I usually love all of Miyazaki’s movies, and this one won some stuff too, but I don’t like it. Well, I like the graphics, the drawings of Risa and Sosuke, but that’s it. I don’t like much the story, it’s not clear to me who this Fujimoto is now and what he does, or why Ponyo was the only big goldfish among hundreds of very small one, or if everyone saw her like me, a fish with a human face (one woman said so, but only one, the paranoic one), and honestly a goldfish with a human face was very creepy to me, not sweet at all.
Sure, the animation is great, the colors are delightful and the town is lovely, I love Risa and Sosuke as characters, but but I didn’t much like… all the parts about Ponyo. Sorry.
Sosuke finds a little red goldfish trapped in a jar and rescues her, names her Ponyo and takes her with him to the kindergarten. Ponyo grows fond of him as well, but her ‘father’, a bizarre man who was once a human, takes her back to the sea with him.
Sosuke cut his finger when he broke the jar to free her, but the fish licked his finger and it healed, and now she refuses the name the man calls her, wanting only to be called Ponyo and go back to Sosuke, so she uses her magic to grow legs and arms. He draws more magic and puts her back the way she was, and traps her with the other smaller goldfishes, but they help her get free and she basically makes a huge mess, flooded the ‘ship’ completely, draining all the magic he was cumulating, breaking a window and going out. With her magic she also causes big big waves that help her reach Sosuke’s house, only this causes the sea to get big and stormy and all ships are now in trouble, as well as all humans on land.
She reaches Sosuke and stays with him and Risa, his mother. She’s worried for her husband at sea, but also for the old ladies at the house where she works, so she leaves them at home to go check on them. In the morning the water has reached outside his home, but Ponyo enlarges a toy-boat and they sail to go get his mom.
They meet other people and finally reach where Risa left her car.
Fujimoto took Risa and all the old ladies under the sea where they are all happily waiting for him. Ponyo’s mother appears like a huge woman-like sea creature that Koichi says is the Goddess of Mercy, although how does he know…
They are almost there when Ponyo becomes too tired and falls asleep, then she slowly turns back into a fish. Sosuke carries her all the way to his mom.
She says that they could make Ponyo human though a sort of test, and if Sosuke manages it, she’ll be a child like him, otherwise she’ll become seafoam. Fujimoto called her because her magic was causing huge troubles to the human world, tsunami and moon changes and stuff, and now she tells Sosuke that someone must accept Ponyo for who she really is, a fish, and a human-fish, after she drank his blood, but he knows all versions of her and is fond of everyone. Ponyo accepts to give up all magic, so the lady puts her in a bubble and gives the fish back to Sosuke.
Now the old ladies can walk again even on normal land. Risa sees her husband’s ship arriving and runs to call out his name. Sosuke sees him too, and inadventently throws the fish in the air, who lands on his face kissing him and immediately becoming a five-year-old child like him.
ITA Ponyo sulla scogliera
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