lunedì 11 settembre 2017

Longmire season 1

I liked this series a lot, the western atmosphere, Henry most of all the characters, he is my absolute favourite, but also Walt and Vic, at first, but not too much at the end because I don't like her obvious adoration for Walt. 
For a lot of episodes we keep seeing little flashbacks of Walt and Henry, regarding the mystery of Walt’s wife’s murder. Indians taking care of Walt’s wounded back, and Walt telling Henry that it was a secret not to tell Cady. 
1-Pilot  - Walt lost his wife a year ago. Case: Walt and Vic find a man dead. He was looking for an indian girl, his daughter who ran away and turned into a prostitute. Walt asks Henry’s help to talk to her, and when later hears that “if you want girls, go talk to the indian at the Red Pony” he is upset and goes to Henry asking about it, and of course he’s pretty upset too; still, later he provides informations on “the other indian at the Red Pony”. This guy gets shot while talking to Walt, and Walt gets the shooter, leaving him wounded after getting the info he wants. (Did this murderer die? Did Walt call someone to go get him? He was bleeding but I haven’t seen the wound clearly. Could he drive to find help? Did Walt really leave him there to die?) . They find the girl and they bring her back to her mother at the Reservation. They should be even now, I guess, whatever happened before between Walt and the Indian police. I loved the scene when they met Matthias and first thing first he punched Walt and Vic threw herself at him in a rage and they had to held her, she was great, a lovely scene. I already liked the actress in Battlestar Galactica, she’s good :-) . Walt finds out that his deputy Branch is running for Sheriff. 
2-The dark road - We meet Walt’s daughter. Walt speaks German! Walt asks Vic and Henry who Cady’s dating, and at the end we see that she’s dating Branch, which was not at all surprising. The case: a young girl’s body is found; she’s Mennonites, not Hamish, and Rumspringa is when they go out to see the world and decide if they want to go back or not. Walt notifies Hannah’s dad but the man doesn’t seem to care much about it “she was lost to me long ago” :-/  Walt could not notify her mother because the man wouldn’t let her talk to strangers :-/ Cyrus Brooks was a Mennonites but left at 17. Walt has known him for ten years. He drove her to work to help her, while Davis was in love with her. Hannah had scheduled to secretly meet her mom so Walt goes in her place and guess what, she didn’t know about her death because the husband had not told her! Unlike him, she cries her heart out. When Hannah’s brother found out she was working as a stripper he thought it was his duty to bring her home but she didn’t want to; she ran and he ran after her, and she fell and hit her head and died.
3-A damn shame - There’s a fire, and at first they thought that Ray had died, leaving his wife Alice and his son TJ, but he was actually running away from the mob, and faked his death. When a guy comes to the station asking where Alice is, saying that he’s Federal, Ferg tells him where to find her. He certainly wasn’t, and kept Ray’s family hostage; they get him, but Ray died trying to help, to prove he wasn’t a coward. 
4-The cancer - Two indians are found dead in a river; Henry knew one of them, Freddie Whitehawk, so he’s very touched. Great scene. A cop, Eli, is involved; he worked with Freddie growing and selling pot, but a competitor killed Freddie so Eli shot him. Another one was still around and they shoot him down, Eli and Walt.  
A woman, Lizzie, flirts with Walt, and Vic’s jealous *rollingeyes* I really like Walt and Henry’s friendship :-))  
5-Dog soldier - The disappearance of three Cheyenne children leads to discover how these children are taken from their homes for no good reason and given to white foster parents who take double money for indian children. There’s talk of an Hector, a mysterious figure that helps Cheyenne when they need him. The social worker planned the kidnappings and killed her accomplice, and although Walt has no actual proof he scares her telling her that Hector will come for her, so she prefers surrendering to him. I think the children will go back to the real parents, but I’m not 100% sure. - A woman trafficking children: disgusting :-//
6-The worst kind of hunter - Branch’s uncle is causing trouble at his retirement facility; he was sheriff once.  Henry throws a fundraiser party for Walt :-) but is not happy about Walt’s decision to go after the bear Vic’s married, and says about her husband “he doesn’t care, we fight all the time” and “he wants to move to Australia”; she hates Wyoming, but still she’s mad because he didn’t even ask
A body is found in pieces by to hikers, and it looks like he was killed by a bear. The man, Ed, 12 or 20 years a girl killed a girl, stabbed her 12 times.  Omar agrees to hunt the bear only if Vic goes with him. Vic is shot with a tranquilizer by Pete, the bear expert, who says he was aiming at the bear..  It was for vengeance: a guy (who’s that again?) who lost his job (guard?cop?warden?) because of him , put meat on him to have the bear kill him.
7-8 seconds - Vic’s called in while she was having sex with her husband :p a drunk Walt needs a ride home (seriously? drunk on beer? must be strong stuff!). He had called Lizzie from home, then he felt like he was cheating on his dead wife and hung up, and that’s why he went to the Red Pony and started drinking…  Cady feels guilty keeping her relationship secret, and when she says that maybe if Branch wasn’t competing against her dad it might be easier, he says he could quit the race! He said that and was serious, but she says no, she’d feel even more guilty, and she leaves him instead…  he says he doesn’t want them to be over.. guess he loves her..  and he probably doesn’t care all that much about being sheriff, his father does! It ends with Walt and Lizzie together at the Red Pony… I’m not sure I like her.. 
A man was badly beaten into a coma. Vic tells Walt that Branch might be sleeping with the victim’s wife because he knew about Walt being drunk, but he’s not, we know that! it’s Branch’s father (Gerald McRaney): I so don’t like Branch’s father! A kid beat that man Chris because he was having an affair with his dad; after he kid confessed his mother asked Chris if it was true about the affair… really woman? your son just told you he beat a man almost to death and you ask about the affair? 
8-An incredibly beautiful thing - Case:At a gas station the owner Ellis calls the sheriff’s office after seeing a girl, all dirty and confused, that looked scared. Later he’s found dead and Ruby is very shaken up. The place had a camera so they can see her; she had gone missing two years before in Portland. Walt asks Henry to track the fugitive’s car and Ferg goes with him and actually helps because he collects minerals and knows a lot about that. They find a cabin with a little baby in a rabbit cage. The girl Evelyn is kept prisoner with the animals. She’s called April now, and when another girl named October goes looking for the baby they catch her but have to release her. She also went missing, five years ago. When she sees the baby, she tries to get it and she stabs a social services woman, even tries to stab Cady but Branch stops her. October runs away while Branch worries about Cady; a car picks October up and hits Vic. They finally find the man of this ‘cult’, but not the women; somehow Walt figures out where to find them: the man had put them on the train tracks to be killed, but they save them :-)
Episode after episode we see bits of flashbacks on Walt’s past (did Walt kill his wife’s murderer? Does Henry know because he followed him? we’ll see)
9-Dogs, horses and indians - Walt hears shots on his radio, so he goes to help at the Reservation, and this time the Res cop seems actually glad to see them: “we could use the manpower”. They find the car and the body of the indian man Malcolm. The car is found in Walt’s territory. Matthias had actually found him already before, and had moved the car over the line to involve Walt. 
A motion had passed, at the Tribe Council, that changed the ‘percentage of blood required to be part of the tribe’!  (yeah, people are people everywhere, that’s the bitter truth :-/ ). Malcolm had decided it, wanted it, although I don’t know why or how money are involved, really don’t see how money can come out of it. 
We see Branch playing golf with his father: I really don’t like that man! - Walt finds out about Branch and Cady and confronts him, angry. Branch ‘was’ dating her for six months. Walt is furious, really mad, he says she was “dating Branch behind my back”, come on!!  He was so mad he went to check a place alone, but luckily the squad arrived :-p - Branch tells Cady he doesn’t regret a single moment, and then he says that now he can only do one of two things: either quit or beat Walt, and he’s no quitter…  
10-Unfinished business - A kid is dead, shot with an arrow. He was one of four guys that a year ago raped an indian girl but were found not guilty. When another boy is found dead, the father of one of the remaining two says that he wanted to kill the three boys that made his son rape that girl. He makes an attempt on the third boy’s life to make them believe him and protect his son, but then Rich tries to kill Jake. Walt stops him. Rich says that Jake had a gun to his head to make him rape the poor girl. Rich tries to kill himself then but Walt stops him. 

Walt wakes up on his couch, and Lizzy’s there, and when Vic and Ferg come to pick him up they see her there, and Walt’s kind of upset about that, he didn’t want them to know. Later on Vic asks Lizzy what her intentions with Walt are, and I found this so so annoying, how cliché her having a thing for her boss :-/  Lizzy asks her then. 
Vic hasn’t given Walt the gift that Lizzy brought for him. She just puts on her wedding ring and looks at the gift, but she leaves it in her desk drawer. 
Walt’s phone machine still has the voice of his wife; a year ago she was going thru chemo. 
 A Denver detective comes to talk to Walt: “we’ve found the man that killed your wife”. Before talking to him, Walt  calls Henry. Cady didn’t know that her mother had been murdered, she thought she had died of cancer. Now she knows and is hurt and angry at Walt for never telling her. 
Walt tells her that he was trying to protect her, that her mom didn’t want her to know. 
The Denver detective tells him that he found the body of the man that stabbed her, and asks him if he killed him, and Walt says no.

End of season 1

Walt Longmire - Robert Taylor
Victoria Moretti - Katee Sackhoff
Henry StandingBear - Lou Diamond Phillips    :-D
Cady Longmire - Cassidy Freeman
Ferg - Adam Bartley
Branch Connally - Bailey Chase
Ruby - Louanne Stephens
Jacob NightHorse - A Martinez
Matthias - Zahn McClarnon

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