Two things to say about this movie: Lou Diamond Phillips was really good, the rest was not.
I speak as someone who knew nothing about this terrible story and had never heard of this serial-killer, so I have no say regarding its accuracy. I only talk about the movie as I saw it. LDP's performance as Richard Ramirez was really interesting, the most interesting thing of the whole movie, the only thing that kept me interested in what I was watching.
Bellamy Young plays lawyer Kit, sent to find out if Ramirez also killed a mother and son not listed in his charges. In four days a man will be executed in Texas, for those murders, and having her studied Ramirez a lot, she's sure that he committed them. Kit's character is not interesting at all, she seems so plain and doesn't feel so interested in the case as she says she is. I think this film lacked a lot: the fear and hope of the man in Texas should have replaced all the boring calls from Kit's lawyer friend reminding her of the time passing (specially since they didn't seem to affect her at all); I liked young Kit (Chelle Sherrill) but all those scenes did not explain those strong feelings that adult Kit will tell us later about - the fear he'd come for her for example. We can guess that everybody lived in fear from what the tv news say, but none of that is actually felt; young Ramirez's tragic story is interesting (how he was shown images of war and violence as a child, and how he saw his father shoot his mother in cold blood without care or flinch, tragic experiences that make having a normal life rather difficult but are no excuses for his behaviour because he chose his own path, he chose to rape and kill, he didn't have to - and yet it lacks pathos; mostly though, the problem is with adult Kit's scenes. Her absent look didn't speak of torment or pain or professionalism or any other strong emotion. The importance of her task was not enough felt, like anything she did or said.
I liked the scenes with Richard (LDP) though: how little he cared, how nonchalantly he spoke of his being evil and his wish to be pure 100% evil, and how he waited until she confessed her secret before revealing her that yes, he killed the mother and son at that hotel; he said it as if he had to, give and take, that kind of stuff, not to repent or to save someone. When she asked for more, "just you and me" with his dying breath he told her he did not care for her or her sad story, that she was nothing; he said it to enjoy his power over her and his evil nature one last time.
The end had a sadly ironic line, when her mother said that in those terrible days of fear she wanted to have her at home where she was safe, not knowing that the worst thing that ever happened to her happened at home, when her mom's boyfriend raped her.
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