domenica 24 novembre 2019

Hannibal season 2

In progress

It starts with Hannibal and Jack fighting in Hannibal's kitchen, a big fight where they try to kill each other. Jack thinks he's winning, strangling him, but Hannibal stabs him in the neck with a piece of glass and we will have to wait to see how it ends.
12 weeks earlier:
Hannibal makes dinner for Jack. A dish so beautiful Jack says "I almost feel guilty about eating it" - Hannibal: "I never feel guilty eating anything" :-p
Will accuses Hannibal, so Hannibal tells Jack he must investigate him :-p
but Jack is very troubled and feeling guilty about Will.
Purnell, the character played by Cynthia Nyxon, asks Alana to withdraw her report on Jack for misconduct but Alana thinks that Jack destroyed Will's life so there will be an internal investigation.
Will is now in Chilton's hospital but refuses to talk to him, asking for doctor Lecter.
Beatrice, or whatever the cop's name is, tells Hannibal "you're not a suspect, you're the new Will Graham" and sure enough he goes to the crime scene.
Doctor Du Maurier (Gillian Anderson) is upset/annoyed, saying that he is making her lie for him "again". Hannibal: "it would seem Jack Crawford is less suspicious of me than you are" - "Jack Crawford doesn't know what you're capable of" - "neither do you".
Winston, one of Will's dogs, keeps going back home (awww)
Hannibal prepares a meatless meal for Chilton - since he 'lost' a kidney - and he tells Hannibal that Will had Alana hypnotise him, and tells him "you do realise you're his favourite topic of conversation. Hannibal Hannibal Hannibal. Not with me of course" and "he tells everyone that you are a monster". Hannibal: "well in that case you are dining with a psychopatic murderer Frederic" and they touch glasses :-p
Will now remembers Hannibal shoving that ear down his throat.
Alana believes Will did it but doesn't remember and is not responsible because sick.
Various bodies turn up in a river. Wills tells cop Beatrice that the killer is making a colour pallet because everyone had a different shade of skin. The body found are those he discarded.

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