The story is simple, and is told at the beginning : "Billions of years ago a race of immmortals harnessed the most powerful force in existence: the emerald energy of willpower. These immortals, the Guardians of the Universe, built a world from where they could watch over all of existence: The planet Oa. They divided the universe into 3600 sectors. A ring powered by the energy of will was sent to every sector to select a recruit. In order to be chosen by the ring, it was said one must be without fear. Together these 3600 recruits formed the intergalactic peacekeepers known as the Green Lantern Corps. Of all the threats the Corps ever faced the gravest was an entity of fear known as Parallax. Only the legendary Green Lantern Abin Sur was capable of capturing and imprisoning this beast, which he did on the lost planet of Ryut" where one day he woken up, saw three aliens "You are afraid. Good" then he ate the aliens and broke free. Pretty ugly he is too. Then we meet Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds), who looks to me like a stupid brat, not a fearless warrior. Were you scared? It's my job not to be... :-/ please!
Abin Sur protected our sector, and when he dies Hal takes his place. This was the best scene of the whole movie, the fact that he didn't freak out or asked any questions when he saw him or his spaceship, he just tried to help him, hoping he could make it. Then Hal says to his friend "he gave me this" showing him the green ring of power, and he went "he proposed?" :lol: This friend was the funniest part of the movie. About the ring being a great responsibility, he also said "well, maybe on their planet responsibility just means asshole" which made me think I wasn't the only one thinking this of him... Anyway, the immortals explains that "Will has always been our sole weapon against the forces of darkness in the universe. but as that power began to seem insufficient a great debate arose among us. should we exploit another source of power , one we had long since sworn should never be used? Fear. But the power of fear was too unpredictable. The chance of corruption too great, and so we decided against it. All of us, that is, except one. Alone, this guardian entered the forbidden chamber. He wanted to prove the light of fear could be mastered. His intentions were pure but his hopes were naive. Consumed by the yellow power of fear the guardian became the very evil he had wished to destroy. He became Parallax." and Hal being human will turn out just the right one to fight Parallax because humans know fear well, and courage doesn't mean not being afraid, but being able to face that fear and fight it.
Great morale, but still I didn't like it because I didn't like him, and the effects were kind of boring. And I didn't like the ending, with that guardian, who was supposed to be the leader of all the green lanters, or so it appeared, chooses to become the new bad guy, choosing to go to the dark side... or yellow, in this case.
I liked the oath though: In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might beware my power: green lantern's light.
I liked Carol (Blake Lively) enough, but the film is just useless. I don't care to watch it again.
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