It’s clear that he must have had his followers, although I really can’t understand how that happened.
Basically he ruins the movie for me. The whole movie is about the great love story between Peggy Sue and his character Charlie Bodell, who’s supposed to be soooo cute and soooo charming... :-/
The story is: Peggy Sue is sad because she’s getting a divorce because Charlie left her for a ‘bimbo’, and she’s so upset she’s a total wreck. Her daughter Beth (Helen Hunt, good choice) goes with her to the school reunion as moral support. When he shows up Peggy starts crying and shaking.. and when she has to go up on stage because she’s been elected queen, she suddenly faints.
She wakes up in a hospital in the Spring of 1960, and we see a balloon from the reunion, which makes you wonder if that’s real or just a dream. She acts weird at first of course, glad to see her mom dad and little sister, but she has no other choice than go on living there as a teenager.
Charlie tells her that they should see other people now, have fun, and then maybe get married in the future, but when she agrees and he sees her talking to other boys he’s all jealous and changes his mind.
She asks Richard, the smart guy bullied at school (as they often are because bullies are idiots and afraid/jealous of the smart ones) if time travel is possible and convinces him that she comes from the future (rather easily actually).
She had told her friends at the reunion that Michael was the only one she liked beside Charlie, so now she goes talking to him and they spend a night together. Later on though she makes him understand that it can’t go any further and that one day he’d write about it.
Charlie dreams of becoming a famous singer but he has on future in music. She tries to leave him but he keeps coming back to her saying how much he loves her.
On her 18th birthday she goes to meet her grandparents, and she also tells them that she’s from the future. Charlie comes to snatch her away and proposes, and she can’t resist him any longer...
Back to the present, we hear something about her heart and that she almost died, and she wakes up with Charlie at her bedside. Everyone has sent flowers and gift, and Michael has sent her his book dedicated to her “to Peggy Sue and a starry night” and she wonders why since she “hardly knew him”, making us think that it was all a dream, but then she tells Charlie that she went back and tried to push him away but he wouldn’t give up, and he tells her that he’d never, and that he hopes for another chance now that the bimbo’s gone, and they get back together...
Just like that, she forgets all she said about him never been there for her and the kids (they have two apparently).
It was terrible. Hunt had a very small, irrelevant role, and Jim Carrey too as one of Charlie’s best friends.
A funny line was delivered by her mother:
Mom: Peggy, you know what a penis is? Stay away from it! - what a speech :-p
It’s not clear if anything happened or if it was just a dream. She remembered it all about Charlie but not about Michael and yet he dedicated the book to their starry night...
Anyway, the plot could be acceptable as an 80s movie, but he wasn’t. Good thing she was good or I wouldn’t have been able to bear it to the end.
ITA Peggy Sue si è sposata
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