I liked it. Not as good as the first one, but it was cool, and baby Groot was the sweetest :-D It starts with them doing a job for the Sovereign (very arrogant) race, but then Rocket steals something from them so they try to kill them. Someone comes to their rescue and Peter meets his father Ego.
He’s a celestial, almost a God but not quite, and they go with him to his world, which is not a real world but it’s actually him. At first Peter doesn’t trust him but Gamora tells him to give him a chance, so they go leaving Rocket and Groot to watch over Nebula, their prisoner.
Ego tells him he’s lived for thousands of years, and looking for a meaning in his life he went to Earth and fell in love with a woman and had him. He says he loved her but had to go away because he can’t stay in that form for long, away from his planet. He shows him that he can use the planet’s light, its energy too to make things. At first Peter can only make a ball, and they start playing ball as if he was still a child playing with dad. If anyone had any doubt that he was faking it that was definitely some tell: come on, playing ball like that, he was clearly manipulating him. Shortly after there was another proof, but Peter didn’t get it yet: Ego told him of what they can do with that light, they can make things, they can shape planets, they can shape the universe… come on, how is that different from all the villains in history of film that wanted to dominate the world? After all he’s called Ego, isn’t that a clue in itself??
Soon Peter is forced to realize the truth when Ego tells him that he needs his life-energy, and also that he planted that brain-tumor into his mother’s head! He killed her, so there’s nothing he can do now to keep Peter on his side.
Yondu and his men attack Rocket and Nebula convinces Groot to free her saying that she’ll save Rocket. There’s a mutiny among the men, and all those openly on Yondu’s side are killed by the rest of the crew. Nebula leaves to look for Gamora (and kill her). Yondu sends baby Groot to retrieve his arrow-weapon, but he can’t find it; it’s Kraglin that brings it to him because he’s still on his side, he always was, I guess he was just jealous of Peter. Yondu kills everybody on board and they leave to find Peter and save him, because Yondu knows what kind of a being Ego is.
All together they fight Ego and to kill him they have to destroy that world at its core, and when he dies Peter loses it’s celestial energy too.
The Nebula-Gamora relationship was never easy: in this movie Nebula comes to Ego-planet to kill her but Gamora saves her life, so later Nebula saves hers. Nebula tells her that when they were young all she wanted was a sister but Gamora only cared about winning. Thanos made them fight to train them and every time Nebula lost a fight he replaced a part of her with a mechanical one. (poor thing) At the end Gamora tells her that she was only a child trying to survive and never realized what that meant for Nebula, and she’s trying to make amends now by helping other people, and asks her to do the same by joining the group, but Nebula leaves because she still wants to kill Thanos.
Mantis is an empath, a creature that grew up alone on Ego’s planet and he kept her there like a pet. Drax keeps telling her how disgustingly ugly she is (she’s so pretty! but too skinny for him apparently), but during the fight when the planet is about to explode but Ego has still enough energy to overpower them, he tries to bring her to safety and when he gets trapped in the Earth he raises his arms keeping her out of it to keep her safe. That was so nice…
At the beginning of the film we see Stakar banning Yondu for breaking the ravagers code by stealing a child - and I thought, when did he do that? but of course the child was Peter, his job was to retrieve the boy and give him to his father, but later he’ll say that after he learned what had happened to all the other sons of Ego (all dead, he tried to use them too but they didn’t have the energy apparently) he couldn’t bring himself to give Peter to him so he kept him on his ship. At the end of the movie Yondu saves Peter’s life losing his own. Peter realizes that he always had a father-figure with him but didn’t know it.
Rocket told the other ravagers what Yondu did so they all come to give him a real ravagers funeral. (I could have done with a Kraglin simply crying or looking sad instead of his yelling Yes when he saw them. I understand it, but the yelling still felt wrong.)
At the end of the credits we see Peter yelling at a teenage Groot to keep his room clean and stop playing videogames all the time :-p I also love that Peter in this scene understands what Groot says :-D
I liked the first movie’s music more, honestly. I felt its absence here. There was music but … :-/
I was also kind of annoyed about Peter’s romantic feelings for Gamora… they keep saying that they are a family, I’d like it to stay that way, not turn into the usual boring love-story. They really can’t have a woman in the group without the human hitting on her? :-/ I’m so tired of this, it seems to me like people who make films only add women characters so the male lead (because the leader is always the man, here too) can hit on her. :-/ so annoying…
I hope that in the next movie there will be Nebula and Mantis again.
Peter Quill-Chris Pratt; Gamora-Zoe Saldana; Drax-Dave Bautista; Yondu-Michael Rooker; Nebula-Karen Gillian; Mantis-Pom Klementieff; Ego-Kurt Russell; Kraglin-Sean Gunn
There are also Sylvester Stallone as Stakar, Michael Rosenbaum , Ving Rhames and Michelle Yeoh as other ravagers. There is also a cameo from David Hassellhoff because Peter says that when he was a fatherless child he used to say that David Hassellhoff was his father and was away with his car Kitt to save the world or something.
ITA i guardiani della galassia vol. 2
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