giovedì 28 novembre 2019

Premonition - 2007

Personally I thought the ending was real shit, but I suppose you can choose what you want this movie to mean: you can choose to think that it allowed her to re-discover what really matters, to find faith again, to find love again... but you must really  want to see it like that, because otherwise what you’re left with is what I saw: a sick trick. Not really well done when you think too much about it, but still basically a sick trick.
The plot is that a woman finds out that her husband died in an accident, but from the next day she starts living that week’s days in the wrong order. The first we see was a Thursday, then she wakes up: on Monday, then Saturday, then Tuesday, then Friday, then Sunday and at last Wednesday.
After that I guess they didn’t know where to go from there so they just skipped it all instead of trying to come up with any explanation and we see her waking up weeks later.
What happens day by day:
---Thursday, Linda takes her two daughters to school (Bridgette has a perfect face). She puts stickers on the glass door so the girls would see it. She hears her husband Jim’s recorded message. A sheriff comes to tell her that Jim died yesterday. Her mom comes to stay with her to help.
---Monday, she wakes up and Jim is alive. She thinks it was just a bad dream. Doing the laundry, she stumbles on a dead crow and throws it in the bin.
---Saturday, she sees that all the mirrors are covered and she doesn’t know why. It’s the day of the funeral and she freaks out saying that he’s alive and her mom thinks she’s gone crazy. She freaks out again seeing her Bridgette’s face full of scars and she has no idea what happened to her. The stickers are on the glass door. She finds some lithium pills in her bathroom prescribed by a Dr Roth. She searches the name in the phone book but the page has been torn and she finds it in the paper bin. 
At the funeral she makes a scene, she thinks he’s alive and wants them to open the casket, they refuse but then they let it fall and it opens and his head only rolls out. 
So we can assume that he was decapitated in the car accident.
She sees a blonde woman and walks to her asking who she is, the woman says that they talked ‘yesterday’ but Linda has no memory of that and the woman drives away quickly.
At night, dr Roth arrives called by her mom who questions how Bridgette hurt her face, implying that Linda needs help and might have hurt her daughter, so they take her away and commit her to a psychiatric hospital where she hears him saying that she told him about his death the day before it happened.
---Tuesday, she remembers everything but can’t understand what is going on. She searches for dr Roth’s name and in her hurry she rips the page. She goes to see him and tells him everything. He thinks she’s crazy and gives her pills (but she’ll never take them).
She visits Jim at his office where she meets his new colleague Claire and we all can see that there’s something between the two of them...
It starts raining heavily and Linda shouts to take the laundry back in, but Bridgette doesn’t see the glass door and runs right into it, hurting herself. She takes her to the hospital and Jim joins her.
She throws the phone book page in the waste bin and finally seems to put two and two together, these things are what she already saw, so she writes it all on paper, what happened each day to try and make some clarity. 
Linda covers all the mirrors so that Bridgette won’t see her scarred face.
---Friday, remembering what happened at the funeral, she now goes to talk to Claire. She learns that Jim was about to cheat on her when he died. 
She checks her insurance, where they tell her that Jim raised it right before leaving. 
She arranges everything for the funeral the next day. Her mom seems shocked that she’s so calm now.

---Sunday, Linda tells Jim to spend time with the girls and he agrees and spends time alone with them having lots of father-daughters fun. She goes to church, talking to a priest about premonitions. He tells her a story where the premonition became true and another where it didn’t. He says that people must find out what’s really important and find love again, or something like that.
Knowing about Claire, she acts weird, sending the girls to kiss their dad twice, asking him why doesn’t he tell them that he loves them. He says he loves them and then that he loves her, when the girls ask. Out in the garden she tells him that they’ve drifted apart and she doesn’t want that, then it rains and a lightning kills the crow that lands right there.
Back in the bedroom, they make love.
---Wednesday, finally Wednesday, the day Jim is supposed to die right? She wakes up to find that he didn’t wake her up like she asked him to. He took the girls to school and is now driving away.
On the phone with Claire he tells her that he can’t do it, she booked a room for them but he says that he made a mistake and can’t go throw with it.
Then he leaves the message we heard at the beginning of the movie.
Linda is right behind him, she calls him, they share words of love and both smile and she tells him to stop and wait for her, but then she notices that he stopped right where he was supposed to die so she tells him to come back. He has to stop in the road because he almost hits a car, but then the car won’t start again. Linda sees the big truck that will kill him and shouts for him to walk away, but there’s nothing she can do other than watch the accident happen in front of her eyes.
Not only his car is cut in two in the crash, but it goes on fire too.
---weeks later, we don’t know how long has it been but we see that they are moving out of that house, that Bridgette’s scars are almost gone and that she has a prominent belly, that Sunday she got pregnant.
The end.

Now, I said sick trick because if she hadn’t tried to save him making him stop and turn around, he wouldn’t have died.
-Tuesday she saw dr Roth. Why? I get it she was confused, but to call him after knowing that he committed her, that he questioned if she had anything to do with his death... doesn’t sound right.
-Thursday, the recorded message was the same he will make at the end. But why is Bridgette’s face not scarred???
-Ending: what we saw happening on Saturday was real or not? Why didn’t her mum know how Bridgette cut her face? They really locked her into an asylum? Then what happened to her after that?
They offer no answer, we find her at home ready to move out with her daughters. 

It seems all messed up to me.

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