I guess if you're six it might be funny, sure, but if you're an adult is is just silly. In this movie there's a lot, a lot of animals dancing, all the time, and also a lot of the old lady that kicked Alex in the first movie. Here she's back, being nice to every person and absolutely nasty to all the animals, beating the life out of them any chance she gets. In the first movie she sort of had a good reason, you know, being in the city, and these animals had no business being there loose. But here, we are in Africa, and she's the one with no business being here. She's on a safari, and she fights with Alex just because she remembers him; takes away all their water because who cares about animals dying a horrible death as long as she is comfortable and with more water she could ever need...
We see how Alex (Ben Stiller) was taken from Africa by hunters and brought to New York. Now, after they leave with the plane in the last movie, they crash... where? But in Africa, of course. and Alex meets his parents and learns that other lions don't dance, they fight. Marty (Chris Rock) finds other zebras, which is amazing and exciting at first, but then he realises they're all alike, and they can do everything he can do, nothing special. Gloria (Jada Pinkett Smith) meets other hippos, including big Moto Moto (Will.I.am) who 'asks her out' , and Melman (David Schwimmer) is rotten jealous because apparently he's in love with Gloria... a giraffe in love with a hippo...
There's also the lemurs , with King Julien (Sacha Baron Cohen) with them in Africa. The penguins are here too, but in a role too small. They were the best part of the first film. Now they've taken that part away, and what's left is just for little children, I really can't see what an adult might like in all this.
Other voices are Alec Baldwin as Makumba and Bernie Mac as Zuba the father. Actually I don't know who Bernie Mac is, but I liked his voice a lot.
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