Walt sewed Branch in the truck and then brought him to the nearest place, a res clinic, where the guy is not exactly prepared for this but does everything he can.
Matthias takes away Henry and Walt hurries after him to talk to Henry but 1.Henry did wave his right to a lawyer, but Walt will get him one anyway, and 2. he kept the teeth for ‘insurance’, to make sure that Walt wouldn’t take the blame for something he didn’t do..... I love Henry and his sense of friendship, so precious :-) I loved the look on Walt’s face, the concern, the love, it was beautiful.
Branch pulls thru; Walt tells Vic about his wife and Henry.
Walt knows Henry’s safe combination :-) - well, when Walt said he’ll get him the best lawyer money can buy I had thought he talked about his own money, instead he takes Henry’s. Make sense of course. I mean, it’s right and fair...
Henry thought he had 40.000$ but there is only 1200$ : “my girlfriend stole all my money” :-( not that big a surprise, everybody warned him when she came back. Henry is all about accepting fate , at first, but then Walt makes it clear that if they close the case they’ll never learn who’s really behind his wife’s murder, so Henry comes around.
Branch had a drug in him, that’s why he saw a dead man. Henry says the white warrior is the indian version of religious extremist. This time Walt goes with Matthias to question people ‘dressed’ as white warriors but Branch insists it was David, but Walt had the ashes analyzed: David’s dead.
2- Of children and travelers
Cady goes to see Henry in prison. Walt helps out at the red pony when he can :-p Branch is back at the office, much too early, come on.
A Russian girl that was hitchhiking is now dead. Paolina’s adopted parents couldn’t control such a ‘bad girl’ so they re-homed her. In her new home, she had found a sister, a weak mom and an abusive father who killed her when she tried to take the girl with her! :-(
Life is really tough for Henry in prison. I wanted to scream at the screen :-/ Henry won’t accept ‘protection’ in prison, instead he fights them. A man, Matthias predecessor, sent to prison by Walt, controls a lot in there. Walt can’t reach Henry by phone, can’t meet him when he goes there! Finally Cady can see him, and he’s been badly beaten up. Up to now she was only visiting as a friend, but finally she stands as his lawyer! Good, she cares!
3- Miss Cheyenne
Henry asks Walt to take his place as a judge at a sort of beauty competition at the res. He cut his hair:-) and he wore a tie and suit for his arraignment: looking good but also not himself.
Cady puts make up on him to cover the bruises, but the judge thinks it all a waste of time! Poor Henry! :-( Cady collects money in a ‘free Henry’ jar :-) The new arraignment will be after the weekend, and this time he’s dressed more in his style, good! Matthias says that Henry can’t be trusted! grrrr. But then a woman speaks of how he saved her daughter and kept visiting and helping and caring, and says that a standing bear is standing guard looking to protect those he loves from whatever may come : “Henry is a standing bear and a standing bear will never run, no matter what”, and finally there’s a bit of hope in Henry’s eyes :-)
A doctor killed, his brother was killed last year, for what his doctor father had done years ago: he sterilized indian women without asking their consent, so a woman killed his children because when she was 16 he took away her chance at having the children she wanted.
Bail is granted, but is one million dollars! Branch gives Cady the 100.000 she needs, the rest is bond.
Henry is finally out of jail, Walt goes to pick him up and tells him “no matter what happens you’re never going back”
4- In the pines
There is a sort of surviving course. Marshall is alive, but one is dead. Many other campers are found.
Someone sent Sean a picture of Vic and Walt at the hotel door - where we know nothing happened, she opened the door for him, but from that photo it might look like they went in together :-/ Walt tells Vic about the photo.
Ferg finds a girl down a cliff and Walt brings her up and to a hospital. She wakes up :-)
Ruby gets a call about Henry and Branch goes to check where he’s gone, then Branch asks him questions and tells him “you owe me, for putting 100k for your bail” :-/ come on, Branch! :-/ My poor Henry has a lot to bear.
Branch has his proof, his experiment worked - he burned a rabbit plus his own blood and hairlock - and now he knows that Ridges could still be alive.
I like the actor that plays Trey, he’s rather good.
Branch at the Red Pony, and Henry says: “I believe you already paid” ...
Sean touched my heart here: “I don’t think that there’s anything going on between you and Walt, but I know there’s nothing going on between us. You’re happier in this picture than you ever are with me” and she has no reply to that!
5- Wanted man
It’s Malachi parole hearing. We see when Walt arrested him with Henry’s help. Walt says he should NOT be granted parole. Walt takes a vacation day to work on his wife’s murderer murder. Vic’s left in charge. Branch keeps a man prisoner to find information on Ridges.
Henry doesn’t want people’s charity money but has to bear with it. They set a reward on Hector because he can say he was the one who gave Henry the teeth.
Branch releases the guy after giving him an hallucinogenic drug. Walt calls for Branch’s uncle for help.
Henry feels horrible about tracking down Hector, but he might be the only one able to help him.
Branch alibis Travis out but Vic checks it and arrests him again so he spits it, saying Branch’s a psycho.
Malachi shows up at the Red Pony! Poor Henry, he talks about buying his place :-/
Hector is found dying, and says that Ridges killed him. With Hector gone, his people need Henry more than ever!
6- Reports of my death
Walt and Henry talk about Hector’s death, and that when they went to talk to Jacob Malachi was his new head of security. Henry breaks his ankle controller to follow Malachi’s man.
A man who had been missing for thirty years, the son of a rich woman who died, is found dead on a bench, until news break out and the real heir comes to Walt, alive, but he wants nothing of his family.
A kid tweeted about the death, how could they not think that he would tweet this?
They stop him in time. The stranger came to the family and the real heir’s sister killed him.
Henry sees Dinah while out checking Malachi’s man. Instead of going home he goes to her. He loved her... She says Darius had her check on Henry closely at the Red Pony. Malachi might be the one who had Cady’s mom killed: Darius approached Dina in Denver!
7- Population 25
Vic goes on a weekend with Sean, and they have an accident. Branch is still very much obsessed with Ridges, more than ever. Sean calls Walt. Ed Gorski had been stalking Vic so he knows what happened to Sean, two guys took him. Vic is a prisoner at the house of one of the guys Walt checked out, the paranoid, government-hater guy. Walt and Ed go together looking for her. Branch looks at her house and finds a letter where she reported his “unstable condition”.
That crazy family killed an officer. Vic was crazy scared when they were threatening Sean, but she went totally insane when they put a covered body near her and she thought it might be Walt’s. There’s also a dead FBI agent in the freezer, disappeared two years before. Chance has a little cult there, they all do whatever he says. Walt proposes a deal: everybody goes but him and Chance, so Gorski takes Vic and Sean away. A duel, they shoot at three.
When she says ‘stop here’ Ed says ‘goodbye Vic’ and walks away. She runs to Walt’s car and drives back to him.
8- Harvest
Walt has a wound in his arm and at the hospital she cries in his arms.
DrunkenBob is sober now and has a job. There’s a dead farmer. Branch sort of tries to intimidate Vic into not ratting him out, then Vic goes to the crime scene despite what she just went through.
Cady goes to Branch for money and a pi recommendation, but he offers his help instead, so he goes to Denver with her. Vic says that Sean demands she quits her job, and Walt only says ‘ok’.
A girl takes Branch’s picture and sends it to him, but the picture disappears after a few seconds but Branch is sure that Ridges was in that picture behind him.
Branch tells Cady and she’s skeptical and reminds him that they’re there to investigate her mother’s murder, and he says “your mother’s dead, I’m still alive” so of course she leaves him there.
Vic asks Sean if she has to pretend to be “weaker than I am” to please him, and that hurts him.
Cady calls Vic to pick her up and they talk about Branch: “when I look him in the eyes all I see is this dark mean unstable man”.
The dead man was suicidal, he killed himself and asked a friend to shoot him so his wife and daughter could get the insurance money. Walt declares it an unsolved homicide.
At the end Vic gives Walt a letter on Branch saying he’s a time bomb ready to go off and shouldn’t be carrying a gun now.
We see Ridges outside that Denver bar..
9- Counting coup
Ridges meets Branch but Ridges is stronger, then he jumps off the bridge and Branch empties his gun yelling but misses him.
Finally Ferg has enough of them and shouts at Walt saying true things about him doing a lot of work and well and them just ignoring him , and Walt clears Branch’s desk and gives it to him and goes away. This time I’m with Ferg though because he wastes time saying how he can’t talk about it or making scenes like that when he could tell him everything quickly and be done with it!
Branch runs in shouting the news, then he attacks Vic for talking and they lock him up in a cell. Henry’s worried about the trial but Cady comforts him :-) Still, her friend thinks she should accept the deal because she’s got nothing “other than the fact that I am innocent!”, rises up Henry!
Ferg lets Branch out when his father comes in and threatens Ferg’s dad !
Sean sends Walt his divorce papers.
Walt and Vic find Ridges’ phone and arrest Nighthorse. Jacob helped Ridges fake his suicide.
Henry tries to burn down the Red Pony! He thinks he’ll go to jail now and Malachi will take the Red Pony :-(
Branch escapes home.
Jacob tells Walt where Ridges is as part of their deal, and Branch hears Walt saying it to Ferg on the radio. Branch takes Travis’ car but it runs out of gas. Ridges takes Walt’s car and then a white warrior attacks him but ends dead.
10- Ashes to ashes
Walt has his car back (how?) and picks up Branch on the road and shows him Ridges dead body... but then doesn’t let him in the office.
Nighthorse says Walt keeps coming at him with no reason: “you pick up where your wife left” so Walt wants to hit him but hits Vic instead.
Henry with glasses :-) he wants to dig up Miller Beck’s body and Walt helps him and finds the feather in him and bring the coffin bak to find Ridges body is gone. They get the white warriors to give the body back.
The detective hid the feather detail, also the dna of Ridges on Miller Beck from when he fought back. Cady’s counter offer is: drop all charges and we won’t sue the department for this :-)
First thing Henry does is to go where Hector got his messages and take them. Now that the case is closed Walt lets go of Martha’s ashes while crying
Branch three years before paid Jacob to borrow a warrior, to make him sheriff, and when Branch confronts him with this he says “I’m 65 years old, I don’t have time to make another fortune but I do have time to make another son “ then we hear a shot. The end! He killed his own son!
Walt-Robert Taylor
Henry-Lou Diamond Phillips
Vic-Katee Sackhoff
Ferg-Adam Bartley
Branch-Bailey Chase
Cady-Cassidy Freeman
Ruby-Louanne Stephens
Jacob-A Martinez
Matthias-Zahn McClarnon
Travis-Derek Phillips
Malachi-Graham Greene
Barlow-Gerald McRaney
Drunken Bob-John Bishop
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