The first was The eleventh hour , nice title to introduce the eleventh Doctor. We find him on a crashing Tardis, of course, which is where we left him when 10 regenerated. We see a little girl asking for a "someone, or a policeman" to fix the crack on her wall, and "someone in a police box" crashes in her garden. "Who are you?" - "I don't know, I'm still cooking" is the Doctor's answer. He asks for food and she gives him an apple, then a yoghurt, but he doesn't like it. "You're Scottish, fry something" so she tries with bacon, then beans "beans are evil. Bad, bad beans", then bread and butter, and he throws that out of the door. Finally he eats fish fingers and custard... oh God, fish fingers and custard... yeuch. Then he takes time to ask her name and chat "Amelia Pond. Like a name in a fairytale. Are we in Scotland, Amelia?" I didn't notice, but apparently he heard a Scottish accent. She lives alone, but is not scared of that. Of course not, "you're not scared of anything. Box falls out of the sky, man falls out of box, man eats fish fingers and custard and look at you, just sitting there. So you know what I think?" - "What?" - "Must be a hell of a scary crack in your wall" - I loved this bit. That surprised me a lot. I was so desperate to lose 10, but 11 is different. Not better, it's more like watching a different movie, but with many bits here and there that work as nostalgic elements. He still uses phrases like 'wibbley wobbley timey wimey', 'trust me, I'm the Doctor', and unfortunately a new one 'Geronimo!' which I don't like, at all.
Anyways, he tells little Amelia that he'll be back, and she prepares a suitcase and waits for him, but when he comes back 12 years have passed, and little Amelia from a fairytale grew up to be Amy, a kissogram : "I go to parties, and I kiss people"
Another funny moment, when she tells him he's like her aunt : "I'm the Doctor, I'm worse than anybody's aunt!" than turns to the woman next to him " and that is not how I'm introducing myself" :lol:
Late in the series we'll find many things seen here, like the story of 'the raggedy Doctor', Amelia's imaginary friend, or the duck-pond, with no ducks. Of course we also meet Rory, who proudly introduces himself as her boyfriend, while she was trying to pass him as just a friend, and settles for 'kind of boyfriend'. Cruel Doctor, always cruel with Rory, he will always prefer Amy, and here he says "your friend.. not Rory, the good-looking one" :-/ Jeff is prettier by common standards, but looks so dumb!
It starts the whole talk about 'the cracks in the skin of the universe' and 'the Pandorica will open' and 'silence will fall' that we'll get throughout the whole series.
After defeating the bad alien, he goes "Wo da man?" and I had the same reaction than when he said Geronimo, but this time I was happy to hear him reply "Oh I'm never saying that again, fine". Good to hear that. The episode could have ended here, because the Aliens that were threatening to destroy Earth if they couldn't find the Prisoner Zero finally found him and went away, so no more threat, everything ok, but it wasn't enough for Doctor Who, more was needed, so the Doctor calls back the aliens, finds himself his new Doctor's suit, with a bowtie because 'bowties are cool', and says to these aliens to take a good look at Earth's history, where humans were never a threat to them, where many aliens before had tried to invade it but someone was always there to defeat them, and the Doctor asks them "Is this world protected?" and I wanted to cry because that's the first adventure of 10, when he said to them that this world is defended, and now the aliens look at their history and we see the faces of all the eleven doctors than 11 steps forward and says: "Basically, RUN" and they do. Great!
The Doctor goes away again, and comes back after what are really 2 years, so 'the girl who waited' : little Amelia, actually waited 14 years before stepping finally into the Tardis!!
"I'm definitely a mad man with a box"
ep 2 The beast below rule one: never get involved, apparently a Doctor's rule, really? "you never interfere... unless there's children crying?" and Amy starts to get to know the Doctor.
Does she have a Scottish accent? Because frankly I still can't notice it.
They go to the future, where British people fly through space on a giant floating-city. There's something wrong, and the Doctor investigates. They meet Liz10, in other words "Elizabeth 10. I'm the bloody Queen, mate! Basically, I rule." The truth is actually very sad, that poor space-whale-like creature tortured for years and years...
here Amy saves not only the day and the creature, but also the Doctor. She understands the whole thing, because she had seen it in front of her eyes: "if you were very old, and very kind, and the very last of your kind, you couldn't just stand there and watch children cry" : the creature was just like the Doctor. Little note, when did she learn everything about him being the last of the timelords?
- "in bed above we're deep asleep, while greater love lies further deep. This dream must end, this world must know, we all depend on the beast below" -
3 -Victory of the Daleks They go at Churchill's times, during the war, but are late again, they were called a month before. There is a dalek moving around, apparently to help them, but Amy seems indifferent to it. "Amy, tell me you remember the Daleks, they invaded your world". He just can't let it go, and keeps on and on about it "I sent you into the Void, I am the Doctor and you are the Daleks!" Correct, and now it gets worse. The Daleks were not all destroyed, one ship survived, and went to find the Progenitor. The Doctor wanted to know what their plan was. "I was their plan". Then he tries to bluff pretending a candy is the Tardis self-destruction device "it's a jammy dodger, but I was promised tea"
Now there are 5 new Daleks, coloured Daleks, light yellow, dark yellow, red, blue and white. He can't let them go back to the future, he wants to rid the universe from them, once and for all, but he can't. Now they're stronger than ever, a new race of Daleks.
4-5 The time of angels - Flesh and stone Mixed feelings about this, I don't like it very much because of some reasons, and I like it because of others. We meet River Song again, and are introduced to her hallucinogenic lipstick. The Doctor goes to the Archive museum, the biggest museum ever. There's a home box with written in old High Gallifreyan (the lost language of the Time Lords) 'Hello Sweetie" It's not clear to me how he can say that it's from someone "on a spaceship 12.000 years ago", but this is a detail, maybe there was some indication written is the same language. 'triple-seven five slash three four nine by ten zero twelve slash acorn' i have no idea what that means, so it's possible that it means everything, coordinates not only through space but also through time. Good enough for me.
We see that River can fly the Tardis and she landed it. "It didn't make the noise" - "It's not supposed to make that noise. You leave the brakes on" - "It's a brilliant noise!" - "He thinks he's so hot when he does that" - than the introductions "she's my future, Amy, professor River Song" - "gasp. I'm going to be a professor?" because she's simply Doctor Song, now.
In these two episodes, they are against the weeping angels, it's the 51st century, and here Amy is almost annoying, always talking and going ooh ... then the explanation "it's a quantum lock. In the sight of any living creature, the Angels literally cease to exist. They're just stone. The ultimate defence mechanism. Being a stone until you turn your back". Amy keeps looking at the recording of the angel, and even when they shout at her 'don't even blink!', she goes 'but it's just a recording!' ... yeah, what would they know, right?
How British were this lines? : "No offence" - "Quite a lot taken it that's alright" love it!!
I like Amy, but in this episode she was just annoying. I like the bishop, though, very very cool, and great voice, really like both actor (Iain Glen) and character.
Little Doctor-River moments are nice, like : D"It's impossible" -
bishop "Doctor Song, do you trust this man?"
river "I absolutely trust him"
bishop "He's not some kind of madman, then"
river "I absolutely trust him"
The Doctor again showing off "a forest in a bottle on a spaceship in a maze. have I impressed you yet, Amy Pond?" . My biggest problem with this episode, is that in Flesh And Stone we clearly see an angel moving, and that's wrong. The best, greatest thing about Blink was that we never saw them do anything, and that was the scary part, it was almost like they couldn't move as long as we were looking at them!yeah, because sometimes it felt as if the character was turned the other way, but the angel still didn't move, and it really felt like it couldn't move if we were watching it! It was amazing! I loved that, and to see an angel moving destroys everything, and they go from scary villains to colourless clowns. Also, the fact that they won't move as long as they think that Amy can see them... but if blinking is enough, and she has her eyes closed all the time, the fact that she can walk among lots of them with her eyes closed is ridiculous, like the fact that now they don't cover their own eyes anymore, they don't seem to care about looking at each other at all, they never cover their eyes. But you know what, I wouldn't care much about this because I could always say :this is a distant future, maybe they've changed somehow... but it's the moving that I just don't like. It ruined the weeping angels.
Basically, the only things that I really like are : 1)a few lines, like the doctor saying "I'll do a thing" what thing? "I don't know. It's a thing in progress. Respect the thing!" 2) the little scene of the doctor asking Amy to remember and trust him. I had noticed the jacket off-jacket on detail, but it could have been a mistake, but the whole speech seemed out of place, he seemed different from before, the speech seemed out of context, so when I got an explanation on ep 13 it was great! 3)the bishop, I really like the bishop, great, it's the best thing of the episode.
It's a bit difficult to keep track of River, since we always meet her in the wrong order. Here, she says that she remembers the Pandorica, that it's her past.
Back to Earth, Amy kisses the Doctor, and that's why he decides to bring Rory with them!
6 - The vampires of Venice not my favourite episode, but with nice moments. Funny when the doctor jumps out of Rory's stag party cake saying "she tried to kiss me", and all Rory's friends were looking at him not in a friendly way.. "funny how you can say something in your head and it sounds fine..." :lol:
Then Rory enters the Tardis but for the first time someone doesn't look all that impressed, and the doctor is disappointed : Rory-"it's another dimension" Doctor-"I like the bit when someone says 'it's bigger on the inside' ". He wants to take them to somewhere romantic, and if I approve of the place (Venice) I'm not sure I approve of the time, because it's not often that you can find vampires there!
1580, "Casanova doesn't get born for 145 years. Don't want to run into him. I owe him a chicken"
My best moment of the episode? When the doctor is surrounded by the vampire girls: not much for his explanation of why we can't see them through mirrors, but because when he shows them his document, he takes his 'library card' with the face of William Hartnell on it, the first doctor!
Another moment was when he got angry at the alien 'woman' because "You didn't know Isabella's name!"
He's not much of a sport though, because if someone is a bit critical he gets angry, like when Rory attacks him "you make people want to impress you. They don't want to let you down" but it's understandable, because it is true, and also he's worried about Amy.
The general plot continues with the aliens saying "we ran from the silence".
7 - Amy's choice I like this episode, because it is very emotional, and finally set straight Amy's feelings.
The plot is that they find themselves going back and forth between two different realities, one now in the Tardis, and one five years in the future, with Rory and a pregnant Amy living in Upper Leadworth, and they have to decide which one is real.
There is a moment in the Tardis when the doctor says that he "threw the manual in a supernova because I disagreed with it" and some people like to think that this was back when he said goodbye to Rose...
A funny moment is when the doctor and Rory are "disagreeing or competing??" and Amy innocently goes "for what?" Oh Amy... but the best emotional moment was when in the future reality Rory dies, and Amy can't cope. In a low voice, she says Save Him but the doctor can't, and she goes "then, what is the point of you?", and she decides that reality is fake "because if this is real I don't want it!" and she goes on to end it.
The doctor tries to stop her : "this could be the real world" but Amy has decided : "It can't. Rory isn't here. I didn't know. I honestly didn't, till right now. I just want him" and she drives the van onto a wall. I'm not sure if at that moment the doctor knew or not, but in any case, he went with her nontheless, being a friend till the end. It turned out it was all because of some psychic pollen, that feeds on dark "I'm 907, it had a lot to go on". Rory asked "but why didn't it feed on us too?" - "The darkness in you pair? It would have starved to death in an instant. I choose my friends with great care. Otherwise I'm stuck with my own company, and you know how that works out". Then of course there's a Rory-Amy moment, when he realises what had happened , and is happy, of course. "how did you know you wouldn't just die?" - "I didn't" - awww
8-9 -The hungry earth - cold blood how sad it is when Rory sort of dies, sort of killed by the 'crack in time', and he disappears, and Amy doesn't remember him, as if he had never existed... :-(
10 -Vincent and the Doctor They meet Vincent Van Gogh, who apparently had a bloody good reason to be a bit mad!
11 -The lodger Well, the doctor playing 'normal', sharing an apartment and playing football ..... yeah, now this is fantasy! The owner of the apartment is James Corden, and even if I'm not crazy about him, I liked his character, very sweet.
12-13 -The Pandorica opens -The Big Bang The end of the series. A bit of a mess, but Rory is adorable. "I could do with a ridiculous miracle right now" aww
"your girlfriend isn't more important than the whole universe" - "She is to me!!" awww
He's the sweet part, and the doctor is the funny part: "There's only one of me, I counted" ; "I've got a future. That's nice" :lol: I also liked his "come along Ponds" , and his "today just dying is a result"
River was speaking for us all when she said "What in the name of sanity have you got on your head?" - "It's a fez- I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool" and I love how River and Amy understand each other without words, one throwing it in the air, and the other shooting it. Of course there's an happy end, with Amy having parents, 'the girl that didn't make sense' getting married; love how they turned back to the forest of angels to explain that scene, and the whole point of the Tardis: it's old and it's new, it's borrowed and it's blue. Adorable when he came to the wedding, "I'm Amy's imaginary friend, but I came anyway!" I love this line.
One last thing : Rule one: the doctor lies : well, Eleven does, but it wasn't like this before. Ten didn't lie, once he told Martha a little lie and he felt so guilty! Eleven lies often, probably because he has to, like River, because things are so messed up.
By the way, is the whole world back to normal, even the part that Amy doesn't know, all the people she never knew? I think, yes, it is because of all the atoms of the universe inside the pandorica, and it couldn't work for him because he was right in the middle of it. Ok, so we're clear, everything that has happened until now is still valid, and all the people of Earth know about the Daleks and the Cybermen, right?
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