domenica 28 gennaio 2018

Jack Reacher - 2012

It was nice enough, not bad, a good action movie. I think Tom Cruise is a nice enough choice here, because people in the film look at him and sort of laugh at his over-confidence, what they think it is, but then he kicks their butts in a second :-p There are other actors but the movie is really all about him. 
A little detail that I don’t like is how they trick you, in a dishonest way in my opinion, because they make you see something and then they tell you it never happened :-/ This really annoys me. 
Story: a sniper shoots five random people in a park. Detective Emerson (David Oyelowo) is on the case: he finds the place immediately, where the guy parked his car to shoot, and he retrieves a coin that was used to pay for the parking space. 
Fingerprints on the coin lead him to arrest James Barr (Joseph Sikora); instead of making any kind of statement, Barr only writes “get Jack Reacher” and says nothing. 
Emerson talks to the DA (Richard Jenkins) about it, wondering who this man is and how can they find him since he appears to be a ghost: no mail no cell, no address… they only know that he was in the military. Emerson says it’s impossible to find him if he doesn’t want to be found, and right at that moment Jack Reacher (Cruise) comes looking for them. 
He wants to see Barr but can’t talk to him because he’s now in a coma after they let some prisoner beat him. 
Reacher says he’s not here to help him, they’re not friends, he’s here to nail him once and for all. 
The DA’s daughter is Barr’s defence lawyer, against the death-penalty: Helen (Rosamund Pike). She wants Reacher to help her with the case. Reacher tells her Barr’s story: he joined the military and became a sniper because he wanted to kill people legally, but after two years of war he never received the order and never fired one shot, so he simply killed four contractors, just four random men, but he got away with it because it came out that those ‘men’ had just spent the night raping women, so the whole thing was shut up. She still wants Barr to have a fair chance at not being killed by the State, and eventually Reacher accepts, because something’s not right and he wants to understand how things really went.
A guy (Michael Raymond-James) follows him around to check his every move, and when he can’t reach on the phone his bosses, he takes an initiative that will cost him his life, ‘cause those people didn’t like his ‘initiative’: he paid some guys to beat Reacher up, thinking that five guys would be enough… so these guys pick a fight with him at a bar, dumb enough to not wonder why Jack never looks scared or even a little bit concerned, obviously thinking he’s the dumb one, like dumb people always do, until Jack beats them up in a second. 
Jack’s put in jail but Helen gets him out. Jack keeps investigating, going after those guys to learn who paid them (and two guys with baseball bats couldn’t stop him, not even the third one with a gun… and Jack fought them after getting hit in the head once with the bat…)
The fact that someone wants to stop him from looking into this whole thing makes him even more sure that something’s not right. Things don’t make sense: the place that Barr supposedly chose was a bad one, with the sun in his eyes, and the fact that he paid the parking and even missed a shot… Jack becomes convinced that this time he’s innocent, someone who knew his past framed him for this, and also that it was not a random shooting: they had a specific target, and killed four other people to cover it up.. they wanted to kill a woman that stubbornly refused to sell her dead husband’s company: Oline Archer.
Helen at first doesn’t believe his innocence, and anyway says that she’s just a lawyer, not a cop. 
The bad guys kill a girl to frame Jack, who had spoken to her shortly before. There’s a car-chase scene, when Jack tries to escape the cops looking for him, but also to catch the bad guys who were following him. It was a nice scene when he joined some people on the street to avoid the cops, and when the cops arrive the men there covered him: one gave him his cap, another one stood in front of him :-p
He calls Helen, tells her that someone wants him to stop investigating but he won’t, and also that someone betrayed, and that only three people knew of him being on this job: Helen, her dad and Emerson. Since her dad repeatedly told her to stay away from Jack, she starts suspecting him.
So, it’s Emerson: right after her talk with her dad, Emerson attacks her and gives her to the bad guys that use her as an hostage, a bait to lure Jack to them. Jack calls them - well, he calls Helen’s phone and they answer: at first he says I have proof and will go to the feds, then calls again and makes a rather good speech on the fact that if they hurt her in anyway he’ll disappear for now but will always be hunting them because he’s nothing else to do and they’ll be scared… something like that, it sounded better in his own words.
He calls the guy that owns the firing range place for backup, and he brings him a knife… (Robert Duvall  :-D )
Of course Jack goes right away to save her; he gets everyone outside, but when it comes to the young guy we knew, I don’t remember the name but he was the actual sniper, he throws down the gun he had taken off somebody, and they hand-fight… :-/
Come to think of it, I don’t remember how it ends; I mean, of course Jack wins, but does the other guy die or not?
Jack goes to save Helen: Emerson is hiding behind her pointing his gun at the door, and yet as Jack comes in he’s able to shoot Emerson dead without getting a single scratch… the only one left is the old guy, the one that survived bad prisons in Russia or something, and Jack shoots him in cold blood to avoid him getting away with it.
After that, Jack goes away. 
When Barr wakes up, he doesn’t remember a thing, he knows only what he heard from people talking, and he’s sure that if they say he did it then he probably did it, because he’s done it before, and he cries, saying nobody can protect him because ‘there is a man’… yep, Jack, who promised him that if he made another mistake he would come for him… :-p as he did..
Helen tells him she’ll take care of him :-)
Honestly I would have gladly done without all the sexual innuendo, like everytime he came closer to her, or when he took his shirt off  because his own was wet and didn’t have another one, stuff like that as if she had nothing else to think about… :-/ But, I’m glad that they didn’t go for it, and there is no romance between them two. Good. 
ITA Jack Reacher la prova decisiva

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