They went too far this time, caring only to put as much big names in it as possible. With Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone) and Lee Christmas (Jason Statham) there are Doc (Wesley Snipes), Gunner (Dolph Lundgren), Toll Road (Randy Couture) and Caesar (Terry Crews) as their old team. Finding out that ex-expendable now dangerous arms-dealer Stonebanks (Mel Gibson) is still alive while he thought he was dead, Barney breaks the team and with the help of Bonaparte (Kelsey Grammer) he finds young new people: Thorn (Glen Powell), Mars (Victor Ortiz), Luna (Ronda Rousey) and Smilee (Kellan Lutz). During his boring search for these recruits, we see that his old men have no life outside the team to go back to, not even Christmas, who seems to not have his girlfriend anymore.
At the end Barney will need everybody's help, though. This time around there was no Bruce Willis. His role was taken by Harrison Ford, who honestly looks totally out of place, with no real purpose or role.
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jet Li have roles so little they shouldn't even figure in the big poster.
Robert Davi has a little role too, buying weapons from Stonebanks. It turns out that the best-played character was him, Stonebanks. Gibson was good, I liked him, but the whole thing was kind of ruined because after such big mess of bullets, explosions and even tanks firing, when there's the final duel between Barney and Stonebanks, it ends really too quickly. All that useless firing before was excessive, and I was getting really really bored, than their duel was much too short, they should have let Stonebanks fight more. Maybe Stallone was afraid of making a Rocky-scene, when he's almost beaten but rises up and surprises everyone by winning the match. Well, I'm not saying I wanted that either, no, but it should have been difficult for Barney, instead it was over in no time. How disappointing.
Do I have to mention that they couldn't resist from the joke "Christmas is coming" "but it's July.." ? ... yeah. Still, Banderas is so charming he actually makes it funny :)
The best thing of all for me was Galgo (Antonio Banderas), so funny and adorable. At first Barney didn't want him because... well, he's not all that young anymore, for those who care, but in the end he needed all the help he could get, even his.Galgo always talks a lot, to Barney's annoyance, but it was a very nice scene when later Barney asks him about his past, how he came to be without a team. They were killed on a mission in which he was the only survivor. Barney guesses their names and Galgo is surprised: "you were listening" - "yeah, I was listening" - "thank you". We realises now he wasn't just blabbing gossip, he was remembering his team, his friends that are now dead, even if he believed nobody was listening to him.
That yes and that thank you are the best part of the whole movie.
EDIT I watched it again because I learned that Ronda Rousey was a real fighter, not an actress, and was curious to see her. She has a few fight scenes at the end, but there are so many of them there isn't really time to show more.
Also, a few things I noticed that I didn't write above:
Why did Barney's new team switch off the lights when they had Stonebanks right there, they had not been detected and had anyone on sight? In the darkness they lost all the advantage, didn't they?
Also, Stonebanks was always followed by a lot of guards... which was cool to see but rather absurd that they were all 'following' him, nobody was in front of him ever, he was always the first to enter any place... how could they protect him??
Did I see right, Barney uses a revolver? One of those with six bullets inside?? What is that? Towards the end I mean.
The funniest lines were of Stonebanks, when during the big battle he complains about the Armenian army, saying something like 'is it so hard to kill 10 people? Can you at least injure a couple of them?' :lol:
ITA i mercenari 3
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