to his album of victims, in the 80s. There are 13 or more women in there, one is still alive, she was raped but not killed.
Goren's mom wants to meet Eames, his girlfriend :-p When Bobby visits his mom, Frankie's there, all dressed up, looking clean, but he asks Bobby about her finances.. :-/
Marc leads them to some bodies, and the 60s album! Bobby thinks one of those pictures is of his mother who says she dated him in the 50s, and the captain says "he's toying with you, now you're personally invested, he's got you exactly where he can control you". Goren: "he's not in control of me, I can handle him" - "no detective, you don't need this in your life right now" - "you don't know what I need, and don't tell me who I am, you don't know who I am and don't tell me how I think".. result=he's off the case, but Eames backs him up, talks to the captain :-)
Frankie is the older brother, and he remembers this murderer, that he called "uncle Mark" when he was seven and Bobby was four. Goren's mom dies, leaving him with a doubt, because she said she was never sure.. they get a pad with all Brody's victims, and he'll be executed tonight.
Goren's mom doesn't want any more meds.
A man convicted for seven rapes and murders leads Goren to his album of victims, in the 80s. There are 13 or more women in there, one is still alive, she was raped but not killed.
Goren's mom wants to meet Eames, his girlfriend :-p When Bobby visits his mom, Frankie's there, all dressed up, looking clean, but he asks Bobby about her finances.. :-/
Marc leads them to some bodies, and the 60s album! Bobby thinks one of those pictures is of his mother who says she dated him in the 50s, and the captain says "he's toying with you, now you're personally invested, he's got you exactly where he can control you". Goren: "he's not in control of me, I can handle him" - "no detective, you don't need this in your life right now" - "you don't know what I need, and don't tell me who I am, you don't know who I am and don't tell me how I think".. result=he's off the case, but Eames backs him up, talks to the captain :-)
Frankie is the older brother, and he remembers this murderer, that he called "uncle Mark" when he was seven and Bobby was four. Goren's mom dies, leaving him with a doubt, because she said she was never sure.. they get a pad with all Brody's victims, and he'll be executed tonight.
22 - Renewal
Kenny Li, a recruit who stopped a robbery and was to be awarded for it, gets murdered :( Kenny's girlfriend is a girl who has been missing for six years. She's not really Belle, she's an identity thief, student of forensic psychology, studied the case of Nicole Wallace. Her real name is Patricia Trebay, a dangerous girl. Eames is free so she helps Wheeler with this case while Logan looks into Holly's death.
Logan meets beautiful Holly Lauren, his new neighbour from Minnesota. Holly doesn't show up at their date and he finds her dead later. Holly was actually Kathleen Shaw, and she was running away from her husband. She was desperate, he kept stalking her and now he found her again, he got into her home and raped her, and when he left she cried and maybe jumped off the roof, so desperate, thinking she would never get away and it would never end..
End: Wheeler goes away: Logan"Wheeler, you're coming back right?" - "Logan, I'll see you soon".
Kenny Li, a recruit who stopped a robbery and was to be awarded for it, gets murdered :( Kenny's girlfriend is a girl who has been missing for six years. She's not really Belle, she's an identity thief, student of forensic psychology, studied the case of Nicole Wallace. Her real name is Patricia Trebay, a dangerous girl. Eames is free so she helps Wheeler with this case while Logan looks into Holly's death.
Logan meets beautiful Holly Lauren, his new neighbour from Minnesota. Holly doesn't show up at their date and he finds her dead later. Holly was actually Kathleen Shaw, and she was running away from her husband. She was desperate, he kept stalking her and now he found her again, he got into her home and raped her, and when he left she cried and maybe jumped off the roof, so desperate, thinking she would never get away and it would never end..
End: Wheeler goes away: Logan"Wheeler, you're coming back right?" - "Logan, I'll see you soon".
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