mercoledì 6 dicembre 2017

Ghostbusters - 2016

I liked it enough (didn’t love it as I hoped, though) and I liked the four actresses enough, but there was a huge disappointment, for me: Chris Hemsworth as Kevin was so boring and dull and plain… the idea was funny but he wasn’t. He even looked annoyed of his part! He was as good-looking as ever, rather God-looking sure, but only like a poster, with no life, nothing to say. Bennie the food-delivery-boy (Karan Soni) was much funnier and he had maybe two lines in the whole movie!
Another problem of course is their will to ‘go further’, make it ‘more’, so the story becomes rather stupid. With the first ghost they see, they have no weapon at all, with the second ghost they’re surprised that their weapons can barely hold it still, it seems to them an achievement already, and yet throughout the movie there are scenes where they have not only the usual rifles but come up with lots and lots of gadgets to punch the ghosts, shred them, even kill them apparently!!! It made absolutely no sense at all !!!  Why couldn’t they content themselves with the rifles and the traps?? They always exaggerate :-/
The actors: Kristen Wiig was Erin, and it is just me or at least in this movie she looked like Jennifer Aniston’s lost twin?? Anyway, she was fine, nice. 
Charles Dance was the head of the school that fires Erin when he sees the video of her yelling that she just saw a ghost! He’s great :-)
Melissa McCarthey played Abby and she was my favourite, she was funny and nice and never too much, I really liked her and her character. She was what kept the movie going, without her it would have been a zero, the ten-minutes-into-the-movie-and-i’ve-had-enough-already kind of movie.
I loved her :-)
Kate McKinnon played Holtzmann, and I liked her but her character was too over the line. She’s the Q of the situation, coming up with new gadgets every second, like it takes her no time at all to build new ones :-/  They really messed it up here, why all that nonsense?!? :-/
Andy Garcia plays the mayor, and I really wonder why they needed someone so famous for such a shallow role :-/ 
Leslie Jones plays Patty, the fourth ghostbuster. She’s nice but sometimes yells too much. I loved her scene when, during a search, she saw a room full of mannequins and said “room full of nightmares, not going in there” :lol: I also loved when she took them to see their second ghost and Holtz (I think) asked ‘what is it?” and she said “if I knew what it was I wouldn’t have called it a weird sparking thing” :lol: can’t argue with that! On the other hand I was not impressed with her line at the end, when she saw the big scary ghost, basically the final-level-boss, and said “what part of small and friendly did he not understand?” , which was nothing more than an attempt to remind us of Ackroyd’s character when he thought of a soft, harmless thing.
Cecily Strong is Jennifer, the mayor’s assistant or something, she handles public relations and stuff, and has one of the funniest lines in the movie, when Erin tries to get to him to have him evacuate the city (yeah, right) at a restaurant, and tries to open every window, and Jennifer goes “she thinks it’s a sliding door. She thinks they’re all doors. That’s sad, she’s a scientist”.
Ed Begley Jr plays Ed junior, the man that goes to Erin to ask her about ghosts because he read her book, and he has one of the few funny lines of the film, when he says that the book is being sold in hard-book, e-book and even audio-book “only, I know how to read” :lol: 
There are nostalgic cameos from the actors of the previous Ghostbusters movies: Bill Murray plays Martin Heiss, an expert that says on tv their ghost video is fake and then goes to their place to have them show him the ghost they captured and when Erin lets it out the flying ghost throws him off the window. Dan Ackroyd plays a taxi driver who refuses to take Erin to Chinatown and tells her that “I’m afraid of no ghost”, and Ernie Hudson plays uncle Bill, angry that they destroyed one of his hearses. Also, after the end Sigourney Weaver appears as Holtz mentor. 
Erin and Abby are supposed to be long-time friends, but there is no such atmosphere in the air. Erin isn’t any warmer towards her than with any other character in the film. When she learns that a book on ghosts that she wrote some time before is on Amazon, she wants her co-writer Abby to pull it off the internet. She goes to see Abby and meets Holtz there, and takes them to see their first ghost. After that, she gets fired so she keeps with her friends and even finds a place to start their new ‘career’. After seeing a ghost in the subway Patty goes to ask their help. They need a receptionist so they hire Kevin because he’s the only one who applied, although he’s a total idiot (a very handsome one, but still). They find out that someone is trying to break down the barriers and release all the ghosts, and confront him, and when he kills himself they think it’s all over, but then Erin reads his notes on her book and realizes that it was part of his plan, to die and come back as a ghost and lead all the other ghosts. She tries to warn the mayor, then reunites with her three friends and together they defeat all the ghosts in a terrible, terrible fight scene (come on, they seriously killed ghosts! that’s beyond absurd!) they finally confront the crazy guy who possessed Kevin’s body and then became a giant, scary version of the nice little ghost in their logo. They finally defeat him too, and happy ending. 
The girls affection for Kevin was another mystery, because they never do anything together, he simply fails to answer the phones and spits in Abby’s coffee, it’s not a great relationships, and although he’s very good-looking there isn’t on Earth enough handsomeness to make someone overlook such a level of stupidity.
One last note, Slimer’s expression here reminded me of Tim Curry scary-face. Was it done on purpose?

ITA ghostbusters 

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