I didn't like it much, I admit. It wasn't too bad for a while, but at the end it was very disappointing. It is the story of a little town that is slowly dying an all its young people want to go away, to the big cities. One day a stranger comes to town, Mr Leroy (Colin Firth) and he rents a warehouse from Willa's (Patricia Clarkson) aunt (Ellen Burstyn) and uses it to store dangerous wastes. The women are concerned about it, but he makes a good propaganda, saying the barrels are perfectly safe, that his company will help the town with money and work for its people, that it is such a good thing... right up to the point when the trucks carrying the barrels on a rainy night have an accident. Nothing bad happens, no deaths and the wastes are still safe, but all of a sudden he's all "if only one of them had been broken, it would have been a disaster. I'll resign from my work and tell the truth" ... seriously? Why, he didn't know it?? He seemed so sure before, actually making a good point when he said that the wastes exist and someone has to deal with it and so it's better if a serious company like his does it, then he changes his mind so abruptly, it didn't seem normal. He knew it was dangerous (they're called dangerous wastes for a reason) and yet he said it was best that a caring and responsible firm like his took care of it... what changed? He wants to turn his back on it, leaving uncaring and unresponsible people handle the matter??
In the movie there's also a girl that wanted to escape from that town, and after the accident apparently changes her mind, who knows why. Good for Harris (Orlando Bloom), the local policeman in love with her, sure, but why did she stay? For him or what? Maybe she liked to watch him doing his work.
Harris was the only good, normal character in this film.
As we witness Leroy's change of heart, the movie ends, just like that. So, what's the moral? Nobody should work with dangerous wastes? Well, someone has to, until the world stops making so much of it! While I agree that the world should learn to live better, it was also true what he said about it before. Right now there are dangerous wastes, and someone has to deal with it, possibly someone who cares about safety measures and won't simply bury them underground or under the sea to save money.
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