lunedì 5 luglio 2021

Eurovision song contest: the story of Fire Saga


This was crack humor :p and to think that at first I thought it was something like a documentary on an old real group :lol  But it’s not. Honestly I would have preferred a different lead actor because I don’t like Ferrell all that much, because his characters always talk too much and yell and just go ‘too far’. That’s why.

Rachel McAdams was lovely as Sigrit though ^_^ She was adorable, lovely :-)

Dan Stevens have quite the look here :lol a bit too much sometimes, but he looked really good.

So, plot in details:

Little Lars is sad since he lost his mom and he never had an easy relationship with his father, but when he hears Abba singing Waterloo at the Eurovision Song Contest he jumps up and starts dancing, to the amusement of all those present. Minus his dad who is just embarrassed. All the adults laugh and Lars takes it badly - although come on, they weren’t really ‘laughing at him’ in a bad way, they were amused by a child dancing close to the screen, but maybe he took it badly mostly because his father was openly against him. Anyway, Lars shouts that one day he’ll win the contest and they won’t laugh at him then. 

Little Sigrit, the child who never spoke a word, jumped up and danced with him, and since then she never abandoned him, and we meet them again in present times when they are still together and working on their music and on a song to bring to the contest. Lars writes all their songs and she utterly believes in him, but his father still doesn’t. He’s ashamed of him, thinking he is wasting his life and being childish, and this hurts Lars a lot.

Sigrit’s mother doesn’t appreciate them being together all the time, she thinks Lars is keeping Sigrit behind.

Because of money trouble, Lars’ father must choose between selling the boat or the house, and he sells the house because he needs the boat to work, so Lars must go…

From their little town they can see whales up close, but they’re so used to it they don’t care.

In town they call Sigrit ‘his sister’ and Lars reply that ‘she’s probably not my sister’, while she’s very determined in clarify that ‘I’m definitely not your sister’.

I didn’t get it right away, not sure if I was supposed to or not, but Lars’ father is apparently the father of a lot of young people in town, so Lars is not 100% sure that Sigrit is not his sister.

Sigrit always tries to encourage him, even saying that his father is NOT ashamed of him, but… “it is true, after you left he looked me deep into the eyes and said ‘I am ashamed of you’, and then he said “you have wasted your whole life on this one stupid idea of the eurovision song contest and now you’re a grown man without a wife, without a child, your life is a joke.”

Sigrit: “maybe he was drunk”

Lars: “no he said and you might think that I am drunk but I am dead sober and I’m very serious”

They play at a local place for the town party, but nobody wants to hear the song they sent to the Eurovision, they all want to hear ‘Ja Ja ding dong”.

Sigrit believes in elves but Lars doesn’t, but her faith is unbreakable.

They sent a song to the Iceland committee. Those people have chosen already 11 of the 12 songs needing for the show that will sent a song to the Eurovision song contest (called the Icelandic song contest) and they are pretty sure that a singer called Katyana will win it, so they just choose the 12th at random. Business man Victor is not happy at all about Katyana, because if they win they’ll have to host it the next year and it will bankrupt the country, but everyone else is very excited.

Super excited, Lars rings the town emergency bell to announce that they are going to the contest, and is arrested… until Sigrit arrives to help with a pretty smile. She then goes to bring biscuits and whiskey to the elves as thanks. She wants to fulfil his dream in hope that then they will be together.


The show is pretty much a disaster for our Fire Saga, I’m afraid. A real disaster, let’s face it, because Lars is an idiot. He was still undressed (in a sort of white spandex… what was that??)

Okay, I get it, he suffers from his father’s shit attitude, but he’s a grown man… and he made a disaster. She was on stage alone and started singing, so he came down from the audience and joins her, then they wear wings that should lift them up, but he probably didn’t lock it well and it gave way and he was left dangling while everyone laughed, then he falls down and afterwards he cries and cries, while they watch from land the boat at sea with everyone from the contest, everyone but them. Suddenly there’s an explosion, everyone on the boat is dead, Katyana’s arm falls near them, and Lars realises that they are in the Contest now because there is nobody else.

They fly to Edinburgh, Scotland, and are happy and having fun, while the soundtrack is Salvador Sobral’s contest song.

At the first rehearsal, they meet Russian Alexander Lemtov, one of the favourites. Suddenly there are dancers and Lars is suspended in the air, and Sigrit is out of her element.

The music rehearsal in studio doesn’t go well again, because the song has been slightly changed and she doesn’t like it, but Lars is the one who decides everything.

Alexander invites them to a party and after a few weird lines about Alexander’s large penis they go. Alexander introduces them to many other contestants (he says “everybody hates England so zero points… well, I don’t think that’s the reason, but this year they did get zero points… not een because the singer or the song were bad, they were just a bit plain maybe)

Alexander flirts with her but she only thinks of Lars. There’s a song-along with real contest winners where they all sing together, and Alexander manages to get her to let go and join in, and they all sing together a catchy mix of songs.

Mita from Greece is Alexander’s friend, and they sort of work together to break them apart.

He takes Sigrit dancing and drinking, then Mita goes into Lars’ room. Sigrit wakes up in Alexander’s bed but he tells her nothing happened because he’s a gentleman, and instead he braided her hair… then she goes back to the hotel to find them in bed together so she thinks they had sex and storms out.

Next rehearsal, Sigrit is angry about the latest costume he made for her, which is ridiculous and she rips it apart. They have a big fight on the stage, quite a loud moment… she storms out again after saying again that she doesn’t like this new version of the song.

A group of four nice american guys, two boys and two girls, end up on the receiving end of his tirade for no reason at all, other that he apparently doesn’t like Americans.

Sigrit keeps writing her own song while she’s alone in her hotel room, and he hears her and likes it. Let’s not talk about Katyana’s burning ghost warning Lars of danger…

Mita tells Sigrit that Lars didn’t want to do anything, she tried but they ended up just sleeping, they didn’t have sex.

It’s finally the Eurovision song contest 2020 semifinals, and they make peace. He returned to the original version of their song.  Alexander tells them, as encouragement, that she shouldn’t be nervous because they have no chance at all…

We see a bit of the other contestants - that just like in the real contest, they all sing in English… so annoying… (Maneskin won singing in Italian ^_^ yeahhhhh)

Back home, Lars’s dad doesn’t want to watch the contest, but a guy tells him off and yells “I know they’re awful but they’re our awful” so he changes the channel to watch them.

Lars changed Sigrit’s costume again, giving her an extra long scarf. The first half is not bad, king od enjoyable, then for unknown reason, Lars runs inside a giant hamster wheel, then her scarf gets stuck in it and she’s almost strangled, then the wheel starts moving and falls off stage, then they crawl back up and sing the end of the song while Graham Norton the commentator says “This is amazing” :lol

Absolute silence, two or three people laugh and they walk out. At the end the audience is appauding but they can’t hear because they’re outside. Sigrit insists on going on, but he goes back home because ‘people keep laughing at me’. And again it’s all about him :-/

She asks him to stay but he goes home alone anyway, even after she tells him that she wrote her love song for him, not for Alexander Lemtov. The idiot runs away.

All the other contestants actually have sympathetic faces. Since she’s alone now Alexander sits with her. Surprisingly, Iceland receive some points (well, here they made a mistake anyway, because Italy, Germany, Uk and Spain are apparently contestants but they shouldn’t be because they go straight to the finale with France - also they wrote Spain twice…) and they are in the final!!! Alexander shouts in joy, along with everyone in Iceland but Victor who is quite pissed and Eric who went home after the bad performance and didn’t see it.

Lars joins his father working on the boat and has the guts to say that the Russian guy came between him and Sigrit… what a man, huh? The only thing that came between them is his stupid head and his gigantic selfishness.

On the boat, Lars lashes out against his father, and for once Eric has encouraging words for him about the fact that he did not quit… well, actually he did when he got home…

Anyway, Eric tells him that Sigrit’s mom never wanted anything to do with him (which means they are definitely not brother and sister), and then a man tells them that they made it into the final, so Lars swims to shore and walks to the airport, when he meets Victor who offers a ride, but Lars wants to stop at the elves little homes to ask help with Sigrit, and here Victor tries to personally kill him, trying to strangle him. He confesses that he killed all those people in the boat because they’re bankrupt and can’t win (he should have resigned, better than killing…) then Lars is saved, Victor has a knife in his back… and a door of the little elves-homes shuts in a hurry… the best moment, go elves!!!

Lars goes back to Scotland, enlists the help of the American guys that drive him to the contest.

The car ride is quite annoying and Lars keeps shouting.

Sigrit finally gets it and starts suspecting that Alexander is gay, but when she asks he says “What? No no no of course not, I am Russian, there are no gay people in Russia.” He’s quite sure: “Fact of truth, no gay Russian” …

Helka, Sigrit’s mother, comes to watch the show with Eric.

Lars arrives that she’s already on stage, singing. He stops the song (still dressed as a fisherman). He makes a speech on how much he loves the contest, and how the perfect song comes from the heart, then he starts playing the piano, Sigrit’s song, knowing they’ll be disqualified but not caring.

She sings her own song, “all I need is you and me and my hometown”, and there’s a part of it in Icelandic!!!! All her people are ecstatic.

She’s great, she even hits the Speorg note :lol

Finally, he did something for her, and they get together and kiss on stage.

Mita tells Alexander to come to Greece with her, he deserves to be happy too :-)

Back home, many people are there waiting for them. 

“Some time later”, Fire Saga are back singing at town parties, with baby attached. Eric is apparently with Sigrit’s mother now. The American guys are there, and Lars is very rude again, and once again they won’t sing the contest song because they have to play Ja Ja Ding Dong.

Lars Erickssong- Will Ferrell

Sigrit- Ericksdottir- Rachel McAdams

Alexander Lemtov- Dan Stevens

Victor Karlosson- Mikael Persbrandt

Erick Erickssong- Pierce Brosnan

Katiana- Demi Lovato

Graham Norton, William Lee Adams, Aiste Gramantaite, Salvador Sobral, John Lundvik, Anna Odobescu, Bilal Hassani, Loreen, Jessy Matador, Alexander Rybak, Jamala, Elina Nechayeva, Conchita Wurst, Netta:    as themselves

ITA Eurovision song contest - la storia dei Fire Saga

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