Well, it's nothing special, but it's not bad, not bad. It might be worth other views because there's Michael Fassbender in it :-) It's the story of a roman centurion, Quintus Dias (Michael Fassbender..). Against the Picts all his comrades die; he doesn't and joins General Virilus (Dominic West) 's legion. Among them there's Macros (Noah Clark) who is all talk, like "I will think of myself first" and then he's betrayed and left to die by a comrade who he was trying to help; Bothos, who apparently is played by David Morrissey. I say apparently because I haven't been able to recognise him. I saw his name in the opening credits, didn't find him in the film, so looked at the ending credits and saw he was Bothos... so I had him in front of me the whole time and didn't realise it. Well done, me, you just keep getting worse don't you...
Virilus and his men are ordered to attack the Picts, with a special guide: Etain (Olga Kurylenko), one of the picts, now with the romans. She guides them well for some time, then she brings them into a trap. They are all killed but for a few men. Virilus is taken prisoner; I disagreed with him when he called her a traitor, because if you think about it she just proved that she's Not a traitor. She would have been a traitor if she had helped the romans against her own people. But at the same time I found very lame and unfair the duel he had with Etain. He was hurt and suffering from having been tied up, while she is at the top of her condition, so of course she wins. In a fair fight he would have beaten her. Anyway, at least he died fighting like a soldier, not tied up, maybe that's the point.
Quintus and the survivors try to save him but fail. One of them, same scumbag that killed Macros, kills a Pict child, so the Picts hunt them to kill them. They try to run away and get separated. They all die one by one. Quintus, Bothos and another one are helped by Arianne (Imogen Potts), a kind woman who lives alone because she's believed to be a witch. When they can't escape anymore, they stop and fight, and only Quintus and Bothos survive. They reach a roman camp and Bothos, without his roman clothes, stupidly runs towards it, so obviously he's killed with an arrow. How could they know he was a roman??Quintus is more clever.
He'll have to fight the scumbag, then finally survived all, he can get into the camp and tell his story, finally safe... but he is dangerous to the romans because he's living proof of a bad bad failure so they try to kill him but he stops them and leaves, going back to Arianne, the only place where he's welcome. He's hurt, and we can guess that she'ss cure him and they'll live there together :-) His narrating voice says both at the beginning and at the end that "this is neither the beginning nor the end of my story". First time, he had survived his own legion, but hadn't joined Virilus yet. The second time they don't show us what comes next, but we can guess, can't we? He had survived both the picts and the romans, and now he's with Arianne, and with her will be the rest of his story till the end of it :-)
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