I liked this a lot, at first; I liked the immortal character studying death to find a way to die, and I liked the older man who was actually his son and their lovely relationship. First half of the series was very nice, then it went quickly down, and finally to an end that didn’t leave me any urge to see more.. they fell into the usual routine, which is to create an end-of-level-boss sort of thing, the big-baddie-theme spreading through more episodes which can be good sometimes, but not always… and of course the usual romance-trap: a man and a woman working together… I was so disappointed when at the end she fell in love with him :-/ I had hoped more from this show at first, because he was an immortal still not over his last wife’s disappearance, she was a widow still heartbroken and her partner was happily married; I really had hoped that halfway through the season he would have told her (possibly both her and her partner) his secret, so they would have made a big great team… but no.
They had this character’s psychology wrong: he thinks his first wife betrayed him so he never trusts anyone with his secret! What about his second wife, the great love of his life, who believed him and loved him so much? Plus, this makes him look like a whiney little brat, honestly. We all have our troubles and must deal with it in just one lifetime; he’s lived for 200 years already and is still not over it?
I think they wasted a good chance here; I may not always agree with the general public, but on one thing I’m sure I can speak for the majority of the viewers: what creates addiction to a show is mainly the characters. Henry was too much like Sherlock and not enough a father: the dad-son relationship scenes were not enough, and they were the best part of the show. Also, a 200-year-old character could spark lots of stories, but they only found one: his lost love and the big villain who’s even older. There should have been more scenes with Abe, meaning with them talking about his ‘adventures’ before he adopted Abe (but Henry didn’t like talking about his past), more emotional scenes involving dad & son, and they should have made Jo and her partner their allies. Sometimes it was even annoying to see Jo risking her life to ‘save his’, or worrying so much for his life, when he should have protected them! Plus, it became basically just Jo & Henry investigating, while he should have been an addition to the two detectives.
Henry Morgan is a doctor. 200 years ago he stood between a ship captain and the slave about to be thrown overboard, and got killed for it, but he didn’t die, he “was transformed”; from that day, every time he dies he comes back out of the water, totally naked - how sad it must be to see so many people die..
Only Abe knows about his ‘condition’, and that he’s looking for an explanation and a way to put an end to his ‘curse’. He works for the New York City Medical Examiner Office, so he can study death. He notices everything like Sherlock Holmes.
This episode:
a train derailed killing 14 or 16 people, and since the driver did not have a heart attack but was killed, detective Jo Martinez must find a mass-murderer. A man calls Henry to tell him that he knows he was on that train and ‘survived’. His first instinct is to run, because over the years he’s suffered a lot, but Abe convinces him to stay.
To figure out what poison was used, he has Abe inject him with the poisoned blood and then retrieve him from the river.
Jo (whose husband died of a heart attack) brings him in as a suspect when she learns that he was on that train, but then starts working with him.
He stops the vindictive man from making another mass-murder, but ‘his fan’ is still out there, and tells him that they are the same..
From now on Henry starts working with Jo.
At last we learn why Abe knows and cares so much: he was found as a baby during world war 2 by a woman, Abigail, and given to Henry.
2-Look before you leap
Abe has been with Henry since 1945. I don’t remember what the hotel Montoliogne has to do with it all…
A girl is dead, and witnesses saw her jump off the bridge, but Henry says homicide. The first suspect dies too, another faked suicide. He solves the case, but when he’s taken hostage he’s really afraid because there are cameras around, and people would see him die, he couldn’t lie about it this time, but it all ends well.
3-Fountain of youth
A 67-year-old man dies with a body of thirty and a brain as old as a hundred. A new ‘medicine’ called Aeterna keeps bodies young but is not good for the brain. Henry finds out that it’s made out of human brains!
Henry freaks out when he reads Abe’s name on their list of clients, and he runs to him all afraid, but Abe’s a doctor, or was one, so he never took it.
He helps them find the doctor who created it and Henry saves her before she jumps in front of a train.
End: Henry looking scared while watching Abe using a skateboard :-p
4-The art of murder
91-year-old Gloria Carlisle is dead. Henry knew her once, when she was young. She encouraged him to give love a chance and he proposed to Abigail. She had a sad life because she was in love with a painter but could not be with him, so she planned her suicide to die in front of the painting made by her love that she had always kept in her museum gallery, among those of very famous artists - by the way, I loved that painting, it was really really beautiful.
5-The pugilist break
Raul Lopez is killed. He was a boxer, ex-junkie now reformed. He wanted to stay in his old neighborhood, help the children, but he was the only one. A man wanted to sell and killed Raul because he was about to ruin it. Now the man who wanted to buy the neighborhood to build on it is arrested for bribery, at least that.
Henry is caught buying heroine on the street while investigating, and he has Lucas catch the rats that ate on Raul’s body to test them.
6-The frustrating thing about psychopaths
In 1888 Henry, as a doctor, saw Jack the ripper’s last victim. Henry wonders if the ‘copycat’ that just killed a girl in the same way, might be his ‘fan’, the real Jack the ripper who was never caught in London.
A bleeding package with a human heart in it. It’s not Jack the ripper because back then a reporter got a detail wrong, and that mistake is found on this Mary Kelly. His ‘fan’ gives him a phone.
A comic book, soul slasher, describes the crimes step by step. Another girl is found dead, copying the Boston strangler. They got the wrong guy, and the murderer stabs Henry and goes in to kill the Antique dealer who sold him the knives, the Frenchman, actually a woman (Keiko :-p). Henry stops him for a while, giving Jo time to come and shoot him.
Henry’s fan comes in and cuts his throat to make him die sooner, so that nobody would see him die… he helped him in a way :-/ later he tells him that he’s “relatively young”. Henry throws away the phone he gave him, and shows concern for Abe because the fan knows all about him, so he must know about Abe too.
Henry is upset because Abe sold his old medical bag which has sentimental value to him: “I’m sorry Abe, you’re running a business” - “not a particularly lucrative one!” :-p
Jo is invited to have dinner with Henry and Abe, and it’s a lovely scene, the three of them together talking amiably like friends :-)
Abe bought Henry’s bag back. Jo asks how they know each other :-p and Henry tells her that he decided to stay in America because “Abe here is the closest thing to family that I’ve got” - “back at you Henry” :-) they’re adorable.
7-New York kids
I think this is the first time that Abe refers to Henry as his parent, while he complains about his doctor&nurse parents being too busy working to take him to an important game when he was ten years old :-p
Abe tells Henry his big secret: when he opened the shop and Henry was not around, he was doing very badly and so he sold a piece that he knew to be fake once, for a lot of money, and still feels the guilt; his biggest secret however, is that in Vietnam he froze once, scared, and three soldiers died, and he wonders if he could have helped them had he joined the battle.
Henry says he stopped being a doctor once, when he was shot and could not stay and help another wounded man because he was about to die and didn’t want to be exposed, and felt terrible about it.
A young doctor, Tyler, is killed; ten years ago along with three friends they killed a kid, run him over with their car, and then a guy started blackmailing Tyler until he decided to confess and got killed.
Jo thinks Henry has no self preservation instinct at all…
8-The ecstasy of agony
Abe was married twice to the same woman, Maurine (Jane Seymour), and twice divorced. Now Maurine shows up again. She asks Abe to go away with her, and she thinks he doesn’t want to leave Henry because Henry’s Abe’s son :-p
Henry made a mistake about the cause of death :-p It turns out that the victim met periodically a dominatrix for therapy, and she’s quite clever and charming, and she corrects him :-p
When Henry comes home to find Abe and Maurine together he walks out and goes to see the dominatrix Iona and he lets her handcuff him, but then she’s arrested and Martinez finds him like that, rather embarrassing :-p
The murderer is so jealous of Iona that he abducts Henry and tortures him.
We see that the first time Henry died and came back to life, he went to his wife and told her the truth, and tried to prove it to her by slashing his own wrists, so she had him put in a mental hospital… honestly, can anyone blame her? If someone you love (or even someone you don’t even know) wanted to kill themselves in front of you telling you that they are immortal and will be back, would you just go “okay, do it, kill yourself, let’s see” ??
The police save Henry and Martinez sees the scar on his chest, right where he was shot the first time. He only tells her that he was shot and then joins them for a drink afterwards.
Abe was so worried about Henry that Maurine understands he can’t leave him.
9- 6 a.m.
Henry likes classical music of course, Abe likes jazz, what Henry calls modern noise.. Abe’s a big fan apparently and Henry says he “failed as a father” :-p In 1956 he was teaching Abe classical music on the piano when a neighbour introduced Abe to jazz :-) of course they tells us this now because it’s an episode about jazz… :-/ you know, it would have been nicer if they had thought about this before, think about it, we, knowing already that he likes jazz, hear about this ep’s story and think, I wonder if Abe knows him! It would have been nicer, for sure, instead as always they say only what matters to the ep in hand, and then often they forget about it. :-/
The Lt is also a jazz fan, talking passionately of the ‘6a.m.’ song.
The son of jazz musician Pepper Evans is killed. Pepper is the real author of the legendary hit 6a.m., and Isaiah, his son, was killed because he was about to prove it to the world.
At the end there’s a lovely scene of Henry and Abe playing jazz together, because Henry asked him to teach him :-) there should have been more of this…
10-The man in the killer suit
The viscount Colin Cavendish is found dead in Central Park, so they call Henry even if it’s his day off. Henry will say it’s nobility, not royalty, but nobody knows the difference :-p
Abe was threatening Henry with “microwaving his breakfast” before reading on a paper that an old friend died. They were friends in 1957 “those were good times, with you and..mom” :-) In 1957 Henry used to slightly dye his hair grey to fake growing old.
Henry remembers Abe’s first kiss, becomes emotional and goes with him to Lyle’s funeral so he can meet that girl again, but once there Henry learns that she’s the widow :-p
Henry’s tailor made the viscount’s clothes; he says he “saved a bit over the years” so now he can indulge himself. Colin is actually Dwight, a bike messenger that his friend Patricia helped transform into a fake noble so he could marry a rich girl, but what started as a scam lead to something real. Dwight fell in love with his fiancée Emily and wanted to confess before the marriage, hoping she’d forgive him and run away with him, to get married even if he was poor and not noble. Henry talks about “my fair lady” as an explanation of what went on here, saying that the creator fell in love with her creation.
Talking to the Lt about why he was at the funeral, where he spotted their suspect, he calls Abe his roommate.
While recreating the scene, Lucas asks to change roles because he always plays the victim and Henry says “it’s much easier for me to get into character murdering you” :-p
At the end, Abe meets his old flame again (but we never see her again anyway) and Henry takes a cab home, but the driver is his ‘fan’, who locks him in the car and drives away.
11-Skinny dipper
Henry’s ‘fan’ killed a cab driver with a sword to take his place. He wants to prove him that he’s just like him so he shoots himself while driving and disappears like he does. The car drives into the East River and Henry drowns. When he comes back he’s seen by policemen and taken in.
Henry tells the Lt that he sleepwalks and sleeps naked..
Back to work, Henry finds his new victim to be the cab driver, and he knows details he can’t tell the cops, like that he was in the car when it went in the water. When Henry mentions a sword Lucas makes a joke about looking for the Highlander, but Henry doesn’t get it, doesn’t know the movies… (maybe he stopped watching them after Abigail?)
Abe tells Henry he needs someone he can trust other than him, and that he can trust Jo, but Henry remembers the first time when he told his wife and she had him locked up in a mental hospital… this is rather sad, that he can’t get over it and doesn’t think about Abigail, or Abe. I understand the Laura-thing must hurt, but still… :-/
When they retrieve the car we see the scratches on the door when he desperately tried to get out. The Lt sends Henry to a therapist who asks him who Abe is and if he has friends “at work, someone closer to your age?”
When Jo and her partner go to meet the gun’s owner, they find him dead. When he sees the body Henry runs to his office to see that the ‘fan’ used his knife to kill the man and then put it back, maybe to frame him.. Abe tells him he can either run or tell Jo. He wants to leave but she comes in and sees the knife. She asks for the truth and Abe tells him to tell her. She brings him in and he tells Jo, her partner and the Lt that he has an insane stalker who thinks he’s immortal… they find him, Clark Walker, but he walks away under their noses. Jo tells him she never believed he was the murderer :-) when he goes back home Abe’s missing and Clark is there, asking Henry to kill him with his sword. When Abe comes home (with my deepest relief) they fight, Henry stabs him and he dies, but does not vanish. It’s not the ‘fan’. The police clear him and show support. His ‘fan’ calls him again, and this time he lets Henry see him: it’s the therapist! I thought of that, my biggest doubt was the voice, I guess he just changed it a bit, more deep-whisper and less light-squeal… (was it really his voice in the first eps?)
12-The wolves of deep Brooklyn
Henry has been away from work for three weeks and two days: Lucas counts it and worries about him like Jo. Henry is upset because Adam manipulated him into killing a man. Now Abe receives a call: his army buddy Marco tells him his son died, so Henry goes back to work. The substitute M.E. called Jason’s death accidental drowning - that’s because everything he didn’t know how to explain, he called it irrelevant. Even Lucas has doubts about it, and as soon as Henry steps in he has a different opinion. The other m.e. gives Jo the choice between his solution that would wrap up the case by the end of the day, or Henry’s that will lead to “paperwork and insanity”…
Jason had joined a ‘broker’ company. The boss there is Oliver (William Baldwin). Henry ‘risks his life’ to stop a suspect from getting away, and Jo worries about him. Jason died in Oliver’s pool; Oliver killed him because Jason had found out the firm’s fraud. Henry ‘risks his life’ again but Jo covers for him with the Lt.
13-Diamonds are forever
Someone stole a horse statue from Abe’s shop and he’s very upset about it.
He accuses an Asian kid of having stolen his horse, but he didn’t. He moved it because he knows about art (because is mom is a art dealer in Hong Kong) and he instantly knew that it was fake.
A guy is killed: three years ago he was put in jail by a.d.a. Sean Moore, Jo’s late husband. Henry was once put in prison in London, in 1816 and he told his secret to a priest/inmate who believed him and helped him hang himself in order to ‘escape’.
Jo watches Sean’s interview with him and it’s very hard on her. When they find and kill a guy with diamonds in his stomach, they think he robbed the jewelry and killed that man. Mike asks Henry to let it go and leave this case closed because it’s hurting Jo, so Henry keeps investigating by himself, with Lucas. Retracing the dead man’s steps, they unknowingly come to Jo’s door; “what are you doing here?” - Lucas:”we are here for a very legitimate, not creepy reason that Henry will now explain” :lol: this was his best bit in this show.
Henry tells her the truth and believes that the guy was looking for Sean.
Jo is in danger when she finds herself in the car with the cop that shot the victim, but she trusted Henry’s advice and drove into a barricade.
Mike asks Jo to go have dinner with him and his family at his place, but she brings home Sean’s case tape to watch it and cry, when Henry knocks on her door for company. They sit outside on the steps, and she tells him that last time she talked to Sean they had a fight and she never apologized..
14-Hitler on the half-shell
Abe has a check-up done for his insurance policy, and has to say that he doesn’t know who his real parents were. He tried over the years, with Henry’s help, to find them but it’s difficult without a last name.
Adam walks into Abe’s shop and gives him his card. He also gave Abe an antique silver tray that belonged to Henry’s family, but Henry doesn’t tell him this; instead, he goes alone to meet Adam. He was tortured by the nazis during the war to explain his immortality. He assures Henry that he’d never hurt Abe for the pain they shared.
Adam also gave Abe a book with notes on every Auschwitz tattoo, so he finds his parents names. Henry finally tells him that it was Adam, and that Adam apologized to him. Abe finds a picture of his birth parents.
An art dealer is killed with an original statue stolen in Paris by the nazis. The victim gave a Monet painting back to the rightful owner - I recognized it immediately as Monet’s waterlilies, so beautiful :-D
The dead guy Karl was killed by his son, but not the art stealer: Henry knows that he was killed by Adam, but can’t say it to Jo and Mike.
In 1816 Henry was told that his family business, Morgan shippings, was dealing in slaves. His father gave him his family watch on his deathbed.
15-The king of Columbus Circle
Abe’s trying to find his family tree, now that he knows his real name; “of course, how thoughtless of me, now that you know your original last name..” - Abe: “I can find my family tree” but then “I’m the one who’s being thoughtless now, I don’t need a family tree to tell me who my real pops is” awww sweet :-)
Henry traces a long-distant cousin, even a third-cousin-twice-removed in Scotland… whatever that means, how many people know their entire family tree??
Abe discovers that he’s blood related to Henry! They have a common ancestor, his uncle Dennis, and they’re very happy! :-)
In 1955, in Romania on the Orient-Express, Henry had to do an emergency operation on the train because a kid had acute appendicitis, and he was the son of the king of Urkesh, Armen Aronov. Now the old man is dead and Henry recognizes the scar. He speaks to the widow in Russian and Jo says “a person would have to live ten lives to pick up everything you have” - “or just one long one” :-p
He died of lung cancer, but his wife tells him he never had radiation treatment, so he thinks he was poisoned. Henry tells Jo that he went to Urkesh with ‘Abigail’. The king hugged him for saving his son’s life. After the revolution, Aronov escaped to America.
I was kind of surprised about Henry’s approach here: I know he personally met the king as a loving father, but what about later, what did he learn about him? Was he a tyrant, that his people hated him so much his son had to flee the Country? Henry never raises the question, but he’s a doctor, shouldn’t he? He simply wears the ‘bow-to-the-king-attitude and that’s it.
Back then the king gave Henry his ring for Abraham, and now Henry gives it back to the widow. A man at the Urkesh embassy killed him, tried to kill his wife and now wants to kill the man’s secret daughter from another woman, to end the Monarchy line forever. The girl has a child, too. They save the child but the girl gets shot while warning Jo. She makes it, though. The widow accepts the girl and the child, her husband’s grandchild, and that’s lovely :-D
Henry and Abigail wanted to have children of their own, but they never had any.
16-Memories of murder
While investigating a girl’s death, they meet again dominatrix Iona, only now she’s called Molly and teaches a class at college because she has a PHD in psychology from Yale. Henry likes her, and wears a new scarf :-p
A man, Neville, whose wife died in 1981 (I think) had young Sarah dress in a 70s fashion look to recreate the time he was happy, and he confesses the murder but Henry doesn’t believe it.
Henry asks Molly on a date, and they talk about the case. He takes her to the crime scene and then to his lab, and she kisses him. He says that Neville was poisoned while someone killed Sarah. He insists on his confession because his daughter did it, he thinks, but she didn’t.
Sarah’s roommate is in Molly’s class, and hits her because Molly understood. When they were there, Jennifer just stabbed her in the neck. She’ll be ok, but Henry was very worried. He tells her that he has real feelings for her but “wounds haven’t healed yet” and she understands.
Surprisingly enough, I liked Molly a lot, and I hoped to see them together again, maybe dating :-)
In 1982 Henry was still with Abigail, but she was troubled because now she thought she looked like his mother. She was very hurt by the look on people’s faces when they looked at them seeing a mother and her son.
Abe found “mom’s cookbook” and prepared something for Henry :-)
17-Social engineering
A group of hackers “break into systems to expose the lies and corruption of the powerful”, in Abe’s words.
A guy gets killed by someone who hacked his home system, filling the room with gas. The “cyber crime division” takes control. They trace a computer and think they got the guy, but Henry says that that proves otherwise because the killer was in the room, but I don’t see why the tech guy went all “you shaved a corpse!” with a ‘gross!’ look on his face… an ME dissects corpses, why shaving a beard should be worse???
A hacker digs into Henry’s past and wants to blackmail him into providing her a fake death certificate. He refuses but she gets hit by a car before she can leak his secret.
Henry realizes the tech girl Irene killed Eric and tried to kill Liz. She tells him to let Liz die or she’ll destroy his life leaking his secret, because she found out too, but he doesn’t, he calls for help and tries to save Liz.
He saves her and Irene kills herself by stepping in front of an ambulance.
As a thank you for saving her life, Liz adds things to his file, so while checking his past Jo finds a degree from Oxford and he’s safe.
In 1865 Henry’s pictured appeared on a paper after he saved a child, and because of that he met again his wife Laura who now understood that he was telling her the truth. He told her that nobody can know his secret, and that she ruined his life already once (I understand that he’s hurt, but he’s also unreasonable and this whole thing is rather stupid, come on! He’s a doctor, I wonder if he would have told her “yes, come on, slash your wrists in front of me, I’ll be waiting for your return!).
Laura came into his hospital with a gun saying “the world must know this miracle” and attempted to shoot him but a nurse put herself in front of him to save him…
18-Dead men tell long tales
An old sea captain is killed with a harpoon to the chest. He had found gold on a treasure hunt, in the ocean. He had found Henry’s ship, the “Empress of Africa”, where he was killed the first time. He tells Abe now for the first time that it belonged to his family, and it was a slave-ship, in 1814 (So many years together, and yet so many things he never told his son :-/ I so didn’t like this, he should have talked with him more!)
300 people died on that ship; Henry wanted to save the slaves but he “failed”. Now he wants to find out where and how the ship was found and why it sank. Luckily he can talk to Abe :-) who suggests getting a sandwich and then break into the warehouse where salvage is kept.
Jo covers for him when they’re found out. Rich Isaac Monroe recovered 7 million dollars and gave it to charity; he also hits on Jo. When his alibi checks out, she accepts and goes on a date with him: he cooks for her at his place. The girl that killed the old man for causing her brother’s death now goes after Monroe, but Jo had brought her gun to the date :-p
“you saved my life, there’s no way you can refuse me a second date” .. “and this time no gun” :-p nice :p
Monroe found the map, he was obsessed with the ship and tells Henry what happened after he got killed: “a key fell from the dead man”, the slave he talked to took it, and they “freed themselves, took control of the ship but there was a damage beyond repair. Amazingly they made it up north, and when the ship finally went under they escaped to free soil. Only the map and their story survived. They made it far enough north to live as free men and 200 years later one of their descendants could find that ship, tell that story, our story, only because someone dropped a key” :-)
(Although at that moment he was only knocked out, he was shot later)
Henry tells Abe that for 200 years he had thought he had caused their death, that he was cursed because of it and Abe tells him he’s not cursed.
Henry meets Adam again, and he knows about the ship and his death. He says: “we are looking for the same thing Henry, a way out” and shows him the same pistol he was killed with, on that ship. He later sends the gun to him as a ‘gift’, then calls him and tells him that he was stabbed with a Roman dagger 2000 years ago in the stomach and “I believe the only thing that could kill us is the weapon that made us this way. Intriguing isn’t it? Sadly my dagger was lost but when I had it I still never summoned up the courage to test my theory”
19-Punk is dead
Jo is on a date with Isaac, when behind the wall of the club the body of a girl called Lucy is discovered. A man, Eddie Warsaw, calls her from prison saying that he was convicted for killing her, and also that he loved her and always hoped she’d still be alive, and that he didn’t kill her.
Henry tells Eddie that if he signs the plea he walks out free, yes, but the case will be closed and nobody will look for the real killer, so he doesn’t sign. Henry suspects Frankie, a drug lord under multiple investigations, but because of those the NYPD can’t investigate him, but the Lt encourages Henry to do something on his own.
He asks Lucas to go to the club with him and Lucas hugs him :-)
When they’re about to be kicked out Lucas protects Henry, then Jo comes to retrieve them and Henry tells them that he got the man’s dna. The guy says he gave money to Lucy because she was his friend and that he didn’t kill her… another man says he hid the body to protect Eddie, sure that he had killed her…
At last Eddie signs the plea to get out, and when they find the murderer (it seems like it was an accident, but still he left Eddie in jail for 30 years…) Eddie wants to kill him, until he learns that Lucy had a son, his son, and that he’s right there (he looked younger than 30 to me..).
In 1985 we see Henry talking to the police because 64-year-old Abigail is missing, three months now, but the cops say “that’s a dear-John letter” and “I’m sorry but I don’t think she wants to be found”.
Henry was out of himself because of her disappearance and Abe had to look after him. He threw away Henry’s obsessive research on Abigail because after a year he wanted him to move on; at the end though we see that Abe didn’t really threw it all away, he kept it all in storage.
20-Best foot forward
The severed foot of a ballerina is found during practice. Henry finds Eva still alive. Truth is, Eva’s brother cut her foot, but he did it for her, never meant to kill her, and died escaping the police. Javier actually cared a lot about her, he only did it because she asked him to, because she had a condition and her career was already over, but now she’ll be famous forever.
Jo is about to leave for Paris with Monroe. Henry tells her the best thing to do in Paris is to get lost, but when she mentions getting lost to Isaac, he says not to worry, he’d never let her get lost.. and guess what, she leaves him and goes back to Henry! :-/ Here we are, the usual, boring, predictable romance between the two lead characters… :-/
Abe investigates Abigail’s case alone and asks for Lucas’ help, and he asks for some files pretending to be Henry. At the end, Abe tells Henry that he found Abigail.
21-The night in question
Henry and Abe go looking for Abigail, to where she lived under the name Sylvia Blake. A lady tells them that one day she just left, but Henry finds old remains, and takes the bones to the lab. They belong to a young woman, not Abigail. It was Belinda, and Abigail helped her working as a nurse. Henry thinks a judge killed her when he was young because she was a witness to his hit-and-run, but later he confesses the hit-and-run, saying that Belinda was with him, she was his lover but she didn’t want her boyfriend to find out. He left the scene, then took the file from the hospital and now he gives it to Jo. Henry finds a letter from Abigail among the stuff the lady gave Abe. She wrote that she had realized that she didn’t want to live without them. Henry keeps investigating. The local sheriff was Belinda’s boyfriend, he drank and had a fight with her. She fell and died and he buried her in the backyard. He saw ‘Sylvia’ leaving with a man on a car, and Henry finds that car off the road. He finds her remains, and Lucas tells him that she cut her own throat.
Henry calls Adam: he was the biker in the hit-and-run - “a kind and skilled nurse saved my life”. Adam also tells him that he told her his story and asked her to kill him, and she “did a very strange thing” - “she believed you” : of course, she knew it was possible! He killed himself while she was out of the room for a moment, and vanished, and she understood. Later he showed up at her place and she went with him because afraid he might hurt Belinda :’( and then she drove off the road. He revived her with cpr because he had believed to be the only one for so long, now he wanted to know about Henry, but she cut her own throat to save Henry.
“she died trying to protect me!”
22-The last death of Henry Morgan
A woman working in a museum is killed, after she found an old iron Roman dagger, the weapon that killed Adam of course, and Henry tells Abe everything about the dagger and the gun that ‘killed’ him. It was one of the knives that killed Iulius Caesar. The girl’s boyfriend put the dagger online to sell it. Now Adam is looking for it and threatens Jo’s life talking to Henry. Abe tells him to be careful because in a fight with Adam he’d lose (and he remembers the time he died and disappeared from Abigail’s arms). An old man paid a guard to take the dagger from her because he had read of Mengele’s tortures on Adam, who wouldn’t die. Jo takes the dagger. She’s hurt that he didn’t trust her. Lucas gives it to him later, and he arranges a meeting with Adam, but doesn’t fight him. Henry gives him the dagger instead. Adam has his gun and shoots him. Henry tells him “I’m not a killer, I’m a doctor” and then injects him with something.
Abe goes to wait for him by the river as usual, and he does reappear! The title is very much misleading!
Adam ends up in a coma.
We see when Henry showed up at Abigail’s place after she saw him die, and tried to explain, but she hushed him, said “you poor man” and hugged him, and he felt good and not alone anymore, we can guess.
The end: Henry’s voice saying that life is a game “but fortunately for us, it’s a game we don’t have to play alone” and Jo knocks at the door :-/
She found the old picture of him with Abigail and baby Abe, and asks for an explanation, and Abe tells him to tell her, and he says “it’s a long story”
That’s how it ends… glad they didn’t make a second season, it would have been: he’ll tell her and she’ll be the new Abigail,
or he won’t and it’ll be very much repetitive
in both scenarios, not interesting at all, just the two of them and nothing else :-/
Henry notices everything like Sherlock, and like him he has an acute sense of smell…. but they concentrated too much on this. We already have all the Sherlocks we need, thank you. This show should have been about something else :-/
Henry-Ioan Gruffudd
Jo-Alana De La Garza
Lucas-Joel David Moore
Abe-Judd Hirsch
Mike-Donnie Keshawarz
Lt-Lorraine Toussaint
Adam-Burn Gorman
Isaac Monroe-Cuba Gooding Jr
Frenchman-Rosalind Chao
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