We meet again J, aka Will Smith, 5 years after we left him, 5 years after K left him, and now he's having problems with his new partners, and has gained himself the reputation of someone who would neuralyze everyone: "I'm very sorry, please don't neuralyze me!!".
To be honest, his actual partner Agent T aka Patrick Warburton, deserved it because he was a moron, and apparently the girl from the first movie wanted to go back to the morgue, but that's okay, I didn't like her very much. No, this movie is not as good as the first one, not at all. It's a big caos, it's noisy, and the baddy is Serleena (aka Lara Flynn Boyle), because the alien chose as a human camouflage a picture from a Victoria's secret campain... Come on, please, give me back the Edgar-suit!!! And if that wasn't enough, she goes around with a guy with a second head sticking out from the back! Apparently he's there to help her, but aside from the initial information, what help is he really during the whole film??? Maybe he was there as the funny 'sidekick', only he wasn't funny.
On the positive side we have Bruno the car, who actually does nothing but is so cute, if you like cats, and I do, and Frank the dog (well, more or less, I like dogs, he has a sweet funny face, but I so wished he would just shut up!)
Rosario Dawson is another good thing, she's pretty and good, really good choice. I could really understood J when he didn't neuralyze her, after she understood how lonely he must be ("I'll flash you another time" ... wait, what???), also she's so pretty that Frank gave the right description of her "She's not even my species and I'm attracted" . The most important thing though is that K comes back!! Tommy Lee Jones, yeah!!!
He's working as a postmaster, so comfortable because "just about everybody who works in a post office is an alien", his wife has left him because he couldn't adjust to a normal life even when he doesn't remember the other one he had.
Everyone at headquarters is thrilled to have him back, apparently he's "the most feared human in the universe", and for them he's like a legend, and this would of course be very well if it wasn't that he's been gone for 5 years, not 20!!! Is everybody new in the office???
Anyway, all he needs now is to be de-neuralyzed, and to put on "the last suit you'll ever wear... again"
Although it's not clear what J is talking about, when he goes on with old memories about the two of them together... they worked together for like two days or something!!
At the end ... SPOILERS if you care about that, you've been warned.
As I was saying, at the end we find out that he was in love with the alien Princess of Zarthan Lauranna, and that the Zarthans light everyone's looking for is Laura, her daughter =Rosario Dawson. Is she his daughter too?? It's not clear, he just says "you're as beautiful as your mother". It's nice to believe he's the father, because he's so sweet when he looks at her, so many people say it's implied, but not sure.
I think the answer to that question needs more data, like who was the light before she was born?? Was her mother the light?
Him being the father would mean that when Lauranna came here for protection she spent here some time, having all the time to tell the truth to K, and having the time to fall in love with each other. It would also mean that at that time Laura wasn't born, so the light was someone else, maybe Lauranna herself, so Lauranna stayed here enough time to fall in love, get pregnant, have her baby, and then unfortunately she was shot by Serleena but the light was already someone else and they had wisely hidden her somewhere. Then K erased his memories of her and that is why in the first movie he thought of his childhood girlfriend and not of her.
Yeah, it works. Awww K has a daughter...
In this movie there's a cameo of Peter Graves narrating the tv-version of the Lauranna story, and of Michael Jackson, who would very much like to be one of them, and if you look at the credits at the end it looks like he got his wish, because he's listed as "Agent M" . In the credits we also see Barry Sonnenfeld as the neuralyzed father, and we can hear Will Smith singing about the men in black saving the world in "Black suits comin' (nod ya head)"
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