venerdì 20 novembre 2015

Chloe - 2009

What a stupid ending. It annoys me when they do this things: make things difficult without really knowing how to resolve the situation, so they just end it abruptly and without a reasonable mean. The story: Catherine (Julianne Moore) is a doctor married to David (Liam Neeson) , a professor. For his birthday she's planning a surprise party, but he hates the idea and misses his flight and the party. Catherine goes out of her mind, she thinks he's unfaithful, and when she meets young beautiful Chloe (Amanda Seyfried) she hires her to flirt with her husband, to tempt him to see his reaction. Chloe tells Catherine every detail: at first he flirted, then met her in an isolated garden and kissed her, then another time she met him in a hotel room to have sex. Catherine hears it all, it's absurd to watch her standing there, hearing these things, but we had seen nothing of what Chloe was telling her about, and was not difficult to suspect that she was making it up, and then Chloe kissed her. Clearly Chloe wanted her, but Catherine never suspected the truth of her words, and for some reason she met her again and spent the night with her. She has become the only cheater in the family now, and of course David suspects her to have an affair. Catherine would like now to stop any relation with Chloe, but Chloe doesn't accept to be discarded with a cheque, and keeps calling her. Catherine is tired of lies and sets a date with Chloe, also calling David. She tells David she wants to get clear, wants a new honesty between them; when Chloe arrives and sees them both, she goes away, but Catherine is shocked to see absolute indifference in David's face when he asks her who that girl is. Catherine tells him everything, of how she felt old and insignificant while he was every day more handsome, and they made up. She had believed all Chloe's lies, but now she wants a new chance with him. Chloe however won't just go away like that: she goes to their house where their son Michael is alone, and has sex with him in his parents' bed. Catherine arrives to see them asleep in bed and Chloe starts telling her she can't just discard her like that, order her to disappear when she wants. They argue, Chloe tells her she loves her, and demands a kiss, threatening her with her pointed hair pin. While she's kissing her, Catherine notices her son watching and startles, causing Chloe to fall back and break the window. We clearly see that Chloe had been able to get hold of the wall, but she intentionally let go and fell back to her death, and you know what this is? The happy solution! The happy ending! Isn't it absurd? Chloe's body is taken away, the troublemaker won't bother Catherine and David ever again and the family is happily reunited  and Catherine wears Chloe's hair pin, for whatever reason! It's absurd this ending. The police make no questions about Chloe's death, Chloe simply chose to kill herself for no particular reason, thus doing exactly what she said she didn't want: she left Catherine. The only thing she obtained is that Catherine will never forget her now. Honestly, Catherine would have never forgotten that whole story anyway, Chloe killing herself makes no sense at all. On the contrary, it is so unlike-her. A stupid, simplistic ending.

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