sabato 16 settembre 2023

Once upon a crime - 2023

 It’s totally silly and the deductions are so farfetched, but the visuals are good, the dresses are beautiful ^_^  Basically that’s why I watched it, because I love the dresses, so colourful and full of flowers, and the hairstyles too, with flowers and stuff. 

The story itself isn’t much. The villain is a famous hair stylist who can’t accept women he didn’t treat himself could have beautiful long hair, so he cuts their hair with or without consent. 


The lead detective is Little Red Riding Hood, who comes to astonishing conclusions simply by widening her big brown eyes and being sure of herself. Her deductions sometimes leak water from all sides, but she’s so confident everybody believes her.

The other characters are all from Cinderella, not from all fairy tales. 

So, the plot:

Little Red Riding Hood is the protagonist (does the hood grow with her? She was given that hood when she was much younger, wasn’t she? oh right, fairy tale…)

She’s wandering around in her quest to see the world where she meets Barbara the witch who can’t do shoes but tries anyway, then Cinderella, the poor girl who has no shoes and is so poorly dressed she’s an outcast in that kingdom where beauty is all that matters.

Hearing about the ball, LRRH wants to go with her, so Barbara makes them beautiful dresses with magic, and then her niece Tecla makes them crystal shoes that only them can wear, and of course the carriage from a pumpkin. Barbara’s spells are not that good, and will only last until midnight. Tecla is better than her, so the shoes will last 24 hours. 

When they bump into something, the mouse/driver thinks they killed a man, Hans the royal coiffeur, but LRRH knows he was already dead when they hit him. They hide the body to go to the ball, and once there the prince chooses Cinderella to dance with.

The ball is interrupted by guards who have found Hans’ body. The guards bring five long tresses that they found in his house, so the rumours were true and Hans really liked to cut long beautiful hair off women.

Hans has been doing that for more than a year but the guards only found 5 that belonged to five women in the ballroom at this moment, and they’re suspects… until LRRH steps forward saying they’re not. There’s no real reason why not, but she says so, and so it is.

Anne, Cinderella’s sister, reveals that she came early hoping to speak to the prince but she heard him argue with Hans and ran away. The prince found out that the rumours about Hans were true and confronted him, but was blackmailed in return because it was the prince that threw away the king’s crown last year, so angry that he sent Remy away, the girl the prince loved. The king says he did no such thing, but now the prince is a suspect and is arrested.

A poor woman says the prince has an alibi since she saw him during his walk, and LRRH believes her because there is a thorn on the floor that can only be found on that path… how could LRRH be so sure it came off the prince’s pants when there are lots of people around is another matter.

After freeing the prince, it’s midnight so the girls have to run away, and Cinderella loses a shoe but has to run before her poor clothes appear again.

LRRH sleeps at her place, but during the night she hears something and goes looking, and finds Margot, the other sister of Cinderella, running away from the guards who want to arrest her for the murder. Margot herself doesn’t know if she did it, because she was hit as soon as she entered Hans’ house and when she woke up she had the murder weapon in her hand… LRRH lets the guard arrest her, but she knows now who did it, because from Margot’s dress something fell down, a crystal heel. 

Rather fortunate it should fall at LRRH’s feet, right? After all Margot had been walking around the woods, running and hiding for the whole night, and yet it falls down now, at her feet. How lucky!

Anyway, LRRH reveals it all. It was Cinderella, because Hans pretended to find her beautiful and to want to style her hair to make her shine, but then she realised he only wanted to cut it off so she hit him on the head.

Now, let me tell you, she is rather unlucky, isn’t she? One hit and the big man falls down dead. Makes you wonder about her sister’s head, because then Cinderella waited for Margot to arrive and hit her too, twice, since she was still conscious. So Margot gets hit once with the same thing that Hans was hit with, and a second time with the heel of a crystal shoe, and is still fine. Kudos to that head, girl!

Cinderella wanted to blame Margot for the murder, and when she woke up Margot tried to blame it on a random carriage hitting him. 

LRRH found the crystal shoe with the broken heel that Cinderella had hidden to prove that it was her and she is arrested.

To end on a happy ending, LRRH reveals why Remy disappeared one year ago. It was because when Hans forcefully cut her long hair, he also cut her cheek and it left a big scar (wow, such a big scar for something like that… couldn’t she heal it right away? Instead of running away? oh well, fairy tale, I guess.)

Remy appears again as the poor woman that was the prince’s alibi at the ball (but of course it was her. only two characters were missing from that ball, Remy and Margot, and Margot would not be dressed like that).

The prince assures her that she is always beautiful to him, and they stay together at his palace, while LRRH goes away to continue her journey.

Little red riding hood - Kanna Hashimoto

Cinderella - Yuko Araki

Prince - Takanori Iwata

Akazukin, tabi no tochu de shitai to deau è secondo internet il titolo originale

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