Not bad, I liked it enough, although it's nothing spectacular. It poses the usual themes of how far humans can morally go with artificial intelligence, and how scared humans are of everything they can't understand. Love is the other important theme.
The story: a group of terrorists opposes the scientists and technology. One day they kill many people, and also shoot Will (Johnny Depp) with a radioactive bullet, so he will die in a month, for sure. His wife Evelyn (Rebecca Hall) can't accept it. Will stops all his work to spend the time he has left with her, but instead of bringing all the material to his colleague Joseph (Morgan Freeman) she starts studying it herself and comes up with the idea of "uploading" Will to a big computer of the newest generation, as they had done with a monkey. Will accepts, and it's a success, the computer starts talking to her in his voice, but their friend Max (Paul Bettany) doesn't believe that machine is "really" Will, so she sends him away. She has back the man she loves, and won't hear a word against it. "Will" needs more space and data so she connects him to the internet; then he needs more power and chooses a little town where they have a big complex built; many solar panels give it power, and underneath is situated the big big computer that is now Will. The terrorists have abducted Max and want to stop Will, but for two years they can do nothing, and Will goes forward with his experiments in nanotechnology on regeneration. She still loves him, and when Martin, a man working for them, is robbed and very badly beaten, they have him brought inside and Will cures him with nanotechnology. A video of this man healed and lifting impossibly heavy things goes viral on the net and other people come to be healed This is where Will goes too far, because these men are also connected to him and he can talk through them and control them if he wants to, and Evelyn can't stand this.
Obviously Joseph and the Fbi get in touch with the terrorist group via Max and together they abduct Martin to study a virus that will shut down all the internet, "killing" Will.
Tired of the situation, after talking to Max Evelyn accepts to help them and offers to carry the virus in her blood so when Will will upload her, he'll upload the virus too.
Believing it won't work, the army attacks and she's mortally wounded. Will can stop the attack, but he has less power now. Evelyn wants him to stop, not believing his words that he is saving them. Once connected she sees that he was regenerating the planet as she always dreamed of, and when the virus kills them, shutting everything down, Joseph and the others see that nobody was killed by Will. They feared him because they could not understand what he was doing, and because they thought he was building his own army, and they believed he was becoming too powerful and therefore a threat, although he had never done anything threatening to the world. He had worked to save the world, because that was Evelyn's dream.
Bettany was the best part of the film, I liked him a lot. It definitely was not Depp's best role, I guess they chose him because of his fame, but such a part as this did not need a great actor. The character that indeed needed a great actor was Evelyn, and I didn't like the choice of Rebecca Hall. Her Evelyn was too plain, she could not carry the weight of the whole movie on her shoulders. Evelyn is a character that is at the center of everything the whole time, it all goes around her.
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