venerdì 27 novembre 2015

Mystic Pizza - 1988

A nice little film. I like it now as I liked it when I was as little girl, with the little difference that now I appreciate better how sexy Vincent D'Onofrio looked here. I mean, he was less than thirty and had not yet exploded. He's always handsome, but here he was sexy :-) The story is simple and predictable, very easily from the beginning. Only a few minutes of the movie are gone and we know everything already. First-We've seen Jojo (Lili Taylor) fainting and therefore not marrying her boyfriend Bill or Billy (Vincent D'Onofrio) and yet confessing to her best friends to be crazy about him: "I get really turned on just looking at his wrists"; Second-We've seen Kat (Annabeth Gish) the serious girl, future Yale student accepting lots of jobs to make money, and among them a babysitting job. As soon as I saw Tim (William R. Moses), so cute and even sweet with his little daughter, it was all there; she looked at him with the if-I-weren't-a-serious-girl-who-has-never-done-these-things-I'd-jump-on-you-right-now look, and since we learn immediately that he's married, there can be no surprise, right? She falls for him, has a little affair, then his wife comes back and Kat's heart is hurting. Obviously. Third-We've seen Daisy (Julia Roberts) feeling hopelessly trapped in her waitress job, glancing or better staring invitingly at the blonde rich stranger that enters the pub. Again, no doubts are possible: Charles (Adam Storke) falls for her irresistible smile, of course. A bit of rich-spoiled-guy versus poor-working-girl conflict, and the inevitable happy ending. It is indeed very predictable, but it doesn't really matter because the charm of this film stays, it's in the girls' friendship, in their deciding what their adult lives are going to be, in the characters of the three girls, so very different, it's in the nice happy ending. I liked the village of Mystic where poor people are either fishermen or waitresses. A funny scene is when Daisy is dining with Charles' family, and being them rich they all get served lobsters, but Daisy's mom brings lobsters home all the time from work and she's kinda sick of them :lol:
There's a scene when Daisy wrongly things Charles is cheating on her and fills his red porsche with wet fish, completely covering it, and she's right saying "you're weird" to him. She ruined his porsche and he seemed even more charmed than before by her :-/ The pizza place was owned by Leona (Conchata Ferrell) a very nice woman, and her special "Mystic pizza" gets a fantastic review on tv, so happy ending even for her. She was sweet at the end telling Kat that them three girls are like daughters to her.
Jojo and Bill's relationship was nice too, so crazy about each other, and yet Bill left her because she refused to marry him, scared to death by marriage, and he thought she did not love him like he loved her, but of course she does, so the movie ends at her wedding party :-) The only thing I didn't like is how angry Daisy was at Kat the one time that Kat left her working alone to go with Tim, and Daisy missed a meeting with Charles' parents. It's a thing I didn't like about the character, not about the movie. Daisy always make Kat do what she wanted, and the only time they exchange roles she gets mad. Not nice at all, but sisters often fight for things like this. All was forgiven when Daisy was there for her to console her broken heart.
My favourite story is Jojo's: both so much in love, their almost-sex scene is both sexy and funny, Bill leaving her after yelling at her face and in front of other fishermen "I'm telling you that I love you and all you love is my dick, do you know how that makes me feel? Do ya?", Jojo in tears after that, coming to terms with how much she really loves him, and the two of the dancing at their wedding party. Yep, he looked sexy dancing :-) and I also love how easily Bill lifts her :-D
I cared little for Charles, but that's okay, I liked the fact that there were three stories, more or less equally important.
It's a sort of coming-of-age movie; there are dozens of movies like this with male lead characters (usually more vulgar and silly though) but Mystic Pizza was all about the girls :-)
I went on the internet and found a brief interview with the cast reunited maybe in 2013 or so, and I can say this: they still look damn cute, all of them; when they got asked who was the most intense actor of the group and the three girls said Vince at the same time I laughed too :lol: maybe just because of the way they said it together made it funny I guess. Is it makeup or what, but the girls look so much the same, specially Lily. Annabeth even looks better now. William is the same and Vincent has exploded a bit so his face had doubled, but he was  still charming and I like his smile a lot :-)

I had not recognized a young Matt Damon as Charles' brother.

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