Why do they always have to remake old movies? Was there really any need for this movie? The plot is vaguely the same, a cop almost killed is transformed into a robot (well, half-robot), but they succeeded in making it so much more absurd than the first one. The head, chest and one hand are the only parts of the man that they could save, all the rest is machine. Ok, this means that they put into him all the substances he needs in order to function correctly, and when they want him less emotional they simply change what they put into him, and if they want him to stop they just "switch him off" !! Come on, Data was more human than that!! (Data from ST-TNG of course). But let's tell things in order:
Plot: Omnicorp wants to build and sell robots to be used as cops or soldiers, but the government is very much against it, and so are the people, because of course machines have no souls, no conscience, no way to judge the situation in a human way, as it was seen at the beginning: lots of robots heavily armed, and a young boy with a knife: not what I would call a threat, but the robot did). To manipulate the people, Omnicorp's boss Raymond Sellars (Michael Keaton, great) decides to give them a robot half-human, by picking very-badly-injured cop Alex Murphy (Joel Kinnaman, never heard of him before) and transform him into something he can manipulate, and make money with. He asks for the help of Dr. Dennett Norton (Gary Oldman, the best in the movie), who works there to make robotic parts for people who have lost them, like new hands, for example. He's a good man, but gets sucked into something big, and after months rebuilding Alex, he gets told that he's not fast enough, in the training simulations, not as fast as real robots, and pressure him to "repair" him. Of course he's a couple of seconds late compare to a robot, he thinks of the situation, he doesn't just shoot! But they don't like it, and the doctor sees no escape but to do what they order him, so what does he do?? He opens his brain and removes a little, little bit that controls his conscience!!! Just a tiny little bit to make his responses faster, and it works!!
Now, it's more believable that Terminator will come here from the future to stop a teenager from changing the world, it's very much easier to believe that tomorrow Thor will fall out of the sky and find me, than to believe that just a few years in the future from now a doctor can open up a brain and read it not simply like a book, but like a book with a detailed index and important things underlined in colours!
Compare to that, when they fill his brain with a database like in matrix it makes perfect sense! Easypeasy.
Anyway, when they fill Alex's brain, the information about his own attempted murder are too much to bear, and he can't control his emotions, so the doctor decides to take them away! Less and less human, this Alex, practically a robot with a face! Anyway... Alex goes on fighting crime, but his wife insists on seeing him, to tell him how much their son needs him. And here we go, they stripped him of everything, he was practically a machine, but the son wins over everything and he starts thinking of his own murder, investigates and kills all the responsibles, to discover the two dirty cops (and kill one of them), and the fact that the head of police was very much part of it!! He confronts her, but at that moment is switched off by a bastard. They don't like the fact that he might investigate on his own, and bring down important people, so Sellars orders to kill him, to terminate the project... but the good doctors rebels at this, saves alex and informs him of the situation. Alex will kill Sellars, but still Pat Novak (Samuel L. Jackson) will shout from his tv-show that robots are good and blah blah blah. I can't remember him in a more despisable role since Django unchained...
All in all, a stupid and almost totally useless film, with one good scene and two great actors. Well, I should say three, but this time Jackson didn't do much, and I despise his character. I usually like Jackson, but this time I mostly refer to Gary Oldman.
The only good scene in the movie was the first time Alex-bot comes back to his family, and is afraid to let them see him, and they are happy to see him but don't know very well what to do, because it's the first time they see the new him. It's a very nice scene!
The most annoying thing was the fact that the doctor kept telling him to calm down... if you're bursting inside, if you're on fire, if your emotions are having the best on you, someone telling you to relax is not gonna make any difference!! Did he really think that saying 'calm down, relax' was enough???
The hero of the movie... Alex was a hot-head who got easily into trouble and who got almost killed because he was good and so many others were not, but then Robocop felt no fear, and could not be hurt as easily as a human body. So little though has been said of his partner Jack, who saved him, protected him, believed in him all the way! and yet he had so little time in the film...
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