Branch is ok in this season. Vic is a good character but I really hope they won't create a love story between her and Walt, it would be so lame. She has a husband that loves her in this season, I hope it stays that way.
I love every scene with Henry.
1- Unquiet mind
Walt and Vic take a prisoner to the Feds and the serial-killer reveals the place where a kid is buried. Walt looked for him when he disappeared four years ago. The hostages free themselves, kill two feds and others and escape. They get one but the others escape with the federal doctor with them. A waitress helped him escape, in love with that serial-killer :-/
Walt goes alone up a mountain on foot to catch them, even though the prisoners have a snow-cat. Henry goes after him, and Branch joins him. The guy was looking for hidden money; Walt finds him and they fight but then stay there and almost freeze to death, but Henry finds them. Branch says “Is he dead?” - “not yet”. The killer looked it though. I don’t know how he is.
2- Carcasses
Brendan Fehr plays the husband of a soldier.
A body is found in some compost. The woman who found him had been raped by him twenty years ago, and her son is the rapist’s son, and he killed him.
A prostitute helps Walt with some information, and in exchange he arrests her pimp.
Walt has bought Vic a new phone. Branch is worried because he can’t find Cady. He tells Walt that she’s missing and asks him where she is but he doesn’t know. She goes to talk to that Denver detective.
3- Death came in like thunder
A body is found. The dead man Marco married a girl against his brother’s will and wanted to sell his land to buy a house for two. He was poisoned via his water. His sister-in-law killed him to stop him from selling his land.
Ferg gets his picture in the paper, making it look like he’s supporting Branch for sheriff. Ferg tries to explain that they were on patrol and Branch made a stop for the campaign. Walt doesn’t seem to care, he only talks about the case. Branch’s campaign is financially helped by Jacob with a 100.000 $ donation, and now he asks information on the investigation.
Looking for something, Walt sees Lizzy’s gift still in Vic’s drawer; she says nothing right away but gives it to him later. When he asks when did Lizzy bring it, the phone rings and Vic goes away without answering.
The Denver detective tells Cady all about the stabbing: her mother died at the hospital, and Walt was with her. After Cady goes out the detective says: “she was either sent here by the prime suspect in my murder case to find out what I know, or she’s my new best friend”.
Walt goes to Henry: “some things happened in Denver that we never talked about” - I liked that scene in the mirror :-) Henry:”I will not ask you to lie, it is not your job to protect me” - “it is my job and I wouldn’t have to protect you at all if you let me” - “you tried and you nearly got yourself killed in the process” - “It wasn’t your job to kill that man, that was mine to do, that was my right” - “a good woman was murdered, a bad man is dead, end of story”.
Henry seems confident that the police won’t find anything on him. A very intense scene :-)
4- The road to hell
A truck full of cattle is stolen. The driver at first goes missing, then he’s found ok, and then he’s found again, this time dead. A cop has a grudge against a hustler and can’t let it go. He murdered the driver because he kept lying. The driver was in on it, with a girl and the owner’s son, but they were about to give back all the cattle. The cop dies after driving his truck against a road block, and they save the hustler he had kidnapped.
Victoria “Vic” Moretti receives some flowers but they are not from her husband, and she goes crazy trying to find out who sent them. Finally the card turns up and it says it’s a gift ‘for their anniversary’, but we know it’s not from her husband and she doesn’t seem happy at all. At home, she tells her husband: “they found me” and he hugs her!
5- Party’s over
Gabrielle Carteris plays Barbara, the mother of dead-Tanya’s boyfriend.
Lizzy fakes an emergency to lure Walt in, trying to seduce him, but then he gets a call, a girl is dead.
Tanya’s sister Lorna is a fighter; Vic tries to fight her but loses :-p
A pharmacist told a gang of guys who was it who bought certain drugs so that they’d break in and steal the drugs and then sell them. Tanya tried to steal Barbara’s pills and she shot her, not knowing it was her, she says, then she left her in an alley.
Cady is back in town. Branch goes to talk to her, he still cares. Walt goes to her too and they’re ok now, she’s no more angry at him, she probably thinks that he killed the murderer...
Henry is with a girl, Dina.
6- Tell it slant
A psychic indian woman is dead. Her brother is a bit weird, Henry doesn’t like his ‘contrary act’.
A couple was counting on Cassandra to find their daughter, they thought she was dead, but she told ‘em she was alive. The wife knew that Cassandra was a fraud but paid her anyway to give her husband hope.
Finally the sheriff-debate, we see Walt in uniform. His wife Martha wanted to stop the casino from being built. People ask him why he hired Vic who’s not from here. Cady asks Branch what experience makes him think to be a better choice, but he can’t reply because a crazy man comes in, a drunken clown.
Cassandra’s brother killed her because she wanted him hospitalized, and she was paying bars and liquor shops, paying his debts.. Vic found at Cassandra’s house a box with the name Longmire. His wife visited her, and now he shows Cady.
7- Sound and fury
Cady is working for Henry :-D Henry overhears two men talking: one was refusing the job to kill a woman. Henry follows the other outside and offers to kill his wife, then warns Walt; he has little info so he has to say that Cady works there. She remembers only one guy at that table, ‘the hot one’. Walt: “so which one is the hot one, the husband or the hitman?” - Henry:”I’m not a good judge of hotness” :lol: They wait for the man’s call at the Red Pony, instead Dina calls: “what I want you to do to me is against the law..” :-p he looked embarrassed because Walt heard it too :-p
Instead of the wife it’s the husband who turns up dead. His lawyer says the wife might be behind it. A guy says he shot the guy and now threatens Henry’s life. At the end he shows up at the Red Pony and takes Henry hostage, to escape. When Walt catches up with them, he shoots the guy. Good scene, a pity that it was full night and very dark :-/
Vic meets a guy who says he used to be a cop and he had blamed Vic for a guy named Bobby’s suicide and he’s here to say sorry, to make amends...
8- The great spirit
A horse is running wild with a corpse attached. Walt stops it with a lazzoo while Henry helps him by driving the car and pushing it the right way :-)
Walt is pissed because Branch is so focused on his campaign he’s barely doing his job (does he think he can buy his way into becoming the new sheriff? seems so..)
Henry comes asking what did Walt say to the Denver detective because he’s in town and wants to meet Henry! We see more bits of what happened. Walt falling in Henry’s arms, badly injured. Henry took him to an old woman who patched him up.
The man Branch gave money to doesn’t deposit it in the bank, so Walt sends Branch back there to lock his trailer.
I just learned that Vic’s from Philadelphia.
More or less: the dead man helped illegal Mexican immigrants that were held against their will, separated by their families, and a man killed him for money and to get his better-paid job.
Walt frees the wild horse but it comes back to him (not sure what he will do with it...)
Henry goes to talk to the old woman who cured Walt and he tells us the story of the first warrior and the great spirit. Nice ending. I liked these last scenes. I love Henry & Walt’s friendship, hope nothing happens to it.
9- Tuscan red
Henry has Walt admit that he wants his job. Cady tells Branch she’s not up for a relationship so they’re over (didn’t she say that already? I guess he still had hopes..) but it’s obvious he doesn’t want it to be over.
A man dies in a fire. There are protests, the Indians against an energy company.
Vic pretends to arrest her husband to get him safely out of there, and Walt arrests the victim’s brother who kept protesting. Walt: “who’s next?” Henry:”I am”, and he has to arrest him too.
The dead man’s face had been painted red and he had been forced to drink alcohol until his body shut down; painted red because he wasn’t ‘red enough’ and he was married to a black woman.
Branch takes a drunk Cady home and then she kisses him and more; next morning she tells him about here mom not dying of cancer - so only Henry knew the truth..?
Branch doesn’t say it to anybody else but he goes to Walt : “I know what happened in Denver” and he says that “maybe right now your daughter needs you more than the County does”. That’s not fair! I so don’t like Branch.
10- Election day
It’s Walt’s campaign party: Ferg dances with Cady :-) Henry praises Walt :-) That night Walt kises Lizzy, then starts going away but then he goes back to her to finish what they started :-p
Jason is spending a lot of money on Branch’s campaign. At a car accident site, Vic finds Cady :(
Vic, Henry, Walt and even Lizzy are at the hospital. Branch was so busy with the campaign he didn’t hear for a while. Ferg likes Cady and is crazy about finding the guy who did it. Walt feels guilty about not taking more care of his daughter, thinks he thought too much of himself instead of her :(
Ferg tells Branch how pissed he is at him, that he likes her, and we figured that out already - at least earlier in this episode, there was really no sign in previous episodes.
Walt never leaves Cady’s bedside. The car that hit her: the owner sold it to a guy who said it was stolen; Vic goes to tell everything to Walt, sorry she got nowhere and he makes suggestions. Before leaving, she tells Walt that he won the election (by 17 votes), but he barely notices. Branch cries alone.
It turns out the guy lent his car to a friend, and Walt goes to pick him up.He’s drunken-Bob’s drunk son. Bob says he was driving, that he did it, but Walt knows he’s lying. He still says it’s “his fault”, which is only partially true, and Walt lets him take his son’s place and he releases the kid - dad’s fault, like he thinks of himself. That’s why Bob could convince him to do this stupid, wrong thing.
Walt asks Henry’s permission and help for an Indian ceremony - it sort of seems something you’d see on Hannibal, that last scene, that last shot of Walt...
11- Natural order
How long has Walt been standing there like that, suffering? Well, when the rope breaks, Cady wakes up and Henry goes to tell him and he runs to her.
But then, a young man’s body is found.
It was a nice scene when Walt calls Cady saying that Henry gave him his phone and after she hangs up we see that Henry’s there, eating an ice-cream cone like her and he sort of smiles/shakes his shoulders when she asks/tells him if he HAD to give him a phone :-p
Branch’s still working at Cady’s car.
An animal was killed because his intestines or something are used to make velvetine, that that man at the hospital gave his son and that’s what made him sick. Thru him Walt finds Mr Chen, an engineer going by another name; he hired someone to kill the animals to bring him ingredients he needs.
Branch goes to Henry: “I need your advice about something” - Henry:” you have got to be kidding me”
Branch asks if Walt holds grudge and Henry tells him a nice story of when they met in 6th grade (aww they go way back then :D they’ve been friends 38 years :D)
Henry’s Cheyenne; while looking for suspect Keith with Walt and Omar, he falls into an Apache trap hurting one leg, but they get Keith.
Here is how the post-election thing goes: Branch shows up in his deputy uniform; Walt asks: “does this mean you still work here?”; Branch replies: “I guess it does”. Walt says: “ok then” and goes away smiling.
Keith admits to killing the animals but not the man. The taxidermist did it, trying to get the medicine for his sick wife - she has cancer, she knew Walt’s wife too. He admits to killing the guy.
Branch goes to Jason; he asks if he had anything to do with Cady’s accident and with why did she have a black tyre.
Walt tells Cady that he’s not angry about her and Branch, that ‘he’ll let it go’.
12- A good death is hard to find
It’s cowboy poetry night at the Red Pony.
Walt receives a finger in the mail. Vic receives a postcard ‘Go Eagles’. She calls that Ed from last time. He says he moved back to Philadelphia but she traced the call, she knows he’s very near and kind of looks scared!
Walt and Branch are working together at the finger-case :) Good. The finger was sent by a convicted man now dead.
Vic is scared to be home alone and she sleeps in a cell ! She finally talks to Walt. She had reported on a dirty cop and he committed suicide. His partner Ed blamed her. She turned blonde and moved here for her protection. Walt has her stay at his cabin. Lizzy comes and finds her there. He says: “nothing’s going on between me and Vic” and Lizzy says: “of course it is, you’re just too afraid to admit it” or something like that :-/
Ferg drops his gps watch in the truck of the man-without-the-finger, so they track him. The sheriff that arrested the dead con had a thing with his woman. This Connie had him killed.
Vic goes to Henry to hire Hector to scare Ed away. She asked Henry if he could keep a secret, but then he calls Walt and tells him everything. Walt himself goes to scare Ed away.
13- Bad medicine
Ed got beaten up badly last night, he didn’t see his attacker but believes it was Walt. Ed and Vic were together for two months before she met her husband.
Walt has to go pick up Branch, handcuffed by Matthias for sneaking around in the res.
Branch tells him he was looking for a man involved in causing Cady’s flat tyre. Walt turns around immediately. A video shows that that man shot himself. Branch also tells Walt that Jacob Nighthorse is involved, and that it was all for the election, to keep votes away from the polls.
Ed to Vic: “I want you to feel what it’s like to have everything you care about taken away. I want you to hurt, Vic” so Vic arranges for him to blame the beating on her, and she tells Walt that she did it, with a baseball bat. Walt talks to Hector, to make him confess.
The Denver detective has search warrants for : Walt’s house (what’s in the teabox, mom’s ashes?), for the Red Pony and for the Sheriff’s office. A witness identifies Walt as the man busting in that man’s house, but the guy and his friends ‘kicked his ass’ - finally the truth. Henry says: “when I saw what happened to you in Denver last year I realized that there were only two ways the situation was going to end, with you dead or with you in jail. Neither seemed right to me..”
He called Hector, and he believed to this day that Hector had killed him, but now Hector’s here and he says that he’s not a killer. He beat the guy up badly, but didn’t kill him: “death is release, pain is forever”.
Henry didn’t kill anybody! Good!! Still, who killed that man, and buried him?
During the search they found the dead guy’s teeth at Henry’s place and they arrest him!!
Branch got shot while on a sacred res spot, collecting ashes for a DNA test on that man that shot himself. He calls Walt and he runs to pick him up.
Vic - Katee Sackhoff : very good actress, I’m not fond of the character but the actress is very good
Henry - Lou Diamond Phillips : my favourite of the whole show
Cady - Cassidy Freeman
Ferg - Adam Bartley
Branch - Bailey Chase
Jacob - A Martinez : very good
Matthias - Zahn McClarnon : he’s good, but so far his character hasn’t had enough space
Branch’s father - Gerald McRaney
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