I'm watching this on italian tv, so I don't have the exact lines or titles, but I'll take the episode titles from IMDB.
ep 1 - Deep breath
The new Doctor's first words are "shut up" :lol: It always takes a moment to get used to a new Doctor, but then the love for the character has the best of you, and when Twelve tells Clara "you can't see me, can you? It's still me!" he's really telling us, of course, and my brain and my heart collide, like in Clara's soul, and the love wins. So I was even moved when she trusted him to help her and he was there and there was a close-up on his hand closing on her, which was the first thing we saw of Nine, taking Rose's hand. Then the story: the Marie Antoinette, ship from the future, twin of the M.me de Pompadour ship that of course reminds me of my Doctor, Ten, although Twelve apparently can't remember, but he's probably still confused, it can't be long since he regenerated.
After reminding us of Nine and Ten, they show us Eleven, making a phone call to Clara before regenerating, and she listens to him while at the same time looking at the 'new him'. Eleven tells her that he's gonna need her, and Twelve tells her the same. He also says "I'm not your boyfriend" and "it wasn't you who thought that" or something like that. When the Dvd will be available, at an affordable price, I'll watch it in English and find out the exact words. Anyway, this might be the reason why he regenerated older :-)
Conclusion, Twelve appears so fragile and needy that I totally understood Clara when she hugged him. "I'm not the hugging type" - "you don't really have a say" Oh sister, you really speak to my heart! :-)
EDIT: Clara is afraid she won't like the new Doctor, she thinks he's changed and puzzled because he looks old and grey. Vastra tells her that he wore a young face before to be liked, accepted, to flirt with the universe, I guess. Tells her that he dropped the veil because he trusted her.
The Doctor waltzes on the roof in his nightgown shouting at the dinosaur that he'll keep her safe and bring her home, but 'someone' burns her down and he's very sorry: "she was scared and alone.."
ep 2 - Into the Dalek - In the future there's a battle against the Daleks. The Doctor saves a soldier's life and they ask him to help them with something. They have a Dalek that keeps saying that Daleks must be exterminated, so they think it might be a good one, that it might help them. When they open the door and the Doctor sees a Dalek held with chains, who did not think of Nine??? I did.
The Doctor goes to Clara's school to pick her up because he needs her, but he'll drop her off in the same place, in time for her date with new entry Danny Pink, who appears to have a secret (more or less, because apparently everybody knows it except for Clara and us,or at least me) but also seems to be kind and good. The Doctor, Clara and some soldiers are miniaturized and put inside a malfuncioning Dalek to repair it, hoping it's a good Dalek and can help them. The Doctor knows there's no such thing as a good Dalek, but the Doctor I know can't ignore the possibility, he has to give him a chance, as Ten did that new human-Dalek and with the Sontaran...
I'd really like to know if in English the Dalek said "resistance is useless" or did it really use the words "resistance is futile" like the Borg? Again later Twelve connects with Rusty the Dalek, and he goes all Spock on me : "my mind is in your mind..." Did he watch Star Trek too?? :-)
It was an intense scene when Rusty looks in his mind and finds hate, big hate, and Twelve is all "No, not hate, there must be something else, something more" or something like that. Twelve has a psychologival dilemma, he can't really say if he's a good man or not. Actually it's not the first time.
"you try to be, and that's what's important" Clara will tell him. For a moment when they said Clara would be inside a Dalek I remembered a sad episode... but that was with Eleven and she's the impossible girl, after all.
ep 3 - Robot of Sherwood - It's Twelve's turn now to say to his companion "you choose where you want to go, everywhere in space and time" and Clara chooses to meet Robin Hood! Well, I loved his story too when I was younger, but it's still Donna who had the best enounter, with Agatha Christie :-)
The Doctor goes back to 1190 circa but really he thinks that Robin Hood's just a legend, not a real person, so he's very surprised when he meets him :-p I didn't like this Robin much, or the story for that matter. Not my favourite episode, for sure. The best thing was Clara's look, she was beautiful with that red dress and that thing on her forehead :-) Very very pretty.
I know Doctor Who was born as a show for children, so they have to make it funny for them, but for adults all that bickering between the Doctor and Robin was too much, annoying even, too loud and without purpose. Why, I ask? Why the Doctor disliked him? Just because he thought he couldn't be real? So what, that wouldn't have meant that he was one of the bad guys!! Why was he so hostile? Was he jealous because Robin was Clara's hero? Nonsense.
I didn't like those bickering scenes, or all the swordfights, or the spoon-part, or the fact that it was not explained who those robots really were. Not exactly. Not that it really matters, but he's the Doctor, and these things usually matter to him. I miss the times when Ten would see beauty in everything new, like when he stopped running to look at the werewolf... I know many things have happened to him, but I think they spent not enough time with the new Doctor, explaining who he is now, what kind of Doctor he is. What have we learned about him today? That he is a bickering child? And can I ask why they keep telling him he's Scottish? I mean, I know Capaldi is, although the name sounds very much Italian, but the Doctor isn't!!! It's all very well that "every planet has a north" but so what, Gallifrey has its own Scotland??? It doesn't make sense.
I really hope for best episodes in the future because this one was boring.
ep 4 - Listen - This episode was not bad, certainly better than the last two, but that's not saying much.
There's a lot of talking from the Doctor, and Clara finally going out with Danny. More in detail, the Doctor wonders if there's "something" in the dark, under the beds, always with us but that can't be seen. He wonders why we speak aloud when there's nobody there, and why, since there's perfect evolution, perfect hunting skill, perfect defense, "why is there no such thing as perfect hiding?" but of course if a creature had perfect hiding skills, nobody would know.. and "what would such a creature want? what would it do?" and the word Listen appears on his chalkboard.
Clara's date is not exactly perfect, she touched a sensitive argument and he started talking about his war days, than she said he was making assumptions about her when he said that "people like her" get the wrong ideas, and she left... to find the Tardis in her bedroom. The Doctor has a theory "I think that everybody at some point in their lives has the exact same nightmare: you wake up, or you think you do, and there's someone in the dark, someone close, or you think there might be, so you sit up, turn on the lights and the room looks different at night..." you think there's nobody there and then suddenly someone touches your ankle...
He asks Clara if she's had that dream, she says yes but he doesn't answer.
He takes Clara with him, he wants to go to her past, when she was a child and had the same dream, so he connects her to the Tardis neurally, or something; whatever it is, I think Nine should have told Rose about it...
anyway, it connects telepatically to Clara, he tells her to think of her dream and the Tardis will take them there, but the phone rings and she thinks of Danny, can't help it.
At first they think they arrived in her past, and she asks if it might be bad if she met herself and he says "potentially catastrophic" (well, Amy did..).
Actually the Tardis took them to a little Danny Pink, real name at the time: Rupert, living in a children's home, and she starts the whole "Danny the soldier" thing when they go to his room. There's a presence on his bed and the Doctor tells him that scared is good, fear is a superpower. They don't look and it goes away. Clara puts little soldiers around his bed to protect him, and a special one he calls Dan, then the Doctor touches him and he falls asleep. Twelve says "Dad skills". The Doctor manipulated his memories so he won't remember her; Clara has Twelve take her back to her date with Danny but then she mentions the name Rupert.. and he goes away because he doesn't like people lying to him...
then the Tardis takes him to a future Danny, or better to his great-grandson "Colonel Orson Pink from about 100 years in your future", who has the same soldier toy little Rupert had and says there's a story in his family about his great-grandparents being time travellers... this means Clara and Danny are going to have a future together, and it will see them both in the Tardis, like Amy and Rory?
When he wants to give Dan-the-soldier to her she says "it's a family heirloom" - "yeah" does this mean he knows she's somehow family?
Then the Doctor is knocked out and to escape a difficult situation Clara connects to the Tardis again and brings her away from there - the end of the universe is 'where', but mostly 'when' they were - six months stranded alone, poor colonel Pink, he wants to be taken back to his timeline, afraid of spending another night there. The Doctor opens the door to see what's outside ordering her to stay in the Tardis "you're an idiot" - "I know". Orson saves him and Clara flights the Tardis "apparently I can do a thing" - Orson "that's your plan?" - "it's not a plan, it's a thing" because Twelve is unconscious.
Maybe because she's worried about him, she's probably thinking about the Doctor, the Tardis brings her to a barn where a child is crying on his bed. A little Doctor not yet Timelord. She hides under the bed when people come in saying that he's too afraid to join the army and "he'll never make a Timelord" ! He's in a children's home too. The child says "who's there? Hello?" and sits up and she grabs his ankle! then she says "it's okay, this is just a dream" and "it'll all be okay if you just lie down and go to sleep". He lies down but keeps crying so she goes to him and whispers that being afraid is okay, fear is a superpower.... She gives him the little toy-soldier and leaves. It was a good scene when she was under his bed and grabbed his ankle. It wasn't a dream after all, it was her, but he never knew it. They also show the War Doctor, going back to that same barn in "the day of the Doctor".
In the Tardis she says that maybe there's nothing out there and he's just afraid of the dark, she orders him to leave, looks at him with hearts in her eyes and hugs him "no no no I'm against the hugging"
:-p They bring Orson home and then Clara goes to Danny's place to make up.
The date had not gone really well, but now she goes to him and they kiss :-)
EDIT It could have/should have been a good episode, and it is the first time you see it, but it messes up the whole DW timeline.
ep 5 - Time Heist - Finally a good episode, I liked this. I could really see "The Doctor" again, and it was a good, interesting story. The Doctor goes to get Clara when she's about to go out with Danny, then the Tardis' phone rings, he answers and they wake up in a room with no memory of how they got there, with two other people. I liked them, both of them, and was really sorry when I thought they were going to die. That would be what usually happens, but this is not the usual series :-D I'm glad they didn't. :-)
They are all touching memory-worms and when they play a recording they hear their own voices saying that they agreed to have their memories wiped out of their own free will. Sy is an augmented human, and Saber can replicate any living thing she touches.
It turns out they are in the most secure (terrible) bank of the galaxy, and a misterious figure calling himself "the architect" gives them a mission to rob it. In the bank there's a creature who can read minds and find the guilt in there (and then it wipes the mind turning it into "soup"), so to avoid being found they agreed to have their memories altered.
Saber has the dna of a personnel man and she assumes his appearance. They follow the architect's plan, finding more clues along the way. There's something each of them wants more than anything: Sy deleted all the memories of his family and friends while being interrogated in prison, to protect them, all those he loved... Saber is alone because nobody can touch her without ending up looking at themselves.
When the creature gets Saber she uses one of those exit-strategy-injections they were given, thinking that she'll die, but she'd rather die than being turned into soup. When the creature finds Clara, Sy saves her by attracting it to him and then he uses the injection too.
There is a bad solar storm which interferes with the locks and the vault opens. Clara retrieves the objects they all wanted: a thing that can reboot Sy's memories, something to make Saber "normal". They are found out but are left to two guards, not to the creature... and the guards turn out to be Saber and Sy :-) Into the private vault is what the Doctor is looking for, the solution: director Karabrax has a clone to run each one of her facilities and when they let her down she 'fires' them, kills them, because she hates her clones as the Doctor hates the Architect. he's overbearing, manipulative, likes the fact that he's very clever... of course the Architect is the Doctor.
When they finally get to the bank director, the Doctor understands. He gives her his phone number, so that in the future, when she'll be old and full of regrets, she'll be able to call him to send him there to organize the whole robbery, for a very important reason. The last two members of a race had been left there to die, but now the Doctor saves them :-) The creature obeyed her because she kept prisoner its mate, they were the last two of their kind.
When it scans the Doctor's brain, we hear him saying: "big scarf, bowtie.. embarrassing" and "I was hoping for minimalism but I think I came out with magician" :lol: So, they save the two creatures and bring them back to their world, then he takes Saber and Sy home, and then Clara to her date :-)
When he finally understood that she had made the call, and that he himself was the architect, it was a real Doctor-moment, I liked that a lot.
A very good episode, I loved it. Finally Twelve appeared to be the same Doctor! :-)
Smart and good, manipulative and giving orders, doing the right thing and saving everybody... this is our Doctor, finally, not the one blabbing nonsense or acting like a stupid child. This was again the real Doctor :-)
ep 6 - The caretaker
It starts really funny, with Clara always running away with the doctor and then back dating Danny :lol: It was the best part of the episode. Then the doctor detects a threat and goes undercover… as a caretaker in Clara’s school! Every doctor must have his own “John Smith” episode.
Clara wants to know what's going on and asks him "is there an alien in this school?" - "yes, me!" :-p
Twelve meets a student. She says "you're weird" - "yes I am, what about you?" - "I'm a disruptive influence" - "good to meet you!" - "and you!" - "now get lost" :-p
Twelve to Clara "why do I keep you?" - "because the alternative would be developing a conscience of your own".
He acts very suspiciously, so Danny follows him and takes all the devices the Doctor hid in the school, and then comes in to witness him getting rid of a dangerous alien, but only temporarily because of what Danny did.
Danny to Clara "you're a spacewoman, you said you were from Blackpool" :-p and he thinks the Doctor is her dad :-p
Clara wants to know what's going on and asks him "is there an alien in this school?" - "yes, me!" :-p
Twelve meets a student. She says "you're weird" - "yes I am, what about you?" - "I'm a disruptive influence" - "good to meet you!" - "and you!" - "now get lost" :-p
Twelve to Clara "why do I keep you?" - "because the alternative would be developing a conscience of your own".
He acts very suspiciously, so Danny follows him and takes all the devices the Doctor hid in the school, and then comes in to witness him getting rid of a dangerous alien, but only temporarily because of what Danny did.
Danny to Clara "you're a spacewoman, you said you were from Blackpool" :-p and he thinks the Doctor is her dad :-p
Clara is constantly worried about him, and he doesn’t understand that Danny’s the one she’s seeing until she yells at him “because I love him!”
The doctor doesn’t like soldiers, and doesn’t understand her choice. She has to explain everything to Danny, Twelve says "you've explained me to him, you haven't explained him to me". Danny asks her "why do you do it? why do you fly off with him?" - "because he's amazing, because I see wonders".
She gives Danny the invisibility watch so he can enter the Tardis and see for himself, but of course the Doctor finds out. Twelve calls him soldier, Danny calls him officer.
The alien comes back earlier than he expected, during parents night :-p they both try to help, then Twelve takes Courtney for a ride in the Tardis :-)
At the end we see the cop that was killed by the alien going to the same place that non-cyborg went in the first episode, with Missy.
Danny was very worried for Clara because he says he knows guys like the Doctor. He’s like an army officer, giving orders, with that something about him that makes people want to do anything for him. Clara obeyed him blindly, without fear nor concern for her safety because she trusts him. She says this to Danny, that she trusts him because he never disappointed her… okay, so this probably means that he’s about to… I wonder how that will happen, she already knows his “charming” personality, and he won’t abandon her in danger… but if they had her say something like that it means that her trust is about to be shaken, for sure…
She gives Danny the invisibility watch so he can enter the Tardis and see for himself, but of course the Doctor finds out. Twelve calls him soldier, Danny calls him officer.
The alien comes back earlier than he expected, during parents night :-p they both try to help, then Twelve takes Courtney for a ride in the Tardis :-)
At the end we see the cop that was killed by the alien going to the same place that non-cyborg went in the first episode, with Missy.
Danny was very worried for Clara because he says he knows guys like the Doctor. He’s like an army officer, giving orders, with that something about him that makes people want to do anything for him. Clara obeyed him blindly, without fear nor concern for her safety because she trusts him. She says this to Danny, that she trusts him because he never disappointed her… okay, so this probably means that he’s about to… I wonder how that will happen, she already knows his “charming” personality, and he won’t abandon her in danger… but if they had her say something like that it means that her trust is about to be shaken, for sure…
ep 7 - Kill the moon
I like this episode. It’s a bit weird and it goes too far in many ways, but it has its fun :-) Until now is second in my favs list, right after “time heist”. Clara is angry because the doctor told Courtney Woods that she’s not special, so to make amends he takes them both to the moon, in the year 2049. There’s a crisis there. They meet the shuttle crew, they say there's something wrong with the moon.
The Doctor says he might go on regenerating forever :-D
The moon’s mass has increased so much it’s causing disasters on Earth, so three people are there with nuclear bombs!
The Doctor says he might go on regenerating forever :-D
The moon’s mass has increased so much it’s causing disasters on Earth, so three people are there with nuclear bombs!
… Why exactly I’m not sure. What did they plan to blow up? The moon itself, thinking with no moon at all it would be better?? Or maybe to blow up just a part of it… to be honest this nuclear-bombs plan is not very clear to me, maybe they thought to reduce its mass by blowing up a part of it… not a “great” plan but maybe the only one they had… or maybe there was a way to blow up the thing 'inside' it without destroying the whole thing...
The Doctor takes hold of the situation when two of them are killed by some spider-like huge creatures, and explains that the Moon is an egg, and a creature is about to come out of it… yeah, an egg. Courtney killed one of those things with a spray that kills germs.
The surviving woman, the captain, wants to kill it to save the Earth, but Clara and Courtney disagree.
Clara asks the Doctor about the future, and he says "there are moments in time that I simply cannot see" and "whatever happens to the moon, hasn't been decided yet". The moon is breaking apart, those things are bacteria, there's a living thing growing in it: the egg is hatching, and it's the only one of its kind. The captain asks "how do we kill it?" and Courtney:"it's a little baby!". The captain says that it's killing people and destroying the Earth, Clara replies that you can't blame a baby for kicking.
The Doctor tells Courtney to put the dvd in and the Tardis will bring her back to him :-D yep :D
At this moment, when Clara expects the Doctor to find a way to save both, he leaves, telling her that he can't help, that they must decide humanity's future, that it’s a human problem concerning only humans, that the three of them must decide for Earth’s future without his help, because he can’t see what will happen; Clara can’t believe he’s leaving them there, but he really goes away!
Clara asks the Doctor about the future, and he says "there are moments in time that I simply cannot see" and "whatever happens to the moon, hasn't been decided yet". The moon is breaking apart, those things are bacteria, there's a living thing growing in it: the egg is hatching, and it's the only one of its kind. The captain asks "how do we kill it?" and Courtney:"it's a little baby!". The captain says that it's killing people and destroying the Earth, Clara replies that you can't blame a baby for kicking.
The Doctor tells Courtney to put the dvd in and the Tardis will bring her back to him :-D yep :D
At this moment, when Clara expects the Doctor to find a way to save both, he leaves, telling her that he can't help, that they must decide humanity's future, that it’s a human problem concerning only humans, that the three of them must decide for Earth’s future without his help, because he can’t see what will happen; Clara can’t believe he’s leaving them there, but he really goes away!
Contacted by Earth, Clara gives them a choice: whoever wants them to kill the creature must switch off the lights. Soon, all of Earth’s lights go off: the people of Earth have spoken: kill the moon!
When they’re at it, though, Clara and Courtney can’t do it and jump on the Abort button. Only then the Doctor reappears to save them, taking them down to Earth to watch the gigantic dragon-like creature come out of its egg, and immediately laying a new egg in its place, thus again leaving the Earth with its regular moon. Just like that. Nothing happens on the beach where they’re standing while the moon disintegrates, while there’s no moon up there… well, I don’t know about this things, but they could have said a word about it at least, because even if it’s for a short period of time it seems to me that the Earth should notice it anyway, or not? I don't know...
Anyway, all is well that ends well, you might say, but when they’re back home Clara takes out all the anger that’s inside her. She yells at him while crying. He tells her that he trusted her to make the right choice and that it wasn't his decision to make, but she’s hurt and angry, it’s been a really difficult and painful situation, and she goes out yelling at him to go away and leave her alone. Back at her school, she tells Danny how she ended it with the Doctor, but he replies that it’s not over until she’s so angry. She needs to end it while she’s calm and no more angry. Which she clearly won’t do so soon, right? She can’t leave him now, he still needs her! Anyway, I have a hard time imagining Ten or Eleven doing something like that. Maybe Nine, but with a different attitude and in a different way. I can’t imagine any of them leaving, leaving them alone to decide if they should kill an innocent creature, maybe one of a kind… I can easily imagine Ten look at it with wonder and excitement, smiling his what-a-wonderful-world-smile, though :-D
Anyway, the confrontation between Clara and the Doctor at the end was great, Jenna Coleman was great, really the whole scene was good, and her words were important, and understandable. “how? by leaving?” - “yes” - “then leave. go away” . Great.
ep 8 - Mummy on the Orient-Express
Clara and the Doctor are on their last trip together, to end it in peace, without anger, and he chooses to take her to an Orient-Express travelling through space.
I liked how he noticed and remarked how her smile is not a happy smile, but rather a sad one… you know, you’re smiling but you’re sad, in real life it happens all the time, I’ve done it some much in my life…
She tells him that she hated him for what he did, really hated him, for weeks; now she doesn’t hate him anymore, she just can’t take it anymore.
Understandable, but then the Doctor tells her that they won’t see each other again, and she’s surprised, she says she thought he’d come to dinner sometimes, and it was touching somehow, because the idea of never see him again now is disturbing to her, but that’s what the Doctor does. When he stops travelling with the companion of the moment, he never goes back for them, never. He just leaves.
How adorable was when later Clara calls him on the phone and he’s all talking as his usual without letting her say a word, until she manages a few words, that she’s trapped, and right away he starts running :-) If his Clara is in danger he runs!
He can’t free her now but she’s in no immediate danger, so he keeps working on the strange mummy that is killing people on the flying train. It’s quite hard though because only the person that’s about to die can see it… I think it's "the foretold mummy", whoever sees it only has 66seconds left..
Some passengers are just holograms, some are scientists, grouped by someone to figure out the foretold mummy mystery. The expert should give him every detail now that he can see it, but he becomes too afraid, tries to bargain and dies. The mysterious Gus that brought them there kills the kitchen staff to get the Doctor off the phone with Clara and back to work. The foretold targets the weakest first, and the train conductor who has PTSD is next. Twelve says that if he could see it a minute would be enough for him to figure it out and Perkins says "you know Doctor, I can't tell if you're a genius or just incredibly arrogant" - "well on a good day I'm both".
Clara accuses him of lying to her again because he knew there would be troubles on that train and also because he made her lie to the girl with her...
Some passengers are just holograms, some are scientists, grouped by someone to figure out the foretold mummy mystery. The expert should give him every detail now that he can see it, but he becomes too afraid, tries to bargain and dies. The mysterious Gus that brought them there kills the kitchen staff to get the Doctor off the phone with Clara and back to work. The foretold targets the weakest first, and the train conductor who has PTSD is next. Twelve says that if he could see it a minute would be enough for him to figure it out and Perkins says "you know Doctor, I can't tell if you're a genius or just incredibly arrogant" - "well on a good day I'm both".
Clara accuses him of lying to her again because he knew there would be troubles on that train and also because he made her lie to the girl with her...
he figured out that the next victim was probably going to be Macy, the girl who is now with Clara, so the doctor told Clara to bring her to him, without telling her anything, although he won’t be able to save her, and it’s hard for Clara because she’s lying to Macy, and she’s bringing her to her death.
Once they arrive, the Doctor takes on himself all the pain and the emotions of Macy to switch upon himself the attention of the mummy. Now that he can see it, he does stop it just like he said. The mummy was a soldier thousands of years ago. The Doctor shouts "we surrender" and it stops. You're relieved soldier, and it goes into dust....Gus now tries to kill them all but the Doctor uses the Tardis to save everyone.
When she wakes up he tells her that he couldn't risk Gus knowing his plan "so you were pretending to be heartless?" - "would you like to think that about me, would that make it easier? I didn't know if I could save her" and "sometimes all the choices you have are bad ones but you still have to choose".
Clara changes her mind and tells him she wants to keep traveling with him. A quick change of mind, I must say, but I’m glad. She’s cool, and she looked very well with this Charleston-look :-)
She tells Danny that it's done and over with, and then she tells Twelve that Danny is fine with it and she wants to go on, so they leave again... I didn't like all this lying on her part, although maybe I would have done the same..
When she wakes up he tells her that he couldn't risk Gus knowing his plan "so you were pretending to be heartless?" - "would you like to think that about me, would that make it easier? I didn't know if I could save her" and "sometimes all the choices you have are bad ones but you still have to choose".
Clara changes her mind and tells him she wants to keep traveling with him. A quick change of mind, I must say, but I’m glad. She’s cool, and she looked very well with this Charleston-look :-)
She tells Danny that it's done and over with, and then she tells Twelve that Danny is fine with it and she wants to go on, so they leave again... I didn't like all this lying on her part, although maybe I would have done the same..
ep 9 - Flatline
The Doctor takes her to Bristol instead of home, and the Tardis has become smaller... and then very very little, a tiny little thing. People are disappearing all over, there are aliens messing with the dimensions...
Clara puts the Tardis in her bag (a big bag, but still a small Tardis :p ); she takes his screwdriver and his papers, and a earplug to communicate with him. She says "I'm the Doctor, Doctor Oswald, but you can call me Clara" to a kid: "what are you a doctor of?" - Twelve says "of lies", she says "I'm usually quite vague about that, I think I just picked the title because it makes me sound important".
Some creatures from a bi-dimensional world are trying to understand humans. At first the Doctor wonders if they know they're killing people and tries to communicate with them, but they take another one. He makes a 'deflattener', and calls it 2dis..
They are becoming 3d now. The old stupid bitter man throws away the Tardis and later she picks it up, now a blue cube because in siege-mode, and with life support failing. She manages to get him power by making the creatures activate a painting of a door. They recharge the Tardis and he goes all Doctor on them! : "if you do survive remember this, you are not welcome here, this plane is protected, I am the Doctor" and he defeats them :-)
When he was suffocating he said "I don't know if you'll ever hear this Clara (...) but you're good and you made a mighty fine doctor".
When it's over, she says "we saved the world, right?" - "we did, you did.." - "I was you today, I was the Doctor, and apparently was quite good at it" - "you heard that, didn't you?" - Yeah. The power was going off so I suppose you were delirious, you didn't know what you were saying" - "yes".
When she insists that she was a good Doctor, he says "you were an exceptional Doctor, Clara, goodness had nothing to do with it".
In this episode the Doctor finds out that she didn't tell Danny about her going with him, that she lied to both of them...
Clara puts the Tardis in her bag (a big bag, but still a small Tardis :p ); she takes his screwdriver and his papers, and a earplug to communicate with him. She says "I'm the Doctor, Doctor Oswald, but you can call me Clara" to a kid: "what are you a doctor of?" - Twelve says "of lies", she says "I'm usually quite vague about that, I think I just picked the title because it makes me sound important".
Some creatures from a bi-dimensional world are trying to understand humans. At first the Doctor wonders if they know they're killing people and tries to communicate with them, but they take another one. He makes a 'deflattener', and calls it 2dis..
They are becoming 3d now. The old stupid bitter man throws away the Tardis and later she picks it up, now a blue cube because in siege-mode, and with life support failing. She manages to get him power by making the creatures activate a painting of a door. They recharge the Tardis and he goes all Doctor on them! : "if you do survive remember this, you are not welcome here, this plane is protected, I am the Doctor" and he defeats them :-)
When he was suffocating he said "I don't know if you'll ever hear this Clara (...) but you're good and you made a mighty fine doctor".
When it's over, she says "we saved the world, right?" - "we did, you did.." - "I was you today, I was the Doctor, and apparently was quite good at it" - "you heard that, didn't you?" - Yeah. The power was going off so I suppose you were delirious, you didn't know what you were saying" - "yes".
When she insists that she was a good Doctor, he says "you were an exceptional Doctor, Clara, goodness had nothing to do with it".
In this episode the Doctor finds out that she didn't tell Danny about her going with him, that she lied to both of them...
ep 10 - In the forest of the night
The Doctor thinks the Tardis doesn't work because it says that they are in the middle of London, but there's a forest outside the door...
A little girl asks for his help, Clara sent her, and says that it's true, it is London. Suddenly the world has become green :-)
When they all meet up, Twelve and little Maeve with Danny and Clara and the bunch of children in their care, Danny understands that it's not true that she hasn't seen him in months.
The trees grew up overnight and won't catch fire.
Twelve and Clara run after Maeve because she can communicate with the trees: they are saved from the wolves by a tiger, and from the tiger by Danny :-)
The world might be ending, big solar flare, but Clara tells him that he can't take them away because the kids will want their parents and Danny will never leave the kids, and she... well, she doesn't want to be the last of her kind... she says "you know what, Doctor, this time the human race is saving you" and "now go, save the next one". He goes, then he figures out the obvious truth :-D The trees are not the enemy, they are their shield! The trees save the Earth and then disappear.
A little girl asks for his help, Clara sent her, and says that it's true, it is London. Suddenly the world has become green :-)
When they all meet up, Twelve and little Maeve with Danny and Clara and the bunch of children in their care, Danny understands that it's not true that she hasn't seen him in months.
The trees grew up overnight and won't catch fire.
Twelve and Clara run after Maeve because she can communicate with the trees: they are saved from the wolves by a tiger, and from the tiger by Danny :-)
The world might be ending, big solar flare, but Clara tells him that he can't take them away because the kids will want their parents and Danny will never leave the kids, and she... well, she doesn't want to be the last of her kind... she says "you know what, Doctor, this time the human race is saving you" and "now go, save the next one". He goes, then he figures out the obvious truth :-D The trees are not the enemy, they are their shield! The trees save the Earth and then disappear.
ep 11 - Dark water
I didn't like all those bits with Danny and the child. Are they dead or not? How can they walk around in their own bodies if they're dead??
I didn't like all those bits with Danny and the child. Are they dead or not? How can they walk around in their own bodies if they're dead??
Clara calls Danny to tell him that she loves him, really, and feels awkward when he says nothing... until a woman tells her he was ran over by a car, and she picked up the phone to answer..
Danny Pink's dead... (weren't the two of them supposed to become both time travelers? What about Orson Pink, now??).Clara steals all the Tardis keys and asks Twelve to get her to see an active volcano, then she blackmails him: she'll destroy all the seven keys unless he can fix it, change it, bring him back...
He can't but she doesn't care about the rules, "I don't give a damn about paradoxes; save Danny, bring him back or I swear you will never step inside your Tardis again" (what about when Ten opened the door clapping his hands?) but he can't and she throws them all down.
"I'm sorry but I'd do it again" and "why are you just standing there, do you understand what I have just done?" but it was all just in her imagination, the Doctor wanted to know how far she would go.. then he tells her they'll go to hell or wherever he is and they'll find Danny (which makes no sense at all, though, if he's supposed to be really dead, how can Twelve know that this time it's possible to communicate with him? Shouldn't he think him dead and gone?)
Clara asks him: "You're going to help me?" - "why wouldn't I help you? You betrayed me, you betrayed my trust, you betrayed our friendship, you betrayed everything that I've ever stood for, you let me down" and "you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?" ...
Clara navigates the Tardis asking 'her': "where is Danny?". They end up in a strange place, 3w where they care for the deceased... they meet Missy, who kisses the Doctor as a welcome and says the name stands for "mobile interactive system interface" and "I am a multi functioned interactive welcome droid helping you to help me to help you" and "my heart is maintained by the Doctor" and Twelve says "doctor who?" :-p Dr Chen of course :-p
Danny: "you have iPads in the afterlife?"and the guy "iPads? mph, we have Steve Jobs" :-p and then he has Danny meet the young boy he killed during the war...
Clara talks to Danny, tells him she'll do whatever it takes to be with him again, so he makes her close the connection.. of course, he knows he's dead, doesn't want her to be dead too...
Missy uploaded the minds to cybermen, upgraded their bodies.. She's a Timelady, the one he left for dead... "try to keep up, short for mistress, couldn't very well keep calling myself the Master, now, could I?" and she releases the Cybermen over London
ep 12 - Death in heaven
Clara finds herself in a locked room with a cyberman, and says that she's the Doctor, to stay alive.The cybermen are now everywhere in the world. Kate Steward, chief scientific officer of Unified Intelligent Taskforce, Unit, comes to arrest Missy and stop them but they fly away. One cyberman over each city: a strange rain makes all dead bodies rise up as cybermen.
The new international protocol in case of alien invasion: the Doctor is elected President of Earth, commanding officer of every army in the world.
CyberDanny saves Clara. The Doctor tells Missy "Gallifrey is lost in another dimension" but she says she knows where it is - the Doctor spent 300 years trying to stop Gallifrey from coming back but he's still searching for it?
That cyber-rain transformed the corpses into cybermen. Missy frees herself and kills the smart girl :'( I liked her :'( was hoping to see her again, maybe as companion now and then...
Cyber-Danny is suffering because he can still feel everything and he begs Clara to delete his emotions. There's a lot of drama and conflict here, but even though deleting his emotion might mean activating the full cyberman mode, she can't refuse him because he's in pain... but she doesn't know how so she calls the Doctor for help. He warns her not to do it because Danny will kill her afterward. She insists, she can't bear to watch him suffer.
The Doctor needs informations, he needs Danny to tell him Missy's plan, but he can't because he's not yet 'activated'... what to do now? The Doctor is like "I need to know" and reluctantly he now gives Clara his screwdriver so she can turn off his emotions and stop his pain. As soon as she's done that, she runs into his cyber-arms and the Doctor gets his answer: "the rain will fall again, all of humanity will die".
Clara has deleted Cyber-Danny's emotions and he's a cyberman now, and yet he doesn't respond to Missy's orders. After the others stop moving Clara is still hugging cyberDanny.
Twelve discovers that it was Missy to give Clara his phone number, she says "you'd go to hell if she asked" and he sort of did... then she gives him an army of cybermen, telling his Happy Birthday and calling him Mr President.
Missy says "I need my friend back" and "don't you trust yourself?" and here he is, sort of like Gandalf refusing the ring but with way too many more words, his big speech: he thanks her for helping him understand: "I'm not a good man, I'm not a bad man, I am not a hero, I'm definitely not the President, and no, I'm not an officer, you know what I am? I am an idiot with a box and a screwdriver, passing thru, helping out, learning. I don't need an army, I never have, because I've got them, always them, because love is not an emotion, love is a promise and he will never hurt her".
This was a beautiful phrase, very much so, and yet isn't it rather wrong, in the way that it doesn't agree with what we know of the cyber-men? All cyber-men were once people who were killed and transformed, and afterwards they were no more themselves and they killed, or tried to kill everybody, even their loved ones. Are these cybermen different because they were corpses instead of alive when they were transformed? Anyway.
The Doctor gives the army to the cybermen, they all fly high, explode and burn the dark clouds. One cyberman didn't explode because he had to save Kate, her father! The Doctor salutes him and he flies now.
Two weeks later: Danny uses the bracelet to bring the little boy to life.....
Twelve thinks that Danny came back when he sees the bracelet on her arm. He tells her that he found Gallifrey, but we see it's a lie. He tried the coordinates Missy gave him, hoping, but there was nothing there... and now Clara tells him to go home, that she'll be fine with Danny...
for once he agrees to a hug and says that he doesn't trust hugs because they're ways to hide the face. She thanks him for making her feel special, and they separate... and the Tardis disappears, without anyone paying the least attention to it...
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