Nothing special, really. It’s weird to see Chris ‘Captain America’ Evans playing the idiot brother of Susan Storm (Jessica Alba). As in the first movie Reed Richards is played by Ioan Gruffudd and Ben Grimm by Michael Chiklis, that even has a couple of scenes where he’s back to normal, when Johnnie absorbs his power, and we can actually see him. Julian McMahon is back as Victor Von Doom, without a clear explanation as to how can he still be alive. Kerry Washington is Ben’s beautiful girlfriend, and don’t say she’s with him because she’s blind, it’s not like she doesn’t know, she touches and kisses him, so she knows. The best thing of the movie is the silver surfer, this sad figure of an alien forced to work for Galactus the Destroyer of Worlds to keep his planet and the woman he loves safe. I liked him. I didn’t much care for the rest: Reed is very plain, but I was never a big fan of the rubber-man; Susan is kind of boring, Johnnie is an idiot. Viktor is beautiful but predictable. The best scenes are with or about the silver surfer: when Reed creates the name after hearing Johnnie’s description of him, that was well done; when the surfer talks to Susan, when he protects her, when she dies protecting him, and of course when he saves her and then turns against Galactus to save Earth. Basically what the fab-four of America did was to get the surfboard away from the surfer at first, and then from Viktor, but they think they’re so fantastic they did it all themselves, the saving. Oh well. I’m not opposed to the idea of a new F.four movie with a new cast. Let’s hope it’ll be a better movie, because these two were yes nice toys, but of the kind you get bored of after playing with them just once. I don’t know the new cast, but I hope both them and the new screenplay will be more catching and interesting.
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