1-Mr. Monk and the Candidate: part 1
Monk is consulting on a case but keeps worrying about the gas at home. Sharona tries to calm him long enough to finish what he has to do, then they rush home to check.. The cops there are kind of shocked: “that’s the famous Adrian Monk?” - “yeah the living legend” - “you call that living?”
Monk talks to his therapist trying to appear normal...
A sniper kills a bodyguard of a man running for mayor; Monk is asked to consult on the case. At the funeral, he accidentally drops his keys in the casket; later he shows up at Sharona’s date ruining it, so she tells him she quits.
Monk and Trudy were married seven years. Sharona says “his wife was murdered four years ago, a car bomb” and about him “a sort of severe anxiety disorder”.
2-Mr. Monk and the Candidate: part 2
The captain hears that Sharona quit, then the Deputy Mayor goes to her house to convince her to help them; she goes back of course, and he solves the case - the head of the campaign wanted to kill a girl, a volunteer who found out about some stolen money, and hired a hitman. First he asked the bodyguard who refused, that’s why he had to kill him too.
When the sniper takes Sharona prisoner, Monk goes thru personal hell to save her :-p
The candidate congratulates him and he’s now famous. Still, not cured enough as to be reinstated: Tuesday is chicken-pot-pie and when Sharona suggests making something new he panicks..
Monk keeps working on his wife’s murder case.
3-Mr. Monk and the psychic
A woman is missing, the wife of a friend of captain Leland Stottlemeyer. Dotty, a psychic, wakes up the next morning in her car without knowing where she is, and finds her body. Sharona believes in psychics, Monk doesn’t. When Dotty drives away, Monk says that “she moved her seat” when she got in the car: proof that someone else drove that car last... and that’s the problem I have with this type of Sherlock-Holmes-tv-series: they don’t account for different people doing different things in different ways; I always move my seat back when I get out, so I move it forward again when I get in: that can be a clue, but not proof.
The former commissioner is the husband. This Dolly offers Monk some water in a dirty cup with big traces of lipstick... come on, who’d do that?? You don’t have to be Monk to go ‘yuch’.
At the end, Monk arranges a little farce to get the husband to confess, having Dolly accuse him of something else and to defend himself he says that she’s no psychic and Monk “yes, she is, she found your wife” - “no she isn’t, I drove her there”.. et voilà, pure Columbo style.
4-Mr. Monk meets Dale the whale
The captain asks Monk to help in a case: a friend and fellow cop is accused of murder. Also, there’s a review to see if he’ll be reinstated, and they ask the captain if he believes that Monk should be reinstated, and he says no, that he’s not ready. Monk is sad and hurt, and Sharona is angry at him. The captain would love to see Monk reinstated, but he’s right, he knows that Monk is not ready, and Monk probably realized it himself after he put Sharona in trouble and then failed to save her: I mean, he wanted to help, he started the brave thing, getting on the wheel at the carnival, but then he froze, afraid of heights. Luckily, the cops arrived.
Monk solves the case, it was a set up against the cop.
Monk at the carnival, makes Benji win a radio guessing the number of beans, so at the end Sharona takes one of Monk’s shoes to force him to tell her how he knew :-p
6-Mr. Monk goes to the asylum
Monk enters the wrong house and the couple living there call the cops :-p It was Trudy’s old house, and it was the anniversary of the day they met.
Sharona has been taking care of him for four years. Monk is admitted into a hospital to be evaluated. Now Monk has a room-mate who tells him that there was a murder four years ago. Monk’s only there for 48 hours. Dr Gould was murdered, now there’s Dr Lancaster, and Monk thinks that he’s the murderer. He wants to keep Monk there, and makes him look crazy - I mean, really, not simply anxious or obsessive, but just like another girl there, like they see things that aren’t there; the girl says that she ‘thought’ she had seen Dr Lancaster with a gun..
Poor Monk is worried: “am I losing my mind?”, but Sharona makes a research of her own, finds out that Gould was appointed director and Lancaster was furious. Lancaster killed him and then he stole some drugs to blame it on some addict. Monk calls Sharona and she calls the cops. Sad though, he was a good doctor :-p
7-Mr. Monk and the billionaire mugger
Sharona has money problems. Archie shoots a man trying to mug him, and the man dies. The mugger was Sidney Teal, a millionaire. Sharona is super pissed because Monk doesn’t seem to care to be paid a fair amount and then he doesn’t pay her! The captain on the other hand is pissed because apparently there was a cop who fled the scene and the press is obsessing about it.
The captain believes that it was a crime of passion, that Teal wanted to kill Archie because of a fling with Teal’s wife, and Sharona is happy to call the case close and get paid, but Monk knows it makes no sense and she leaves, and Monk feels lost. He says “tell me what to do” and “can you find somebody who will tell me what to do?” . Sometimes Monk is unbearable, but other times like this one, you really feel for him...
Trudy was the one paying everything and thinking about money, so now that’s a problem for him, even his therapist has not been paid in nine weeks - and yet he keeps seeing him, maybe he actually really does care...
Monk is lost, keeps thinking about his wife’s murder, and goes to a woman’s house thinking that he found something new but actually it turns out that he’s been there three times already, every year. He tries to get paid from that Leo that didn’t pay him after Monk found his Picasso for him, but Leo goes away. Sharona investigates by herself and finds out everything. Archie and Teal were friends once. Teal pretended to mug him to make him look good and impress a girl, but got shot instead. An actor playing a cop for him, saw the whole thing and ran away. He’s the proof against Archie, and when Archie pulls a gun he runs away again, followed by reporters.
Captain:”shoot him” - Randall:”can’t do that” - Captain:”shoot me” :lol:
At the end, Monk and Sharona hire that actor again to convince Leo to pay them.
8-Mr. Monk and the other woman
Monk’s therapist tells him : after four years since Trudy died, has he been dating? Monk thinks about it and says “it’s inconcervable. I can’t think about anything, life, other people, until I find out who murdered her” and “she was my better half”.
The new case is about a friend of the mayor: stabbed and strangled, and the assistant was stabbed too. There’s a woman, Monica, who looks like Trudy and she understands about his disorder and he appreciates how perfectly neat her garage is: “can I say something? If ever I have a garage I want it to look just like this”. He asks her to dinner! and he takes her to the place he went with Trudy.
She asks him how he managed it to get out of the house after his wife’s death: “captain Stottlemeyer was worried about me and he hired a nurse to take care of me. She showed up one day and she’s never left”. She chooses the same song at the juke-box that Trudy liked, D7..
The police’s first suspect is killed in Monica’s garage. Now the captain suspects her and she calls Monk. She says she’s afraid and Monk spends the night at her place. Sharona is worried because she thinks she might be dangerous. The captain even thinks that she killed her husband too, two years ago and that he’s buried under the garage, and he warns Monk and now he’s afraid to eat: “are you trying to kill me? It’s ok if you are, I just need to know” but Derek is not dead, he’s just in a mental institution. Monk finds the real killer, a guy who forged the will of his dying uncle to inherit his fortune. Monica says that she’ll go to visit her husband and won’t come back until he’ll be better, then she kisses him goodbye but Monk doesn’t brush it off with a wipe this time...
9-Mr. Monk and the marathon man
A 63 year-old man is running a marathon, and he’s also Monk’s hero because Monk ran in high school. The man gives him a pair of free running shoes and Monk acts like a baby, running around Sharona all happy.. at the end he also gives him the headband that he wore when he won the 1973 race, and Monk is so proud :)
A girl is thrown off her building after she was strangled. She had a married boyfriend. The killer’s alibi is that he was in the marathon. Monk goes to talk to the people working at the marathon, and there’s a little misunderstanding. Sharona was late getting the wipe, or better while she looked for it Monk shoot hands with like four people, and the last one was a black guy, right before Monk cleaned his hands, so they think him a racist.
The poor girl’s boyfriend killed the girl by attaching his marathon-chip to the camera bike, then left the race and went to kill her and then joined the marathon again to finish it.
10-Mr. Monk takes a vacation
Monk, Sharona and Benji are at the beach. Sharona plays tennis with a man. Benji:”do you think she’s letting him win?” - Monk:”I wouldn’t be surprised” - “you know why do girls do that?” - “some day you’ll understand; when you do call me and explain it to me” :lol:
Benji sees a woman being murdered; Monk believes him, Sharona doesn’t. Monk thought that a man killed his wife, but she’s alive and throwing a surprise birthday party for him.
The hotel comedian makes fun of Monk and calls him a freak :-/
Benji finds the body, goes to call Monk but when they’re back it’s gone. Monk is the only one who believes him.
The maids steal information, taking pictures of important documents, but one of them rebelled and the other four killed her. Monk still has no proof and no body. He’s already checked out but he goes back because he found out where the body is :-)
11-Mr. Monk and the earthquake
There’s been an earthquake, and a woman took advantage of it to kill her husband. Monk’s place is a mess; he seems strangely calm, but then he speaks strange words. Sharona calls his therapist: “he’s having a dissociative episode”.
Sharona knew the dead guy, so they go to his place and Monk finds out things; at first he spoke only gibberish but finding clues of a homicide turns him back to ‘normal’.
Sharona, Monk and Benji go to live at her sister’s place. Sharona and Gail keep chatting and competing: who moved here first, who bought that bag first... :-/ they all play charade and Monk guesses everything before they even start mimicking it... obviously spoiling the fun.
There’s also a man, a journalist that Sharona met on the street. Sharona and Gail compete for him too, but he’s there to spy looking for something, he’s actually the murderer’s lover. He also kills a workman who saw him try to break into Sharona’s house.
The dead man left a message on her answering machine that accuses his wife. Monk figures it all out and Sharona is in danger, but there’s another quake and Monk can’t speak again. Monk isn’t much help but luckily the captain arrives in time to save them :-)
At the end, Monk pretends to be off again talking gibberish to avoid paying Sharona the last three weeks... :-/
12-Mr. Monk and the red-headed stranger
Country singer Willie Nelson is suspected of murder. Monk is a big fan.
The captain is not here so Randall is in charge. The captain will join in later, with an arm on a sling. The witness is a blind woman. Monk gets Willie Nelson to sign a vinile to Trudy... when he’s asked to play with the band, he’s over the moon with joy :-) but then a man puts his lips on the instrument and Monk can’t play, so he just whistles.
It turns out the witness regained sight in one eye. The dead guy was the one driving the car that killed her parents 36 years ago, leaving her blind, and only served 1and a half years.
To thank Monk, Nelson goes to Trudy’s graves and sings for her, and Monk plays with him ...
13-Mr. Monk and the airplane
Sharona has to leave for seven days and asks Monk to go with her. A woman is killed by a woman dressed just like her, who then takes her place with her husband on the plane, only this one is taller than the real wife and Monk is on the same plane and guesses the truth right away.
This is Monk’s first flight and he’s very nervous: at 27 he was crying so much they asked him and his mother to leave :-p
Sharona chats with an actor, while a little girl drives Monk crazy , probably because he simply can’t avoid answering to her...
Monk tells the hostess that Sharona is not allowed to sit in first class, so she has to go back to her seat. The murderer also kills a man on the train because he knew his real wife.
The plane staff won’t believe Monk because of his manic behaviour. Randy believes him blindly though, and goes to the airport and finds the body of the wife, so the murderer and his accomplice are arrested.
Sharona Fleming-Bitty Schram
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer-Ted Levine
Lt Randall Disher-Jason Gray-Stanford
Dr Kroger-Stanley Kamel
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