I liked this film! One of the best of all these Marvel movies.
They send Wolverine consciousness back in time to take control of his own self in 1973. Thing is, now things are going really badly and everyone is losing against the sentinels, and all the mutants are being killed by them, and also many humans. X-men decides the only way is to stop the sentinels from ever being built and deployed. Professor X (Patrick Stewart) and Magneto (Ian McKellen) together instruct Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) on what to do: find their younger selves and get them to work together to stop Mystica (Jennifer Lawrence) from killing Frask (Peter Dinklage) in front of people: that was what made the president decide to go on with his Sentinels-project. How lovely was it to see Xavier and Magneto on the same side?? I love it. Of course it should have been Xavier to go back in time, but Wolverine is the only one that can go because it's very hard phisically and he's the only one who can regenerate. He finds Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) easily, although he finds his school is closed and Charles is now a junkie with no hope. Wolverine explains to him that they have to stop this assassination, and Charles agrees only because he wants to save Raven (in a way Raven is her good side, Mystica is her aggressive side). They also need Magneto's help, so they free him from a prison under the Pentagon where he's being held after being charged with JFK's murder (although he denies it, he said he wanted to save him because he was a mutant as well). With young Quicksilver's help (Evan Peters), they free Erik (Michael Fassbender) and search for Raven. Now, how cool is Michael Fassbender?? He's great, I was really happy they chose him, I loved him in this role before, and still did here. He's great, sexy and cool, perfect to play young Magneto. They needed someone like that to play young Ian McKellen right??
They find her, but Erik tries to kill her thinking this is the only way to save his kind. He fails, but injures her: now Frask has her DNA so he actually caused more trouble!
Mystica is still decided on killing Frask, so she infiltrated as a secret service agent. When Magneto makes his big entrance moving a whole stadium in the white house garden, she's hidden among all the men protecting the President. He sure knows how to make a big entrance, doesn't he? As if all eyes wouldn't be on him anyway...
Erik makes a speech to the cameras saying that they wanted to stop his kind because they were afraid of what they didn't know, and now he will give them something to be really afraid of. Charles, Logan and Beast try to stop him, but Erik is stronger. He throws Logan into the river and incapacitate Charles. In the future, we see the sentinels have found where they were hiding. They kill Storm (Halle Berry), Bobby (Shawn Ashmore), Bishop (Oman Sy), even Magneto. They are about to kill the professor, Kitty and Wolverine's future body.
At that moment, Raven comes forward disguised as President Nixon, and stops him with a bullet in his neck: not fatal, of course, just to stop him. She almost killed Frask too, but Charles stopped her. Well, he couldn't move but his power is in his mind, so he spoke to her, apologising for always trying to control her, but also making her understand the right thing to do.
A good kick and Erik's on the ground. Raven takes away his elmet, so that Charles can get into his head. Then he lets both Erik and Raven go away. Through the cameras everyone saw that she saved the president and then left without hurting anyone. The project was annulled and Frask incriminated for selling secrets, apparently. I was quite confused that at the end it was Raven who pulled Wolverine out of the river where he had drowned. Now, what does this mean? That it'll be Mystica to put adamantium into Wolverine's body? Or is Stryker still alive?? This was the only confusing detail.
It was funny seeing Logan go through a metal detector without making it beep. It was fun for him too :-)
The end is lovely, because it's touching and nice and peaceful. He wakes up to find no sentinels around, instead he's in the Professor X's school, full of students and teachers. He sees Jean Grey alive, and also Cyclops is alive. In the school, he also sees Bobby and Rogue, and Beast, and Storm.
He's of course confused about what has happened because his last memory is that of drowning in 1973. Charles remembers what they had gone through together, so they will have a nice little chat to catch up :-)
I liked this fillm very much, it was lovely to have them all together . :-)
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