venerdì 9 dicembre 2022

Wonder woman 1984 - 2020

It was entertaining, some bits were a bit boring but on the whole it was good and I’d like it if they made a new one, I would surely watch it. There’s the annoying fact that even the heroes in this movie were rather immoral most of the time… other than that, it was indeed entertaining.

The beginning was fun, with a child Diana taking part in a sort of tournament in honour of  Asteria, a great warrior that stayed behind and withheld humans while all the other amazons fled to their wonderful island. All the other contestants are adults, but she is sure she can make it, so all of them start running and doing amazing stunts, then riding a horse fast and shooting arrows to specific points to indicate who has passed that spot, and Diana is indeed in the first place, but then she turns to look where the others are, and doesn’t see a tree up ahead, a branch hits her making her fall off the horse. It keeps going and she’s on foot, but she can see it far ahead and so sh doesn’t give up, she takes a shortcut and jumps on her horse again and keeps going, but she didn’t do the whole checkpoints, so even if she would have won, she is stopped shortly before the end by Antiope who teaches her that it wasn’t true, she might have become first, but it wouldn’t have been true anyway, it would be meaningless, and she’ll win when she’ll be ready for it, and then it will be  the truth.

Now, in 1984, Diana works at the Smithsonian in Washington, but she also does crime-fighting in her WW outfit. She stops a theft at a mall, and then all that ancient stuff is sent to the Smithsonian where expert Barbara Minerva has been hired to evaluate every piece.

Barbara is insecure and shy when it comes to social relations, and nobody seems to remember her even if they have spoken before. Diana goes to lunch with her - but only because sh seems to take pity on Barbara, because she really looked like she could do with a bit of social time. 

Diana usually sticks to herself, she stands apart from anyone, she is still hung up on Steven, the love she lost… and the first man she ever saw, way to go Rapunzel, first man you meet and you can’t shake him out of your head…

Amongst all the treasure there is one stone/crystal that seems to be absolute garbage, nothing precious about it at all, but it is a very very special piece indeed. There’s a writing in Latin that says that if you make a wish holding it, the wish will be granted. Not believing it is real, nevertheless Diana wishes to have Steven again while Barbara wishes to be like Diana.

Steve wakes up in another man’s body and finds Diana, convinces her that he is in fact himself and she is beside herself, she doesn’t waste a moment to fall into his arms  —————  It seems neither of them has any real problem with the fact that they are using another man’s body without his consent, or that for all they know he might even be dead because Steve took his body… when I was little I found some body-switching plot funny, but they were both swapped, like A is in B’s body, but B is in A’s body, which makes it more even somehow, but here it is very different, it was more like ‘a life for a life’, and she never showed the least bit of concern for the other man, even when they were in his flat, she never cared about him. Yes, alright, she says repeatedly that Steve is all she’s ever wanted, but still, a little bit of humanity please… she’s supposed to be all about Truth and Honor and The Right Thing To Do, and she puts everything aside in an instant simply to have her man back…

Barbara meanwhile has Diana’s self-confidence, but also her strength. 

The theft at the mall had been orchestrated by Max Lord, a showman/conman, after searching for it for a long time. Now he takes it from Barbara after charming her with some silly words that no silly girl should be so silly as to fall for.

With the stone in his hands, Lord wishes to be the stone in human form, and then he goes to people, touches them and makes them say a wish out loud (not so difficult when sometimes all they need to do is say ‘yes’ after he said ‘don’t you wish….’)

So he grants them their wish, but takes something in return, something of his choosing and they have no control over it, often don’t even realise it.

Barbara at first helps Diana in her research on the stone, but when they learn that to stop it they have to give up their wishes, Barbara doesn’t want to and goes immediately away. Diana also doesn’t want to do it, and her wish is worse, so at this point in time it is too early to judge.

The stone gives, but it also takes, and entire civilisations are no more after they used the stone.

Diana doesn’t stop even a second to wonder what happened to the man’s soul after Steven’s soul got in his body. Yes, she loves him, but is that enough to forget that Steven being here means he took somebody else’s life? Nobody ever mentions this out loud (other than a short, nice moment at the end).

When Diana and Steve reach Lord, Barbara appears to stop her. Diana lost her super powers, she still has her skills but is not as before, while Barbara has all her strength - she sort of lost herself instead, like her heart and compassion. 

Lord goes away with Barbara, and who knows how he grants her another wish (usually it’s only one per person), and she wants to be the number one, the strongest predator, and it’s not surprising after her choice of words that the next time we see her she’s rather cat-like.

The world is going into chaos, the US president wished for much more nuclear weapons to threaten Russia, and a war is about to begin (one soldier even admitted that they would have reacted to much less than that). Lord reaches out to everyone using a special tv signal that hacks into every tv everywhere, courtesy of the US president, and everyone in the world can have their wish, even when they are not really making a wish - like a couple fighting and shouting things like I wish your people were sent back to where you came or I wish you were dead.

Finally Steve stops Diana, probably worried about the whole Lord problem but even more by her loss of her powers, she gets hurt now. He talks to her and after a lot of crying she finally leaves him behind and says “I renounce my wish”. She’s the first to do it, she gets her powers back, even learns to fly, remembering Steve’s words on riding wind, and hurries to Lord. She has to fight Barbara to get to him, but she’s wearing Asteria’s armor and even if the battle is a tough one, she manages to prevail and reach Lord. Through him, she manages to send her message to everyone everywhere, speaking about truth and stuff like that, urging them to renounce their wishes to save the world, making them realise the truth, realise what the cost is, and then shows Lord memories from his sad past and images of his son that is now out there looking for him, the poor dear. Small children don’t want money, they want their parents.

Slowly, everyone does the same, renouncing their wishes, and things start going back to normal, rivers reappear, missiles vanish… we don’t see Barbara saying it, but she doesn’t look catlike anymore, so maybe she did…?

The ending: Diana looks around, it’s Christmas time and the place looks right out of a Christmas postcard in its perfection to make us see a beautiful world, and Diana sees the man that ‘hosted’ Steve’s soul, and they exchange a few pleasantries before they part ways. (I was so so glad they didn’t start anything, and neither of them tried to chat the other up.)

After a little bit of credits we see that Asteria is still around, living among people.

Cast (copied from ending credits:)
Diana Prince- Gal Gadot

Steve Trevor- Chris Pine

Barbara Minerva- Kristen Wiig

Maxwell Lord- Pedro Pascal

Antiope- Robin Wright

Hippolyta- Connie Nielsen

Young Diana- Lilly Aspell

…. also

Handsome man- Kristoffer Polaha

Carol- Natasha Rothwell

Raquel- Gabriella Wilde

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