ep 1 - Shalom - Abby is excited because their leader is coming back... and it was Tony, in Europe for two weeks :lol: Still, Abby keeps talking to Gibbs' photo.
Now that Ziva is in trouble, she calls Gibbs in Mexico to "save her"... awww so sweet, it almost made me cry :-)
"Danger, intrigue, a damsel in distress? I'm actually looking forward to it" : adorable Ducky :-) - Gibbs comes back and is adorable as usual :-p
At the end of it, Gibbs goes away again... :-(
ep 2 - Escaped - Fornell has a little daughter, Emily! Gibbs looks at pictures of his daughter, and Fornell goes to him for help. McGee bleeched his teeth too much, like Ross in Friends, and Tony remembered about that too :lol:
Gibbs is here; apparently director Shepard didn't file his retirement package, instead she put in for his unused leave time... and Abby hugs him: "I'm not back, Abby" - "of course you're back, I can feel your badge. That is your badge, right?" :lol:
Ducky explains to us the difference between ethics and morals: "the ethical man knows he shouldn't cheat on his wife, whereas the moral man actually wouldn't" - Palmer: "you're gonna ace your oral exams, doctor" oh still taking exams, huh? Gibbs:"Going back to school?" - Ducky:"I never stopped" :-) - Palmer: "The doctor's getting a degree in forensic psychology".
I love to watch Gibbs and Fornell friendly together :-) And agent Lee dancing was very pretty :-)
During a interrogation, Gibbs said Please! :-O then he decides to stay :-)
ep 3 - Singled out - Tony is offered his own team in Spain, a big promotion, but he isn't sure if he should take it or not because he's worried about 'Jethro', and has 72 hours to make a decision. They all blame Gibbs' strange attitude to the moustache. I hate that moustache. Horrible.
Ducky passes his test but Gibbs was not at the ceremony... now Ducky wants to profile the new victim. He is able to find her password :-) he would never guess it if I chose it :-) They send Ziva at a speed-dating to find their guy :lol: At the end Tony passes on the promotion. He calls her Jenny in this episode... things have changed since Gibbs went away huh? and she's proud of him.
ep 4 - Faking it - Wow, Ziva's italian words were perfectly pronounced! Very good! :-D I'm not qualified to judge Gibbs's russian though.
Gibbs phones Mike Franks in Mexico. Ducky is so cute when he kisses Abby on the forehead :-) and standing high to do so :-) Franks comes back and watches boat n. 4 in Gibbs's basement. They work together and Franks shoots his bad guy with no regrets.
... so 'faking it' what? The evidence? Yes, that must probably be it...
ep 5 - Dead and unburied - The old Gibbs is back! The moustache is gone! :-D Hooray :-D The dead man of the episode had two fiancées, and he made them lend him money. When the two girls fight, instead of separating them Tony shouts 'girls fight!' and McGee tapes it on his phone :lol: probably not very professional, though :lol: Jenny is still upset because Gibbs never told her about his family. Agent Lee is back, and is having an affair with Palmer :-) McGee makes a pause while giving Gibbs information, but it wasn't to await instructions : "I was just taking a breath (....) sorry about the breath" :lol:
Ducky interrupts Gibbs's interrogation, really pissing him off, but at the end is Ducky who frames the real murderer :-) Well done! Abby:"wow, I gotta come up here more often" :lol: Anyway, this guy watched his wife and soon-to-be-dead-James make love and then fight because she wouldn't give him money, then James hit his head and she ran. The husband came in, took the body and buried him while he was still alive, because the wife's father was still alive. Now he's dead and she's inherited a lot of money, so the husband unburied the body for it to be discovered, to frame his wife and get her money... diabolical...
ep 6 - Witch hunt - It's halloween. Two guys dressed as ninjas threw eggs at Ducky's ME van, he chased them for three blocks and make them clean it :lol: "It's not that impressive. It's not like they were real ninjas" :lol: Being Halloween, Abby is dressed up... as Marylin Monroe, with the white dress and the blonde wig, for a party in a cemetery... she even has white sandals with heels.. wow :lol:
A little girl is missing, and Gibbs is touching: "have you had a daughter kidnapped?" a pause... "kidnapped, no" oh my heart... and then "Laurie, look, I've been married four times, I've made every mistake in the book" awww Gibbs nice is touching :-) McGee speaks Klingon, not fluently but still :lol: Gibbs interrogates a man with Klingon make-up, and Tony: "General Kang crying, or is that just sweat?" - McGee:"half hour alone in a room with angry Gibbs? Even Klingons have their limits" :lol: Tony:"what's he been doing to him?" - McGee:"mostly staring" :lol: like Esme Weatherwax :lol: they've got The Stare! :lol: Tony now calls him Worf, he knows a lot, why did he say he hates Klingon??
Ziva looses the two women she was watching, and has tea with Ducky to talk to him about it. awww. :-) Two people wanted money, and that woman was only pretending to be her sister, so as soon as the girl's mom knew her daughter was safe, she threw herself at her beating the crap out of her :lol: that felt so good, I loved that scene :-) It was very good, great switch, great scene! Gibbs looks at the little girl and remembers his own at Halloween...
ep 7 - Sandblast - Tony's idea of what Italy has contributed to the world: "oration, italian cinema (really??), sports cars" and Ziva adds: "gold chains and chest hair".. I think she saw the wrong movie there, still I have a pretty good idea of who was in it, but I'm not gonna say it in case italians might read this ...
Tony: "and pasta, in all its shapes and sizes" :that's my favourite one :-) Ziva:"the chinese invented pasta" - Tony:"communist-era propaganda" :lol:
Wow, Gibbs's boat is finished, I never thought I'd see this day. He is writing its name: Kelly...
Tony is out with a smart and pretty girl and seems to be really into her, is she going to be important?
Than later he's late at work because he went instead to talk to the dead colonel's son, who's thinking about not going to college to join the Marines. After knowing about this, Gibbs approves. It's another episode with bombs and terrorism, and at the end the bomber gets away, and Ziva has disarmed two of his bombs.
ep 8 - Once a hero - Tony and Ziva are protecting the Director when a dead man almost falls on her. Ziva saves her. Tony was looking for food... well, Jenny wasn't in real danger, after all..
The dead Marine had a "bronze star" for valor, and a "purple heart" with two Marine stars, that means he was wounded three times in battle, he was a hero. So that's what a purple heart is, exactly!
Tony spends more time with that special girl, Abby goes to "the Greenbrier Forensic Fixtures Expo" to "borrow" a infrared microspectroscopy unit, and meets Marty Pearson who tests her sample right there; Agent Lee is still with Palmer :)
The dead Marine was still a hero, he tried to save the poor dead girl. Underage Chinese girls used for prostitution, drugged and used.
This is a sick world.
ep 9 - Twisted sister - "I think I killed someone, Tim" at night, Sarah McGee comes to her big brother's door covered in blood, saying she might have killed someone. Later on, after a shower she remembers nothing of the night before, but a sailor she once dated is found killed...
I love this episode, Tim wants to protect his younger sister, a college student who even studies in the interrogation room :-)
When her cell phone is found on the dead body, Gibbs discovers his lie and is very angry, not because of the rules but because "why didn't you come to me?" awww sweet Gibbs, and McGee tells him that not even knowing what she had done, what had happened, he couldn't risk it, not even for him, because she's his sister. He even quit his job to the Director (but of course Gibbs doesn't let him) and Gibbs tells it to Sarah "no! Tim loves NCIS" - Gibbs: "he loves you more" awwww
Tony's been dating his special girl for a month, and still no sex: "if you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you always got, and while what I got had its perks, I'm looking for something different now" awww, he's in love, isn't he?
Abby is telling Jenny about Marty and her bowling, then Gibbs comes ready for a fight with Jenny : "the kids don't like it when Mommy and Daddy fight" :lol: oh Abby :-)
Tony goes to Jenny for advice on women and she's all happy :-)
"Deep six: the continuing adventures of L.J.Tibbs by Thom E. Gemcity", the national best seller... bestseller? so McGee is a published author!! I knew he loved to write, but is this the first time they confirm that he's a successful , best selling author?!?
ep 10 - Smoked - Ziva and Tony are reading Tim's book :lol: This was funny: the moral of the urban myth of a girl that thought her guy dumped her without a word while instead he had died with an engagement ring: Gibbs "it's never a good idea to get married" - Ducky "no, it's best not to judge someone until all the facts are in" :lol:
and this : Fornell"I'm familiar with sick, charming bastards" talking about the body that turned out to be of a serial-killer reported missing by a loving wife. Gibbs"that's probably why we get along so well" :lol:
Agent Lee is here again, still with Palmer, very much so :lol:
Finally Ducky and Gibbs talk, really talk. Ducky was hurt and angry Gibbs didn't say a word to him before leaving and that in all the years they'd known each other Gibbs never told him he had had a family, and Gibbs apologises! Yes! Gibbs tells him he's sorry, and they hug! Friends again :-)
After a bad day Tony goes to her special girl and they finally have sex. Happy about that, but still a bit annoyed that they are hunting the person who killed the serial killer that killed at least 19 women. It turns out it was a good thing that they did, because it turns out it wasn't him, it was his wife the serial killer!
McGee sees a note from Marty to Abby and looks jealous :-)
Abby goes to Marty for help.
ep 11 - Driven - At Ncis there's a lecture on sexual harassment and Abby is told she shouldn't hug people without permission :lol:
Later, Abby to Tim: "you only wish I was still sexually harassing you" :lol: still :lol:
Tony is jealous of his girlfriend too :-) Ziva is worried because Tony talks of medical tests to hide his serious relationship, and she thinks he might have a relaps of Y pestis.
How strange is that Tony talks of John Nash and "a beautiful mind" the same day I lent that film to someone?
McGee to Abby after she hugs him "I thought you were supposed to ask for permission first" - "never with you, Tim" aww :-D
Ducky's mother Victoria.
Ok, I guessed this killer at first sight.
ep 12 - Suspicion - A Marine got two men in America in exchange for money, and killed a Lt that was investigating him. It turns out those two were terrorists!
Ziva is sure Tony's ill, she thinks it's the only explanation for his strange behavious :lol: she knows nothing about men?!?
ep 13 - Sharif returns - An sos with traffic lights.. wow.
Another terrorism attempt, chemical weapons this time; for personal payback, even Gibbs got poisoned, but he got the antidote too. He worked the case with that woman, military Colonel Mann we met in episode 7, and at the end they kiss and they'll sleep together.. boh.
Gibbs is making a new boat now.
ep 14 - Blowback - On an important mission comes out the faces of people Tony met undercover and he has to lie to Gibbs. Even after everything comes out, relationships are difficult.
Obsessive: "kind of like building a fourth boat when you haven't even sailed the first three": Jenny :-)
This is personal for Jenny, somehow. She's obsessed with catching LaGrenouille.
They send Ducky undercover! Well now, it's not too clear to me what happened at the end, why did Jenny let them go...
ep 15 - Friends and lovers - Ziva is teaching Tony, McGee and Agent Lee how to throw knives. Tony isn't bad, Lee almost kills Gibbs... and there was something, I didn't understand why, what did he do on summers?
Tony's special girl: Jeanne still has her little problem: someone keeps calling her, an ex-boyfriend not willing to let her go. It's Valentine's day, and Gibbs gives Abby her usual caf-pow, but with a heart that reads "I love you" :-D cute!!
They needed a celebrity to enter a club aaaaand... " a very famous novelist: Tom E. Gemcity!" :lol: Tim! With Ziva, Abby and Michelle Lee!
Oh the chills, Jeanne's ex was the new cop-friend of Tony, that died on an operation together... good that Tony doesn't know.
ep 16 - Dead man walking - McGee brings in Lt Roy Sanders who asks for their help: someone poisoned him with radiation, and he wants them to find out who did it before he dies. Ziva spends a lot of time with him. She saw him every morning running, and now learns they get along really well, and it's very hard on her. We don't see him dead, but I guess it's inevitable.
ep 17 - Skeletons - Colonel Mann is back, a bit pissed off because Gibbs never called her after...
I didn't quite understand what Jenny talked to her about, I hope they're not thinking of bringing her in the team! I don't want her, and I thought Jenny was jealous! She looks sad watching them together..
The hunt for a serial killer, and Abby is sad because apparently Marty broke up with her because she's too big... but how sweet was Gibbs with Abby? "I got time, Abs" he always has time for her :-)
ep 18 - Iceman - Aww Ziva coming to work with Roy's cap...
A man on Ducky's table wasn't dead: someone tried to kill a Marine, now he's in hospital, and it turns out that apparently he's Mike Franks' son...
Tony can't bring himself to tell her "I love you"... but he told her in ep 15, didn't he? Is it still difficult for him? She doesn't answer his calls, and crying tells him to figure out what he really wants.
Franks' son dies, but he goes home with his woman and their little kid :-)
ep 19 - Grace period - Oh I love to see Ziva with Roy's cap :-)
A not-really-suicide-bomber took out two Ncis agents, while Paula Cassidy was only barely injured. One of them, Jim Nelson, was a good friend of Tim :-( Still, glad to know he has friends outside the team...
At the end, Paula dies protecting the others from a true suicide bomber. The ep ends with Tony going to Jeanne to do what Paula told him: life is too short not to tell someone that you love them when you really do. Then, he hugs her, really hard, with a tear, like she was his anchor to life: I liked that, because I've been hugged like that, and I've felt like that was the real "I love you", and it didn't matter if the words were spoken out loud.
ep 20 - Cover story - Three stages of fans: 1 admiration 2 obsession 3 destruction. Oh good, I'm so happy I always stopped at fase two..
Two people dead like the characters in Tim's new book, that he's still writing; they also found a drink in the house that Tim created for his book. Since Tim bases his characters on real people, he has to admit that he based the characters on them. Now that he actually said it, Tony says it's not believable because of what he wrote, which is what they truly feel.
ep 21 - Brothers in arms - Tony meets Jeanne's mother. Jenny is still on the hunt for LaGrenouille, and nobody knows why it is so personal for her. Anyway, at the end of the episode they still had nothing, and she was furious.
ep 22 - In the dark - Oh my God, Gibbs is still with that Colonel Mann, now doing repairs in her house... Actually, thinking of it, I don't know why I dislike her so much. She's beautiful, and she likes him, and yet I don't like her...
John Billingsley (ST-ENT's Dr Phlox) is a blind photographer who happens to take a picture of a dead man. Jeanne is being evicted and Tony offers to get a place together..
Ziva talks to him. He's not worried just about himself getting hurt, and Ziva tells him "that's because you're a good person".
Colonel Mann even helps Gibs with his boat! Wait, now she's asking for something permanent! Well, Gibbs won't marry a 5th time, now, will he? Who knows, but he has decided to stay with her, anyway.
Even if I don't like her, here I felt for her when she thought he was leaving her...
Abby is quitting caffeine! Ducky found Lee's bra :lol: he still hasn't figured out their relationship ?!?
The scene in the interrogation room where the photographer's assistant confesses she loves him, not knowing he's behind the fake-mirror listening was lovely and touching.
ep 23 - Trojan horse - A taxi-driver is taking a man to see Ncis, but the man is found dead. They take the taxi in, of course, but at night after everybody goes away, a man comes out of there! The Trojan Horse right there! But they caught him. He wanted to replace evidence, for some reason..
"After Pulp Fiction, a gun aimed my way makes me nervous" :lol:
Jenny thought her father died 12 years ago, in 1995, but now a dying man who knew him tells her he was alive three weeks ago.
ep 24 - Angel of death - Jenny's back at Ncis. We see Gibbs and Fornell's ex-wife :lol:
A junkie/drug dealer causes trouble in the hospital where Jeanne works, and Tony helps her, trying to save her and the situation without revealing him being an agent, only to find out at the end that LaGrenouille is her father!
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