It was good :-) I liked it enough :-) although I hoped for something a little more for some characters: Lois Lane for example, was in it just because there must be a Lois Lane every time there is a Superman, but her character was rather useless, unfortunately.
I liked Batman much more than Superman, but then again I always do, Batman is my favourite DC hero. Ben Affleck here was a rather dark Batman, with no illusions on what kind of world this is, very much still in pain for his parents’ loss, and sort of determined to save the world or die trying, since he wants to save it from Superman… the premises for this movie is that the big fight between the men from Krypton had serious repercussions on Earth, and many people died, and Bruce Wayne was there when it happened and saw them in the sky and blamed them both.
Superman (Henry Cavill) was rather plain, but with his story a bit more interesting: as we find out half way through, Lex Luthor planned his troubles very carefully as to make Superman look like the bad guy here. Things went apparently a bit wrong when he came as usual in Lois Lane’s rescue, against a bunch of terrorists that she was supposed to interview, so now people question his right to act as a God as he does. Senator Finch (Holly Hunter) thinks that he shouldn’t decide it all by himself, but is not against him and opposes Luthor and his project of using Kryptonite to make weapons that might kill him.
Superman himself starts questioning what he does, but he has the love and support of Lois. (I so didn’t like the scene in the bath, when he joins her throwing water all over the apartment :-/ such a mess :-/ )
Laurence Fishburne played Perry White, Clark’s boss, but although he did it well as usual it’s not a part that leaves a mark.
On the contrary, Alfred was adorable. Jeremy Irons as Alfred had a relatively small role, as Alfred always has, but it was a lovely one, as it should be. In this movie even more so, because Bruce is going dark, is oppressed, is in a dark place struggling so much to find the light he’s almost giving up on it, and Alfred is like his heart and soul, trying to reach inside him and bring him to his senses.
At the beginning, Batman is like an outlaw, even if he’s working against criminals he sort of acts like one, and then he tells Alfred that they’re criminals, always have been, nothing has changed, and Alfred disagrees, says that everything’s changed now that men fall from the sky (meaning superman?) and gods throw lightning ( who does, now? not Thor, that’s another universe..). Later on Alfred also makes a comment meaning that he wishes Bruce would get a life and have children.
Bruce’s hard way of exercising, using weighs that way, reminded me so much about Mila Azuki cleaning the gym to strengthen her legs :-p
Batman makes weapons with Kryptonite, but I thought he had been stopped from trying to steal it from Luthor, and yet it seems he has a lot so he must have taken it somehow… :-/
When Superman appears in court, while they have to reach a decision about him, a suicide-bomber man sent by Luthor blows up the entire place, and instantly people on the street turn against him, instantly forgetting all those he has saved, because people are like that :-/
Having already seen the Wonder Woman movie, as soon as I was Gal Gadot I knew who she was, but the fact that I had already seen her movie kind of ruined the surprise here, because I was expecting her to act differently, more promptly. When Bruce shared with her the data retrieved at Luthor’s house, showing that he was trying to find all ‘superheroes’, she probably thinks she’s been found out and needs to get away and boards a plane, and I was so disappointed that she had not taken part in the battle yet. Of course, if I had not known her as I do now, it would have been different, probably. Anyway, she gets off the plane and joins the big battle at the end :-)
First little battle between Batman and Superman was something Bruce didn’t expect, wasn’t prepared for, so he was ineffective in trying to run him over (like hitting a wall..), and Superman let him go because he’s generous, but Batman is so angry and dark he asks him if he bleeds and promises him that he will…. but he prepares well for the second one. He invites Superman to fight him using the bat-signal, and Superman goes because Luthor has abducted his mother asking Batman’s head as ransom. Lois is very worried when he tells her he’ll try to reason with him or take his head, that nobody stays pure in this world, something like that.
He’s very confident in himself, of course, having the superpowers that he has, but Batman is better. Not just the robocop-like armor that he wears, but because he’s smart! He planned it well, using traps and Kryptonite to weaken him, and stuff. They fight on a more equal level now, and Batman is winning, and is about to kill him even, when Superman tells him to save Martha, begs him I’d say. He’s probably thinking that he’s about to die and if he does there’ll be no-one to save her and she’ll die, and he doesn’t want that. Bruce stops right there, Kryptonite-spear in hand, surprised to hear that name, yelling at him why did he say that, why did he say that name, but he doesn’t seem to have the strength to answer, but Lois runs in to stop Batman and tells him that Martha is Clark’s mother name. Apparently Martha Kent and Martha Wayne had the same name!! Didn’t know that!
Things change now, Bruce won’t let ‘Martha’ die, not ‘again’, so they become suddenly friends. Batman goes to save Martha while Superman goes to Luthor. Of course Batman saves her, no doubt about that, and the best line of the movie is hers, when he tells her not to worry because he’s a friend of her son, and she replies that she kind of figured that out, from the cape :-p
Now, this isn’t the end, because Luthor had previously taken Zod’s corpse to their ship and used his own blood to perform some kind of prohibited procedure, or ritual, or whatever, to sort of bring him back to life, although very different: a monster that he calls Doomsday *rollingeyes*
Honestly, Doomsday seems like a uruk-hai/hulk hybrid :-p
Superman and Doomsday fight a terrible fight, and two missiles are launched against them. Only Superman appears to be dead in space, but then his face regains colour and he comes back as if nothing happened.
Doomsday on the other hand seems to enjoy the power of the missiles, and the fight goes on. Wonder Woman appears just in time to save Batman, and then they fight side by side, all three of them when Superman joins them.
Time for a small funny scene when Batman and Superman wonder about her, like ‘is she with you?’, ‘no I thought she was with you’ :-p nope boys, she’s no man’s sidekick, she’s a force of her own ( wanting and needing a man are very different things anyway grrr)
A little thing that I loved is that Wonder Woman seemed like the only one who knew what to do, in a way, I mean after all she's the only trained fighter, they are just a rich man with smart toys and an alien with powers :lol:
Again Superman stops fighting for a brief rescue of Lois, then he takes the spears and still has the strength to fly towards Doomsday and kill him with it. Wonder Woman was managing to keep him rather still with her magical rope, and I don’t remember what Batman was doing, but when Superman killed him, he got stabbed too, and it seems like he died. We see Lois and Martha mourn him, and since obviously Clark was also declared dead, there is a funeral for him, and we see Bruce telling Diana ( WW of course) that they’re honoring an empty grave… so this means that Superman is dead, Clark too but since his body was obviously not found they buried an empty grave?
At the very end, Bruce tells Diana to help him find all the metahumans that were listed in Luthor’s files, so to form a team to protect the world now that Superman can’t do it anymore…
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