I usually like crime stories, so I like this one too, but Brennan and the other squints sometimes really get on my nerves. She clearly is fulled with emotional problems, which is why she says she hates psychology, because she has lots, really, but she doesn't want to confront them because she doesn't want to remember she has a heart. 'Put your heart in a box', she says, as the only way to do the job, but that is a good, great way only if at the end of the day you remember to take it out and put it back again in its place. Instead, she leaves it there permanently. Like always, in this kind of series, where the protagonists are a good-looking woman and a handsome man, we know they'll end up together sooner or later, even if I don't know when because I haven't seen it yet, but they will for sure, there's no doubt about it. Still, at least this time there's a reason why they don't get together from the start. It's not just the fact that it might be a problem, what with them working together and all, but mostly it's because of her emotional problems. She barely has friends. Angela seems to be the only one to love her, and Brennan is not totally able to understand and believe that. She's so used to being alone, she's convinced nothing can last forever, she thinks everyone will leave her one day, that she can only count on herself, and that listen to reason is the only right thing to do, the only thing she knows how to do, the only thing she understands. If they had a relationship before the time is right, she wouldn't be able to admit and accept the sentiment.
I don't like the holographic reconstruction very much, it looks so much like fake.. I don't know, maybe they use that thing, but it just looks unreal.
Emily Deschanel, David Boreanaz, Michaela Conlin, Eric Millegan, Tj Thyne, Jonathan Adams
1 - Pilot - It starts with Bones coming back from Guatemala and being stopped at the airport by security until Booth comes to pick her up. She states that she'll help him with the investigations only if he'll let her in on the field. :-) Apparently she broke up with a certain Peter before going away, because he says she's emotionally cold and distant. People, ,like Peter and Booth, think she's distant and cold, that she can only communicate with bones, but not with people; then, there's her best friend Angela, who said to her "honey, you ever think that maybe you come off a little distant because you connect too much?" We're told that Brennan's parents disappeared when she was 15 and that Booth was an Army Ranger Sniper, before becoming and FBI investigator.
(case:Clee Louise Eller, the girl who had an affair with the senator. She finds out it wasn't the senator, but the man working for him, who feared to lose his job had that girl brought down the senator by causing a scandal with her pregnancy)
2 - The man in the Suv - First, I liked her outfit, with that long skirt and those boots, very pretty - Jack's conspiracy theories instead are quite boring. Angela thinks Booth likes Brennan, but then Bones finds blonde attorney Tessa half naked in his house and sees them kissing.
(case:A muslim man working for the President blows up in his car, murdered. It was his brother, and then they stop him before he uses another bomb at a crowded peace conference: Booth shoots him in the head before he can press the button.)
3 - A boy in a tree -
(case: a boy is found hanged from a tree in a private school campus, the son of the Venezuela Ambassador. A girl and his roommate wanted to blackmail people after taping them having sex, but he wouldn't accept it or keep it shut, so they murdered him.)
4 - The man in the bear - It was fun to see her in the local pub, dancing with everybody :-)
(case: a human hand is found inside a dead bear's body, and Brennan thinks he was killed, dismembered and fed to the bear. Because of a perverted ritual, someone wanted to eat : the guy's arm, a girl's heart.. and it was the doctor!)
5 - A boy in a bush - There's a banquet for people who make donations to their research, and they are all snobby about it, all 'I can't go, I won't go', they don't want to meet those people... this attitude made me a bit angry. They can do their work because those people give them their money. One evening of idle chit-chat is too much in return? Only Hodgins is excused because it turns out he has an actually good reason for not wanting to go: he's so rich, his family is among those people, and he doesn't want to go because he doesn't want to be recognized by them, because everything would change and he loves his life the way it is. Angela, Zach and Booth come to know about this, and in the end Booth helps him avoid the banquet.
Brennan's advice to go on: 'put your heart in a box' . Funny Angela's line 'Funny is Will Ferrell. Hot is Colin Farrell!' - At the end, Brennan had a very lovely dress .-) I liked Dr Goodman too .-)
(case:the remains of a young boy, a child, are found. His brother had brought him to a man, who abused him and then held him down with his knee on his chest, but the boy's body was weak and it broke. Bones makes it so the two foster kids will be able to stay with Margaret, the woman that chose to love them and that they love for this.
6 - The man in the wall - Bones goes to a club with Angela, and ends up causing a fight because she wouldn't shut up about tribes, and when she kicks a man, he breaks a wall revealing a 'mummy' behind. Also, we see Tessa again, if anyone's interested.
(case: the mummy behind the wall was a dj, and his girlfriend was murdered too. It was the owner of the club. I liked that undercover fbi agent! Glad he was really on the good side .-)
7 - The man on death row - No surprise someone like Bones is pro death-penalty... well, I think some people don't really think about it. First, what if there was a mistake, what if they murder an innocent man? There's no turning back after that. Second: that's not justice, that's legalized vendetta. Some say: what if the dead was someone you loved, and I say Yeah, I'd skin them personally, but I'd be an out-of-my-mind-because-of-pain-person, I wouldn't be the Government, the Country, it wouldn't be right, it wouldn't be justice, just revenge. Make them pay, without killing them, is the answer to me.
(case: Epps is due to be executed in 30 hours, but he manages to convince his idealistic lawyer Amy that he's innocent, so she goes to Booth for help, and he goes to Bones. They investigate, find new evidence, find new skeletons, and Booth understands they've been played. Now the execution will be stopped to investigate these new murders, then there'll be new appeals, things will take long before he'll have to face execution again. In the meantime, he'll be alive..)
8 - The girl in the fridge - Brennan's ex-teacher comes for a visit; she's very happy to see him, and they sleep together, and she brings him to the lab letting him on the case, only to discover later on that he's the expert for the defence, against her. His job is to destroy her case. Another problem is that in front of a jury, Bones comes off cold and dry, while Michael is hot and charming. In the end, the lawyer brings up her parents' disappearance to make her show she's not cold, not really, and she explains that what she feels doesn't mater, only Maggie matters, and how she struggled and fought and felt pain. Finally she lets the jury see there's a heart behind all that cold logic.
(case: in the trial, they say there was consensus, and that it was only an accident, that the girl had wanted to be there, while truth is that couple killed her. Maggie had struggled a lot, fought until the end, so she was in pain and they gave her more and more drugs to keep her quiet, until they gave her too much and she died.)
9 - The man in the fallout shelter - It's Christmas Eve, Angela wants to go to a party, Booth wants to go shopping for presents after dropping an old body to Bones, but while Zach is cutting the bones, a contaminating substance goes out and they must all stay there in quarantine now. Dr goodman talks about his two 5 years-old twin daughters, and Booth about his 4 year old son Parker. Bones talks to Angela about when her parents disappeared, just before Christmas, and her brother Russ, 4 years older than her, layed all the presents to do a nice thing for her, Christmas for his little sister, but seeing them she thought her parents were back and lost it, and refused to open them until they arrived. They play secret Santa between them, and Zach gives Booth his little robot for his kid, making him happy, because he says that that will make him the coolest dad in the world.
(case: a guy who's been sealed up in a fallout shelter for 50 years. The misterious man was Lionel Little, a white man in 1958 Oklahoma who got a black girl pregnant and wanted to sell his coin collection to go to Paris with her and marry her, but he was killed for the coins. Bones then makes phone calls all night to find Ivy Gillespie, the girl he never had the chance to marry, and when Ivy comes with her granddaughter, is happy to know it, and receives a penny worth 100.000 dollars )
10 - The woman at the airport - They have in the lab a 1500 years old corpse, an Iron Age warrior, and archeologist Dr Goodman takes care of the authentication. There's also talk about making a movie out of Brennan's book.
(case: Booth and Bones go to California, Los Angeles; the body of a call-girl is found dismembered by coyotes. She'd done a lot of plastic surgery on her face, and one of the doctors was played by actor Harry Groener (can't forget someone who was in Buffy and in StarTrek :-)) - It turns out it was another call-girl, who thought that she was stealing her man: jealousy)
11 - The woman in the car - Bones says on a tv interview that she has no intentions of having children. There's also a woman from Security interviewing them all to establish if any of them could represent a threat to national security, until she asks Brennan about a certain man from Cuba, and Brennan makes a phone-call and now it's her the threat to security :-)
(case:a woman found burned in a car. Mercenaries killed the wife and kidnapped the son of a witness; they find the 8 year old boy alive, without one finger but alive.)
12 - The superhero in the alley -
(case:a teenager is found dead dressed as a superhero. It turns out he knew a woman who got beaten up by her husband and wanted to make him stop, but he was ill and weak, so the husband killed him instead.)
13 - The woman in the garden - Brennan tells Angela of when she was shut in a cell with a bag over her head for three days and terrorised, right after she provoked a fight with a disgusting gang-leader and had beaten him up. When Booth hears that that gang-leader wants her dead, he takes care of threatening well to stay away from her.
(a body is found in the back of a car, but she had been dug up from a garden. The dead girl had a relationship with the senator's son, and their house-manager Hector pulled her off a ladder, causing her death.)
14 - The man on the fairway - this is the episode when Zach and Jack have fun feeding a frozen pig into a wood-chipper... who knows why. What's so funny about that? I don't understand people, sometimes, I really don't. It looks to me like a bad bad thing to do. I accept people are onnivores so they eat meat, but a totally different thing is to use a poor pig for fun!!! Anyway, they are caught by Dr Goodman, who succeeds in frightening Hodgins... :-) I like Dr Goodman .-) At the end, Bones asks Booth for the favour of looking at her parents' file.
(case:at the site of a private jet's crash Brennan finds that there are not only the remains of the five people on board, but also a unknown sixth person, plus three bone fragments of someone else. A guy Jesse Kane thinks they might belong to his father who disappeared years ago. Brennan and her collegues defy Dr Goodman's orders to identify the sixth body in order to work on the fragments. Unfortunately, it turns out it was not Jesse's father.)
15 - Two bodies in the lab - Brennan's chat friend asks to meet her. When Bones gets to the restaurant to meet the misterious friend, sho gets shot at, so Booth takes him for questioning: he's called David, and Bones likes him. Booth wants to sleep in Brennan's house to protect her, they listen to music and sing together, then he opens her fridge and it blows up! He's in the hospital but will be fine of course. At the end, Brennan had to go to a dinner scheduled with David, but she chose to stay in the hospital with Booth.
(case: two bodies are brought in the lab, mob business. Special Agent Jamie Kenton is on the Cugini case. Then Booth and Brennan have a body ripped apart by dogs: Booth has seen something like this before, two years ago, a 17 years old girl, but no dogs then. The psycho-serial-killer of the girl has lots of keys, and Bones understands he used those to gouge out the eyes of the victims. When Booth is stuck at the hospital, he trusts Kenton to look after Bones, right before realizing he killed the Cugini and now wants to kill Bones. She fights back a lot, but gets knocked down and almost killed, but Booth gets there just in time.)
16 - The woman in the tunnel - Brennan knows a movie! 'treasure of the sierra madre'
(case: a corpse found down in the tunnels, a 24 years old. A documentary film-maker, trying to make a documentary of the people living down there. She discovered that there is a treasure there dating back to the civil war. One of the two guys who taught her how to climb killed her to keep the treasure. At the end, Booth says 'Kyle hit the Duke with a candlestick in the crypt', from the game 'clue' and laugh with Dr Goodman, but Bones doesn't get it, doesn't know the game.
17 - The skull in the desert - Apparently 'every year for three weeks Angela has a boygfriend and a vacation', but this time Kirk has gone into the desert and hasn't come back for five-six days, so Brennan goes immediately there to help her. There's a skull of someone who's been shot. Brennan calls Booth : "what do you want me to do?" - "I want you to get federal on his ass!", and Booth smiles and comes to help her.
In the lab, Zach , Brennan's grad student, will soon have to leave his place.
(case: the skull if Kirk's, and his guide Dhani is still missing. They'll find her alive, they will arrest the counterfeiters, and also the person who shot Kirk:the local artist.
18 - The man with the bone - (case: the Fbi found a body with a bone in his hand, and gave it to Brennan. The bone is 300 years old. Maybe an old pirate treasure? Beware of Blackbeard's curse!! :-) "I believe there's greed. That's the real curse" yep, I'm with you on that. Funny when Brennan slaps twice the billionnaire's face to prove he's not Special Forces. :lol: At the end, Hodgins is in danger because he wanted to look for the treasure...
19 - The man in the morgue - Brennan is helping out in the body search after Hurricane Katrina. After joking with a collegue, we find her on the floor, deep in blood, and she doesn't remember what happened, she misses a day in her memories. Booth hurries there, worried sick for her. Graham, the doctor she was joking with , is found killed in some bad voodoo way and Brennan is charged with his murder. Booth asks a favour to prosecutor Caroline to defend her, and this is how she reassures her friends at the lab who know nothing of it all.
Angela - come home!
Brennan - don't worry, I made bail
Angela - bail? for what?
Brennan - I told you, don't worry, the murder charge won't stick
Hodgins - whoa. murder charge?
Angela - Brennan, the next plane or I'm coming down there to get you myself
Brennan - everything's fine. I'm healing up satisfactorily. bye for now
... yeah...
Then Hodgins says of how Brennan started changing the day she met Angela, "all fun and involvement. Booth gave her the opportunity, but she got the idea from you. Brennan wants a big life, like yours"
(case : the solution of the case: it was Giancarlo Esposito, a dark sorcerer, who even killed his own daughter to make it look like she'd done it, thinking of bringing her back to life later)
20 - The graft in the girl - The little girl of Booth's boss is in hospital with lung cancer. She had a broken leg, and they put into her a bone from a terminally ill person in their sixties who had cancer. Brennan and Booth track down the person who stole the dead bodies and sold them illegally, but nothing will change for the 15 years old girl. She's still gonna die, so Angela recreates the Louvre for her in virtual reality.
21 - The soldier on the grave - Apparently Brennan loves the Duke .-) and makes a really bad impersonation of John Wayne, and is also pretty sensible about her weight! She's a woman after all... and Booth is an ex-gambler, recovering, going to meetings...
(case: A burnt body is found on the grave of a soldier, but it was not the suicide of a anti-war protester, he was murdered. They discover that soldier Kent was killed by friendly fire, and then covered up. Also, it was against an un-armed family.)
22 - The woman in Limbo - Limbo is what they call the bone storage room, even if Bones doesn't like it.
We see again David, he's read her manuscript and they've clearly been seen each others, from their words.
(case: a Jane Doe from Limbo turns out to be her mother, found in 1998, they both got to the Jeffersonian at the same time. Her father was a teacher, her mother a book-keeper. Also a witness for the prosecution, twice, on evasion charges... and didn't exist before 1978... her parents were living under assumed identities. From the list of federal offenders, it turns out they were really Max and Ruth Keenan. Russ was already seven, so remembers it . He was called Kyle, and Temperance was called Joy. Her parents were robbers, but not too bad people. One day they joined with bad people and a job went badly, people got killed. It was 1978, when they changed identities. She was born in 1976, and they disappeared in 1991.At the end, they get the man who killed her mother, she makes peace with her brother who comes back to stay a few days at her place, and they hear a recorded message on her home phone: it's her father telling her to stop looking for him, and he sounds scared.
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